Part of the Social Security website ( only works during certain hours to Mildly – 563 points –

.. its a website run by the US Government. Why does it have such large downtimes in this day and age?


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Most government sites from NY also keep business hours

I asked my family's lawyer about it and he said that the time open and closed is a law. So they have to "close down" certain sites at certain times to comply with those laws

Great, so some governments operate like a fridge in Sabbath Mode

What exactly does Sabbath mode do? Is it like a burst of deep freeze so the appliance can power down Fri-Sat and stay cold, or what?

Asking as a renter with Sabbath mode on the fridge in my apartment.

Orthodox Jews aren't allowed to interact with certain things on the Sabbath, so the temperature display is turned off and other stuff is automated so no adjustments can be made on that day.