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Joined 12 months ago

You guys are getting Trump for a second term. Ouch.

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Lol. Best country in the world right? Good luck with that.

I've never seen ff do that for anyone.

What I said is true. The people downvoting need to examine themselves for the flaw in their thinking. And you're a racist if you read any racism in what I said since I never mentioned race.

Americans don't need to do that, they just have to actually fight to get proper health care to elevate themselves to first world status.

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Options are always good. Lack of options is bad.

Boost handles it like a pro

Says the guy who contributed nothing of value.

Why all the hashtags? I feel like I just stumbled into an ad.

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That's fair

I think it's impossible for humans not to be hypocrites.

Thank fuck for indie devs making the best games right now at an affordable price.

I have over a thousand games in my steam library and my most played is dominated by indie games.

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Wow that wording, trying to make pirating sound like an evil crime lol. I feel no moral negativity pirating. In fact, my conscience is clean and I feel morally obligated to, considering how expensive they are making services.

I think reading between the lines is the real story: when they get greedy, pirating puts them I check and causes pricing to become affordable and people stop pirating. Once people are not pirating, greed increases and pirates have to return to put them in place again.

In conclusion... we need pirates to balance things out, this pirating is a necessity in our modern age..

You are welcome everyone, I am doing my part for myself and I am doing my part for you.

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Has anyone ever tipped a landlord and if so, what drugs were they on?

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Smart developers, the make you feel good about pirating and then purchasing when you decide it suits your needs.

Some people just get it.

So bored of this narrative

I never heard anyone saying anything about Palestine after 9/11.

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Okay, those are some mods I can respect.

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Glad I bought a non-smart washer and dryer. I've yet to encounter any situation in life where I thought, "too bad my appliance doesn't have Internet". Not once ever.

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Short of a class action, no one can afford to take them to court and they know it. Bullies be bullying.

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You don't even make sense. Themes slowing down the browser, what?? That doesn't happen.

It's strange, because I wouldn't, not even for a moment, ever in my life consider this.if I feel this way, so does a large chunk of the population.

So its already failed imo.

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Is he doing this on purpose? He has to be right? What's the end goal? Was his only goal to destroy Twitter? It's fascinating

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I've grown mushrooms myself and eaten a ton. He is sober within ten hours max, but in reality the high wears off in about five to six hour range and sane people only want to sleep at that point. At 24 hours you are experiencing no mushroom effects at all, let alone 40-48 hours

It got so bad, I mainly use duckduckgo (95%) as of about two months ago

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He's problem solving, so he looks fine.

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If it makes you feel better I gave my 16 year old daughter a laptop with a fresh Debian install and she's figuring out things on her own without asking for help. Customizing it and making it do what she wants.

I just thought she would watch YouTube videos on it and be content. Instead she's talking about the nuance of installing programs on it, and how different it is from Windows.

Not all hope is lost.

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Apples users could not pick a default browser? Wtf?

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Not going out and interacting as freely with people paying direct attention to one another leads to heightened mental issues? Shocking.

I grew up in the 80's and we were super fucking social. Anyone that didnt live it cannot grasp how far we have fallen from what we once had, and we had no idea how good we had it.

Not to mention everything is being recorded to haunt every kid there is.

I feel read bad for modern day kids, my daughter included. An important aspect of humanity has been lost.

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Germany is overdue for a huge military anyways.

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It kinda is though.

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That's actually a deep thought.

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Why discord? Everything on it will be lost without exception. Fuck discord.

Funny it is always young people when I see it happen. We can confirmation bias together.

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Double chocolate if the cookies are chocolate and the chips are chocolate.

It's been this way forever (I'm about 50).

It's amazing. One of the best games I've ever played

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One day I hope my daughter will thank me for protecting her from social media. She's 16 now and you can't find anything about her on th web because of me. I didn't even give her schools permission to use her to image for anything.

Privacy is important to a healthy mind.

To be expected. After any exodus and reaches a peak and dies down some. The real question will be long time retention and addition if new users over the course of a couple years, not months.

Exactly. Takes five seconds.

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