37 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I started (like 2 hours ago) a Poetry community in my instance. I modded a few microscopic subreddits that never got any traffic, so I'm used to imposter syndrome as a moderator 😥

As a 12 year reddit user, I assure you the majority of reddit is full of paid spammers and bots. The numbers have been as artificial as Twitter's for a while.

There was a recurring gag on Parks And Rec about Pawnee internet users needing Altavista so they could use it to navigate to Google. That joke felt very real.

D'oh, my Lemmy Explorer count is three lower than my count. 😔


Happy to see that one getting traffic here, she's great. And infuriating.

ngl I always assumed that was a placeholder sub without any content, just to sustain the meme that /r/lounge was a thing

What is the political view of spez, anyways?

He's a tech bro with pp envy towards those peers who flipped their startups for more than he did. He feels silly for having sold reddit for "only" 10 mil and wants reddit's IPO to springboard him into the deeper end of the pool.

I don't think there is a political view of spez, because I think he's just a wannabe Zuck, Dorsey, etc. His motive is cash.

1 more...

I switched from Mac to PC a couple years ago, and learning to use the Windows key for those slightly-obscure special character shortcuts (e.g. em-dash, accents) took some angry rewiring of muscle memory.

What exactly does Sabbath mode do? Is it like a burst of deep freeze so the appliance can power down Fri-Sat and stay cold, or what?

Asking as a renter with Sabbath mode on the fridge in my apartment.

Fool---the scroll wheel is a scalpel; the scrollbar is a broadsword. Use the right tool for the job.

Upvoted for "hey presto," that just made my morning

My impression is that Sega's always been pretty chill & receptive to interest in respectful revivals of classic IP.

It's been nice to watch a large company respond to that interest with more accessibility, and not less (Nintendo).

I mean yeah, that too, but that's outside of the scope of my answer for OP 😂

OG experts

And all the poor bastards with that wireless Apple mouse that charges via USB on the goddamn bottom of the device so it can't be used while it's plugged in. 🤦‍♂️

This is me watching my SO use any video editing software, or anything at all from Adobe.

It's a consequence of retail. Because carriers in the US determine which phones most of us can access, with the exit of LG from the market the Android landscape in the US was effectively reduced to Samsung. Other manufacturers may as well not exist for all the average shopper is led to believe -- the brick and mortar store where you pick out your phone gives you two options: iPhone or Samsung.

Oh god, the loss of Sync was legitimately the straw that broke reddit's back for me. I would instantly pay Laurence for this