Impulsive buying be like. to ADHD – 860 points –

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The trick for me to reduce impulse buys is to see if I want to buy the thing 3 days in a row. If I kept thinking about buying the thing on the third day, I'll buy it.

I do just about the same thing, but force myself to put an equal amount of money into long term savings before I actually buy it. If I'm not willing to spend twice the price on something, do I really need it?

So what you're saying is that I should get that $400 thermal camera, then...

I got a $250 one and it helped see where I had a water leak in the wall.

I too, ended up buying the power armor 18T after telling myself not to impulse buy a thermal camera phone for 3 days

For me if i want something but i'm not sure if i should buy it. I just forget about it. If i want it again in the future i think about it but forget it again. After that i might think about it again and get it that time. XD