RedEye FlightControl

1 Post – 140 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mfg, Nerd, #Entgineer, & #GladScientist, 🛸lifting minds to otherworldly realms with the power of physics 👽 #BecomeABeliever #GoForADryV #SeeTheLight

Not always true, I bought a smart talk phone for my kid and the phone was paid in full at the time of purchase. It's still carrier locked 5 years later because they say "it wasn't in service for x amount of time and therefore isn't eligible". I even reported this to the FCC, opened a case, and they did fuckall and closed the report.

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It was active for about 3 months, until she broke the screen. I replaced her device and put the phone on the shelf. I replaced the screen and digitizer a year later when I needed a spare handset and they told me "it had never been on network" and was ineligible for being unlocked. Which is bullshit because the phone was bought and paid for at the time I purchased it in a box at the store with a prepaid card. As far as I'm concerned, straight talk still owes me 200$. Even if the phone was NEVER activated, I still own it outright, making it mine to do with what I please.

Do it. I dare ya. Keep digging. It's fun watching the hole get deeper while you disappear into the darkness.

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This brings them to about mid 90's tech... They'll be able to make microwave ovens, tamagotchis, and a counterfeit N64 that runs a game called "Mushroom Plumber 3D"

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.01 Jiggawats short...

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Don't worry about those bumps in your hood. It's just engine parts pushing into the sheet metal.

But I want a perfect hood


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Perhaps if the ceo wasn't making like 200m a year, it would show some profits

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I have rematched controllers to displays in the past. It's neither simple nor easy. You'll need to dig through spec sheets to ensure you're sending the correct signals over the correct pinouts, at the correct frequencies and voltages. Be prepared to read some IO documentation for the sending and receiving chipsts, then verify pinouts with certainty. They are not always standard.

Here are 2 identical LCDs, with 2 very similar, nearly identical looking controllers. Note that one needed to be re-wired. It is not fun butt-connecting 2 dozen 28ga wires.

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Victim complex / projection

I've never seen science try to take away people's rights, let alone thoughts.

I've seen religion do both, though.

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This is all by design. Once they have you/us/them captured again, we're going to take another trip around the "raise prices and squeeze services until it's unsustainable, because shareholder and CEO profit". It has all happened before and it will all happen again.

The cloud is just someone else's computer. The uber is just someone else's car. Streaming is just someone else's media library. They have you right where they want you, dependent on them.

Still looking for that backup of that disk with my bitcoin wallet from the early days... sadly probably gone forever.

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It's a prediction. Predictions aren't always 100% accurate.

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Not just mean. Dismissive, rude, condescending. It is disgusting that a politician can do this to a bunch of kids looking to brighten their future. Disgusting. You could just see the hope disappear from those kids' eyes.

Disagree. We're enjoying watching our collective ex trainwreck. The chatter will die down soon, let us laugh a little and we'll move on :)

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I was a poor college student and had access to engineering samples from a local manufacturer. Discarded parts gave me twin 15" LCDs for free in the mid 00's. Also, to see if I could. It was a fun challenge. These are different revs of a controller that were outfitted in several slot machine prototypes. They gave me many years of service. I probably still have inkjet prints of the pinout and signal diagrams, somewhere.

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"There is no spoon"

This was when BTC was like 5 cents and no one had learned this lesson yet.

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I don't see anyone mentioning DARK yet.

Probably one of the absolute BEST series I've ever watched. The ending was SO good.

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When hackers/IT people in a movie have a fully mobilzed datacetner/networking/rack gear they've seemingly configured in a matter of minutes or hours, not days or weeks. Forget stabilizing custom software, too. It just works. AND you can hack any protocol with it!

When hackers/IT people in a movie work in a room that has a bunch of server racks blinking away and it's not 90db of whirring fan noise. Datacenters are LOUD.

I switched a while back for the same reason, in a completely different scenario. Google is playing themselves.

The day HP locked all firmware and driver downloads behind active contracts was the day I stopped buying it.

I can go on Dell's website and download drivers for a server I bought in 2004. For free. By just putting the service tag in.

Don't even get me started on HP's partsurfer or warranty websites. It's a mire of hundreds of subdomains, none of which are actually managed properly.

It's no wonder they're swirling the drain. They are blatantly anti-consumer and anti-corporation.

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RIP MF DOOM, you legend

I would be skeptical that it wouldn't become a dumpster fire overnight.

Tweeting will now be called x'ing I guess. Let him ruin his little garbage patch. Meh.

Trump couldn't teach Socrates how to pour water out of a boot, even if the free hamberder coupon was taped to the heel.

Reference to Logan's Run. Life ends at a certain age so resources are never over consumed.

Capricorn15. Today is LastDay. It is time to renew at Carousel.

Edit: Sauce

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You think they're going to send notices to ex-customers? I was an ATT customer for 2 decades and switched a few years ago. I'm wondering if I'm compromised, but won't get notice because I'm not technically an active customer.

You never heard of his alter ego, Terry Cruz?

I'm going to call it Grimes now

it's Elon Musk's x

My understanding is that Google "rates" its leaders by the number and types of projects they develop. Ergo there are a lot of people working on disparate items that often overlap, because it's "their" project. Once the project completes, they get their credit, stop caring, and move on to the next. It is said this is why google creates then kills so much. It's by design, essentially. The products they keep are the ones that make the most ad revenue.

Piriform was a very trustworthy tool developer until it was surreptitiously bought by a chinese company and immediately turned into a virus for the next release. It instantly lost its trust and has been garbage since that day.

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It was more like "We need to closec the api in order to protect our profits from the use of your data"

A few more I really love. I'll add more as I remember them (there are many and I can't remember them all now)

Orphan Black


Midnight Gospel


Fringe - All openings

Gravity Falls

The Good Place

Hifi Audio (headphones in my case) very easy to spend thousands on gear, upgrades, the latest processor or driver technology.

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Congrats Minnesota!!!

Monkeys flinging shit: the science version

There was a kid at my high school who was famous for wrecking 7 cars his senior year. Parents just kept buying him new ones. Like, brand new. Off the lot. It was insane.

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They're probably still bolting the loose panels back on.

Would you want to ride in that Boeing rattletrap? I wouldn't.

Yeah no kidding, paying for unraid?

TrueNAS (formerly FreeNAS) keeps getting better, for free. It does most of the same tricks that the big boy appliances do, but with your commodity hardware, at no cost.

And it does all this exceedingly well. AND if you want.. you can buy support. At your discretion.