
2 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So long as it hurts Reddit, all the better.

This whole API issue is a lost cause, so the only thing that can be done now is to make Reddit lose big.

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Two people in this world that you should never get an IOU from: Trump and Musk.

They just don't pay their bills. It's not worth the effort.

I almost dated a conservative but covid saved me.

The moment it hit, her conservative powers went omega level and I was able to dodge a bullet by wanting to vaccinate early

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You can buy 700 votes anonymously on reddit for really cheap

I don't see that it's a big deal, really. It's the same as it ever was.

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Unless you have a secondary timeserver set up, blocking pool.npt.org is going to mess up a lot of programs that are dependent on time.

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Back when I managed a Blockbuster Video, most stores ran at a loss thanks to theft.

The real reason most stores failed wasn't because DVDs were going out. It was because we couldn't stem the flow of money out the door thanks to thieves.

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They are taking a page out of Musk's book and making Reddit way worse for no good rea$on

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For the companies who want a huge advantage over others, $100 is nothing in an advertising budget.

I have a small business and I do $1000 a week in advertising.

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I've done ny best to shake out ableist, racist, and other harmful speech.

We may be able to speak freely but we are all held accountable for the words we say

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Voyager, formally Wefwef, is fantastic. It's like if Apollo and RiF had a baby that's slowly growing into a fully functional contributing member of society with a mortgage a 2.5 kids.

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It only cost them the trust of those who trusted them most.

Trust is like a mirror. When broken, you can put it back together but you will ALWAYS see the cracks.

Lemmy is pretty much my new Reddit much in the same way Reddit was my new Fark.com 12 years ago.

Now that I'm on Lemmy, I'm also exploring Fark again. I'm wondering why I ever left as it still is super relevant.

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This is why I use Privacy Badger

Not only does it show you what and where it blocks, but you can also whitelist blocking in case you play browser games.

You get a lot of information out of one addon.

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Everything Trump touches goes bankrupt

I'm shocked that the US made it out of his presidency intact.

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It's strange that they would try to bury this information.

The number 1 tool against future hacks like this is education.

One of the first times she's told the truth and she gets punished for it. Sad. /s

I wonder if Reddit is going to do this next...

I can see them making people log in to see the posts.

I can see Reddit limiting upvotes per day. Only 300 but "unlimited" with Reddit premium, etc

Reddit just loves going full Twitter

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I wouldn't fuck reddit even with someone else's dick

Its practically necrophillia at this point

People who are dependent on opiates and opioids.

Some people who are in a lot of pain legitimately need the medicine in order to have a normal life. It doesn't make us high, it makes us 'normal' because we actually require the medicine to bring us to normal levels of activity.

Just because someone is physically dependent on the medicine, does not make them an addict too

Most of us would rather never take another pill in our lives if we were suddenly healed.

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The really funny part was she was pretty normal until MAGA and the alt right radicalized her via lies

She turned into that shockingly quickly

My best guess is that something was wrong with her that she hid deep inside until it was let out

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The first 'A' in ACAB stands for ALL

Yes even that one cop you know. Yes, even your uncle.

There can be no 'good' cops while they look away from 'bad' cops

Lemmy is my new home.

It scratches the itch that needs scratches.

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Most government sites from NY also keep business hours

I asked my family's lawyer about it and he said that the time open and closed is a law. So they have to "close down" certain sites at certain times to comply with those laws

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My girlfriend convinced me to get a nice instant rice cooker

Not for rice, though. It makes for a fantastic slow cooker for 1 or 2

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Why would they care? They are, consequence free, rewriting the laws to more fit their needs.

They don't need to justify their existence when there is no consequence for any action that they takeā€¦

This is going to be super easy to exploit

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RiF being killed was the last straw for me and Reddit.

They just don't care so long as they are making money. I was doxxed twice last year thanks to two different user on a fandom I moderated. They didn't care that I was openly DOXed, pretty much them saying that it wasn't their problem.

They just don't care about people, just how much trouble they will get in and how much money is to be made.

So this whole "only money matters" ideal is a symptom of a larger issue that is going to get worse.

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Same here with the ebike. I live near Seattle and everything I need is within a few minutes of ebike driving

If I can't ebike, then I uber and it saves me a ton

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If there was any actual factual evidence, both sides would want a new vote.

If Trump actually won, Dems would just take the L.

This could only really happen because the people involve have the maturity of toddlers because a lot of them were never told "No" while those who have been told "No" just ignored it and did things anyway.

They latch on to things like emails, Hunter Biden, like it's a pacifier because the thin (and made up) "evidence" of corruption is all they have. So they point to that like it's a gotcha "they did x before, so that means they did Y too!"

The only people who believe them are too full of hate to see how dumb the argument can be.

They will just find other ways to suppress "the right to repair" as its never been about batteries specifically

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I'm cool with pants. It's one less thing to worry about, not having my crotch exposed or readily available.

Plus, if I fall, my legs are more protected

This is going to be exhibit number 1 at his murder trial

Consider getting a restraining order

This is why you never talk to a cop.

You can only talk yourself INTO trouble. You can never talk yourself OUT of trouble.

If you're ever asked to talk to the police, you say "I invoke the 5th and do not talk to police"

Make sure you invoke the right. Being wishy-washy about it doesn't count.

If ever detained, continue invoking the 5th, as well as state outright you want to talk to a layer.

Just don't talk. Don't have a conversation. Don't tell them what you had for breakfast. If they want to talk, they can talk to your lawyer. That's what they are there for.

Indexing a site isn't stealing from it.

Plus you can shut all that down with some simple HTML

I fully converted yesterday because I was holding out hope that reddit would do the right thing.

We vote with our dollars and our actions. Consider this a vote for freedom.

I'm very much so okay putting up with hiccups right now. I know things will improve in the future.

Thank you and everyone for all your hard work!

Same here. I'm immune compromised and masks are a blessing.

I used to get sick once a month and now I've not been sick since before covid.

A lot of Jelly fish are immortal? Just leave a few cells and wait for it to come back to life. Death-free food for the win

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You gotta keep your belt clean.

You never know when it's going to be used for a naughty time

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There are just so many quotable lines from Kung Pow

"That's a lot of nuts!"

"You go that way, I'll go home."

"We trained him wrong as a joke"

"If you got an ass I'll kick it!"

"My nipples look like Milk Duds!"

"I'm a man too, you know. I go peepee standing up!"

"I rock and roll, all day long, sweet Susie!"

"Leap that wall, if you're so great!"

"I'm a nice man with happy feelings all the time!"

"I've got some yellow liquid for your popcorn, and it's non-dairy!"

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