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man if your clothes look dragged through bushes i think you need to reconsider your washing and storage routine, my clothes just have minor creases and the fanciest part of my routine is rolling things up before stuffing them in a drawer.

why do wrinkly clothes matter in the least? who gives a flying fuck about it?

do you polish your shoes too? i personally don't want to feel like a ken doll

as a swede i am legally obligated to vomit at the idea of school uniforms

you implying that's bad?


i mean psilocybin (administered by a professional and in a safe environment) is actually documented to work for some people, so maybe hold out for that instead of drugs that may well be 50% drain cleaner depending on where you get it?

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perhaps one day humanity will finally learn that people are different, and forcing everyone to do exactly the same things will never work out well for either party.

and it's not just that it makes people miserable and maybe even actually harms them, it's also just an inefficient use of resources!

bond name's the james

in swedish i think we've just gone from "fv" to "v", somehow

very common example since it's in old surnames: hufvud > huvud

i mean you can apply makeup that doesn't look like a mask, it's the old adage of "if you're not aware of it, it's done right"

i like the idea that high society women would make breakfast, maybe they'd play at it but the actual breakfast would be made by lower class servants.

convenient when i suddenly need to take a dump as well

have you ever considered not being a dick about things? You're not the ultimate arbiter of what's difficult, other people experience things differently and for me the constant hashtags and the way these people write most certainly makes the dense sections difficult to parse.

Do you just like, burst into flames when you encounter dyslexic people?

lmao AI and crypto people are so predicable in their use of marketing language and hashtags, it astounds me that anyone can make sense of that word salad

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people who seriously think stuff like that is real don't subscribe to the same model of reality as we do, they just merrily invent models to describe things in whatever way enables their delusions.

they don't think of radio as anything so fancy as waves or particles, it's just a nebulous concept that works however they need it to for them to justify their insane beliefs.

that, or they interpret it as you going in for a snuggle and just start petting themselves on your finger

it's the visual equivalent of comedically cut videos

here in sweden a goodly chunk of surnames are just straight up made up, shit like "nyquist" which even at the time was a hilariously pretentious way to spell "nykvist" and just means "new branch".

75% bottom left, 20% top left, 5% bottom right

peas were given to us by god almighty to just toss into any meal so that no one can have an excuse for not eating some kind of green vegetable.

at least they explored the power dynamics, like yeah if some people are just mundane, some people can fucking shoot fire from their hands or make the ground swallow you whole, and ONE person is effectively just a god, then it makes sense for a lot of the mundane people to just want this all to stop because that's fucking terrifying.

But also there are (were?) things in the avatar universe that mitigate the power imbalance, like the avatars being raised to recognize that they have an extreme responsibility to use their powers wisely, and thanks to the whole reincarnation thing it'd presumably be difficult for the avatar to suddenly become evil since every previous avatar would screech at them and for all we know they could just force the avatar state to send the body to its death and exiting the avatar state just before death.

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and nothing has gone wrong in the rest of the world either, definitely do not look at the quality of life in america, ignore the fact that a significant amount of americans are illiterate.

literally like half of my diet is just frying some diced potatoes, onions, meat, and (undiced) frozen peas with some spices.

It's called "pyttipanna" and is basically the nordic equivalent of fried rice, traditionally made from leftovers and these days i can just buy frozen packets of it (minus the peas) for extremely cheap.

I think of it as human kibble: i'm pretty sure it has every nutrient you need in a pretty decent balance, it's cheap and trivial to prepare, and it's so tasty that i can basically eat it every single day (though some variety is still nice, throw in some pickled beets and a fried egg every now and then at least)

the webnovel Delve on royalroad is specifically about this, the main character is just a neurodivergent dude who gets isekaied to a world with an (artificial) rpg system and through the mystical arts of autistic hyperfocus he figures out how to break the system over his knees and share it with others.

in later parts of the story he and his friends found an organization specifically to level people up and they have to figure out how to set up the structure to be as democratic as possible while still recognizing the fact that they depend on the few most powerful individuals to make the whole thing work for the time being.

horse maybe, but donkey? they're very specifically working creatures and using them for anything other than pet food wouldn't make sense.


eternally grateful to live in a place where people are more likely to help retail workers do their job

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and this is why i basically ignore online shopping except for a few things, it's utter nonsense and almost certainly completely automated with chatgpt at this point, you might as well donate to the church and pray that god puts your desired item in the mail before sunday.

chaotic good fae, bound by their nature to help anyone they reasonably can

great idea for a paladin honestly:
No patron, just their inherent nature that compels them to do good and they level up from doing good. Bonus points if they're slightly reluctant about it, but like it is their nature so they still like doing it but every time they see someone struggling with something they and their party sighs because they have to spend 10 minutes helping out unless they can come up with a good excuse not to.

if you really want to maximize your london experience you should rent a closet in a hallway for £5000 per month

just looks like image upscaling to me, presumably the original text was like 5 pixels per letter.

note how most corners are smoothened out into curves, that's typical of algorithms that try to be smart about upscaling.

reminder that every time people complain about wokeness they're literally just complaining about being conscious about systemic racism, because that's what woke means.

Just replace "woke" with "being a decent person" and it becomes pretty clear what these people want.

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i'm gonna go out on a limb and wager that this is an utterly insignificant effect compared to how healthy it is to eat fruits.

Like obviously people have been healthy while consuming banana smoothies, you're probably going to suffer more from stressing out about minute stuff like this than any possible negative health effects consuming it could bring..

Not just barns, the stereotypical swedish red houses with white detailing exist pretty much because of a single copper mine in the town Falun, where they got so much leftover product to turn into paint that it basically supplied the entire country even to this day.


That town also spawned the equally stereotypical (though less internationally known) Falu sausage, which is probably one of the most popular meat products here.


And lastly to hammer home how insanely important this mine has been: It has been continously mined from like year 800 up until the 90's, has been the source of a lot of improvements to global mining technology, and as of 2001 it is a UNESCO world heritage site.
It's honestly kind of weird it's not more well known, and i HIGHLY recommend visiting the museum and going on a tour through the actual mine itself.

You can get there by train comfortably by taking the Snälltåget night train from hamburg (or even berlin) to stockholm and then the SJ intercity to Falun.

seems like the solution to this should be to automatically remove images that haven't been posted, after like 3 minutes

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then they utterly failed to communicate that lol

"what breed is your cat?"

"he's a stupid asshole is what he is, i love him"

that's a thing, sure, but at least personally most of the time it's neither of these, it's "i have so much knowledge of this topic lodged inside my brain that it's fighting to escape and i have a profound need to talk about it to others, and there is no greater joy in life than having a person ask follow-up questions"

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stuff like this makes me so pissed that it's so difficult to get into leadership positions for most people, those with connections and money are free to fail upwards and ruin things, but the average joe can be the genius of our age and be stuck working at starbucks for minimum wage their entire life..

It's also frustrating that a lot of baffling corporate decisions aren't even excusable as being for profit, it's just some executive being a moron and no one stops them! If it was for profit i could at least feel nihilistic about it, but this is just corporations actively choosing to continue letting things happen that benefit no-one.

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valve might be the closest thing i have ever seen to an actual benevolent dictator, even if said dictator is very lazy and only deigns to do anything significant once in a while.

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