Is there a line from a movie that really resonated with you but when you say it most people don't get the reference? to – 155 points –

Mine is from an early 2000s film called Vanilla Sky.

β€œThe sweet is never as sweet without the sour.”


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There are just so many quotable lines from Kung Pow

"That's a lot of nuts!"

"You go that way, I'll go home."

"We trained him wrong as a joke"

"If you got an ass I'll kick it!"

"My nipples look like Milk Duds!"

"I'm a man too, you know. I go peepee standing up!"

"I rock and roll, all day long, sweet Susie!"

"Leap that wall, if you're so great!"

"I'm a nice man with happy feelings all the time!"

"I've got some yellow liquid for your popcorn, and it's non-dairy!"

'You go that way, I'll go home!' Is one I quote often and nobody ever gets. Perfect!

i hate that movie but i do quote "Would you say, 500 miles? not 500"