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Joined 12 months ago

And he thinks TL;DRs are for kids with ADHD. Totally egotistic. I'm sure his whole point can be heavily TL;DR'd.

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That was a fucking depressing article. How can they be this evil?

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I think it is just a matter of convenience. Very few people buy lasers to aim them at airplanes. Give everyone a laser and you'll get a thousand reports of people aiming lasers at their plane.

The real treasure was the torrents we downloaded along the way.

I see a fellow social democrat and I upvote.

People here think that if you agree with private property and private incentive then you suck billionaires d*cks.

Man, there is a whole spectrum that is much more realistic than pure communism or socialism.

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I know this is a bad take, but my hate for PHP is why I'm in Lemmy.

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YouTube shorts are awful. Most of them are just incomplete YouTube videos.

I see you don't have hot cousins /s

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Twist his dick!!!

Already downloaded 4tb of movies and shows :)

Don't forget to seed!

Why would they need you to send a message to collect your IP? They can send any request to their servers. Plus, what can they do with the public IP? Just know your general location, that's it. It's not like it tells them exactly where you live.

But that's a YouTube problem, not a copyright problem, right?

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No humor in Lemmy, please.

Please keep in mind that every extension you install is an attack vector for hackers. Just because an extension does something cool doesn't mean you should install it.

Please stick with the most used extensions, the ones that Mozilla recommends. This is for your safety.

Sir, I'm in pain.

Why do we need to bring the fediverse to the masses though?

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Are upvotes for agreement ok though? Or should upvotes be reserved for quality content?

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Why the F would they kill Google Domains. Don't they own a freaking cloud? How is having a registrar not essential when you own a cloud?

Damn, that page is so interesting. Thanks for the rabbit hole.

Holy shit, Google has ADHD.

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All Nolan movies, except Tenet.

Wow! Great job man!

Actual question. Isn't installing stuff from third party repos like super dangerous? The package scripts run with root access, right?

So, I guess you could tell if the hash of the package matches the hash of the code after you build it... But, what about upgrades on that package after it is installed? They could change the setup scripts and screw a lot of people right?

Not saying these guys do it, just wondering about security stuff.

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People know what they are getting into when they but this products. Still, they make the surprised Pikachu face when they charge them 1000 for a simple repair.

I understand this is a matter of legislation, but we also need to hold consumers responsible for their stupidity. This isn't a secret, this isn't hidden, everyone knows that Apple Apples.

I'm so grateful for living in a society that lacks this technology. Imagine being arrested out of nowhere because a machine said you were going to do something bad in a year from now.

Hell, imagine not even knowing what you were going to do, but the algorithm said so.

They don't realize how much they fucked up when they forced users to download the Bing app in order to use GPT in Bing.

They had the perfect chance to hijack Google by making users switch their default search engine in Chrome. But no, they had to get greedy as fuck, and now Bing is dead again.

They went all-in and lost. Who is using Bing search now? Nobody, people want to use Chrome.

I'd have probably used Bing for a longer time and maybe would have gotten used to it (only for GPT) if they hadn't forced me to download their app.

Ain't nobody got time for that 🎶

It's strange how seeing a man in a skirt or kilt feels so off. Like, my brain just fires an alert for some reason. It's just a freaking piece of cloth, wtf.

We are so brainwashed.

Isn't Twitter's free speech kinda the same as Fediverse or Reddit's free speech? Pretty sure if someone says something homophobic or transphobic in here, they'll get kicked out (which, for me, is good. Keep reading). It's free speech for the people that align with the admin ideals. I see nothing wrong with it besides the echo chamber effect, but at least people can create spaces where they feel safe.

Someone could argue "but Lemmy also has right wing instances". Then just imagine Twitter is a right wing instance of Mastodon that has been defederated. And that's what the free market is about. The free market is a fediverse and a company is an instance, you can create an instance and put whatever rules you want in it. It's up to everyone else if they want to use it or federate with it. Twitter just "defederated" Threads. How is that different from a Lemmy instance defederating other instances?

Is it against free speech when Lemmy admins kick right-wing people or defederated right-wing instances? I think it is against free speech, but I don't think everyone needs to allow free speech in their home. Go ahead and kick out the people you consider offensive. I believe Lemmy and private companies should have the right to do this.

I do agree, it's his company. He can create his own rules. I don't agree with his rules, so I don't use the service.

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And then I'd have to time travel to fuck Hitler's dad's mom. I didn't make the rules, I just enjoy them.

TIL "culpable" is an English word too. Culpable means guilty in Spanish and I thought you were a Spanish speaker doing spanglish. Now I know you're just a man of culture.

You just need to use them for a few weeks to get used. Then you won't be able to go back.

I think sometimes people just want others to go straight to the point. I don't want to hear the personal stories of this guy, just rambling about his past and his skills.

Maybe he could say the premise and a conclusion. Then explain why he reached that conclusion. But no, he chose to torture you with personal anecdotes to get to a point he could have summarized in a few words.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is so evil about what was written in the document? To me it just sounded like the guy was bragging about their dominance.

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There are very weird limitations in IPhone apps. The only reason I'd buy an IPhone would be the photo quality. But I don't take photos so mhe.


I feel they'd make more money that way too. I'd pay for YT but I don't because I love Spotify, so I feel like I'm paying for something I already have.

They could market it to anorexic people and make a profit. Puking while having fun.

Sorry, I'll let myself out.

Here I go again, pooping the party!

There's literally a whole metallic pan between the heat source and the rice. Unless lizard flavor can go through metal, this makes no sense.

Call me anytime you need some poop on a party. Bye.

The whole attitude just ruined it for me. He went full "get ready to hear this 2h long story about my times and how awful current generations are. And no, you're not allowed to go to the bathroom while I talk" grandpa style.

They run jq queries in shell to get user data

Ah yeha, sorry, didn't read the Mobile Services Manager. But this is a common malware attack though.

Just create an alias that filters loop devices. I mean, if this is your only problem with snap, you can fix it in a second. But I'm betting you have other problems with it.