3 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Always thought this guy was a boss!

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Game of Thrones

I'd signed up for an account here once the ridiculousness started, but didn't start frequenting until just now (first post) because Boost stopped working completely. Ah well, definitely not installing the official app. I was over there for 12 years or so too. I have a feeling lurkers won't really care and keep using the site just like there are people who still use Facebook and what-not, but it certainly won't ever be cool again.

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Anyone who appreciates this one and hasn't read the entirety of Marcus Aurelius' Meditations (compiled into book form) really should. Many gems of stoic wisdom therein.

This is precisely the answer I was looking for, though I didn't know it when I asked. Thank you!

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This is a double-edged saber, so to speak. The quality of Star Wars projects has dropped off in consistency lately, however the overall popularity has increased. I'd say this is likely to retain the same value over the coming years as it has experienced from its origins a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Not for everyone. Antiperspirants irritate my skin. There are deodorants that work well for me, like Dove.

This guy Jesse on Alone Season 5 was running out of food and had read about native tribes creating bread from tree bark, so he stripped some off a pine tree and ate it. It seemed edible but hard to pass. The video shows the aftermath, basically he had to tap out and be rescued due to severe abdominal pain. However, apparently it is a thing, I'm not sure how you could do it in a way your stomach can handle though, and most likely it has to be specific species of trees.

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For most circumstance, I want to be mid-bell. In the workplace it means I can both learn from and teach others. Oftentimes, I'd prefer expertise in some areas (smartest in room) but lack of knowledge in other areas that I'm interested in but know there are others there who are experts and are willing to help me grow. In social situations I think it's similar, though there I prefer to interact with people who are open, friendly and kind regardless of their intelligence.

I love this. As a software engineer, I see people run into this issue all the time. I've often heard it as, "Done is better than perfect."

It was both a joke and my real life. I hope I have a similar experience. I'm a virgin after all... for this anyway.

This is some sort of childish tech-classist B.S. Like you wouldn't talk to a friend because of the shoes they wore or the car they drove. Who cares about people like that?

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It's been a few years now since they died and I still think of my little furry ones as part of my family and talk about them fairly regularly. Having photos of them pop up on our TV slideshow helps keep them alive on our hearts. I'm sorry for and understand your loss and hope their memory brings you more joy than pain. Beautiful pals

Fascinating, thank you for showing us the human behind the meme.

I'm same age as OP and love Skrillex. Pretty in the loop with tech. Use they/them when asked without complaint. Am out of shape though, need to work on that part. Still miss my Commodore VIC20 and IBM XT though.

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They'd probably cancel the appointment if I said that, not gonna wait another 3 months to try to book my favorite activity.

I think detectives and other police that legitimately solve crimes and help the community should be lauded. Law enforcers can tend to be thugs who like brandishing big sticks though. Sometimes they may start that way, other times they may end up that way due to constantly having to deal with horrible situations and people over and over again. I can imagine it would tend to skew your view of people, thinking that they tend to be worse than they actually are, and that affects how you interact with them. Not excusing, just attempting to understand why someone would choose to be that way. Some are just sadists and awful people, of course, but I don't think that's how the majority start. Probably partially the gang mentality of looking after your own no matter what as well.

One might say they are the Pirates of Pinstripe Pants.

There's a whole subgenre of D&B called Halftime that's full of slow (by D&B standards) bangers, as well as plenty Trap, Dubstep, etc that fits the bill.

Cake - Ivy Lab

Era - RL Grime

Ruffhouse - J:Kenzo

The Nomad - Noisia, Mono/Poly

Move It Along - Audio

Drone Warfare - Eprom

Work For Nothing - Decimal Bass

Ego Death - TMSV

Ouija - Ankou

You may not agree with all of them, but tried to find plenty of examples to make a point. Hard not to bang to most of these.

Here are a few off the top of my head (though I looked up the original kanji for some of the Japanese ones)...

To enjoy life's immensity, you do not need many things.

  • Ryōkan, a Japanese poet

Ain't no shame in holding onto grief, as long as you make room for other things too.

  • Bubbles, from the last episode of The Wire

Honor is dead, but I'll see what I can do.

  • Kaladin, from The Stormlight Archive Book 2 by Brandon Sanderson

Beware the difference between intelligibility and correctness.

  • Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Success consists of moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

  • Winston Churchill

猿も木から落ちる (Saru mo ki kara ochiru)

Even monkeys fall from trees.

  • Anonymous, traditional Japanese saying

正勝吾勝 (Makatsu agatsu)

True victory is victory over one's self.

  • Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido

Imagine doing that while someone's having coffee shits a stall over. Imagine being on the other side of the line. Maybe you should drink more coffee and the problem will solve itself.

Wow, I totally forgot about this one. I used to play it all the time when I was a kid. I think I bonded with it because my family moved to California around that time and I had trouble fitting in (a-la Daniel-san), so I think partially it was my way of simulating being a native as silly as that sounds. Anyway, I had the NES version, but your write-up is making me want to try a Sega ROM of it. Thanks for the nostalgia blast!

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Favorite sci-fi novel... and I figure I'll make a hundred alt accounts eventually just like elsewhere so chose whatever for my first.

And those are all a "deal-breaker in friendships" for you? I think we all realize people find all sorts of reasons to use us-vs-them mindset, that's not really the point of this conversation. What reasons you choose to make your friends or otherwise be decent to someone decides whether or not you're being immature or even a bigot.

Just FYI, that quote from your girlfriend is not original. Good one though. I believe originally it's, "Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie," but I'm not sure who said it first.

I believe there's a different technical term for mouth farts.

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The genders will be the other way around, but I like the cut of your jib.

Debian 2.2 on a consulting job in 2001. I'd used Unix mainframes in college, but other than that had only ever done work on DOS and Windows before then. Didn't think much of it at the time, though it was familiar and easy to work with. Certainly a far cry from the experience we all have with Linux today.

I mean, I didn't take notes or anything, but given how much I played, looking back I think it was some sort of coping mechanism. Moving can be tough on kids.

Interesting, I bought one once and didn't like it. Much rather use a real mechanical keyboard, and they make plenty that are compact.

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  • A Day In The Life - epic, creative and original
  • Hey Jude - such heartfelt brotherly love
  • Tomorrow Never Knows - exotic, strange and otherworldly
  • Norwegian Wood - a small slice of life from a drifter with a great sense of humor
  • I'll Follow The Sun - so sweet and sad, sang it to lullaby my babies

neovim of course

Absurd, love it.

For those reasons it reminds me what coming to Reddit in the first place was like. It's really fun to build up a community. It's hard to see compared to what Reddit is now, and the polish you speak of that to me while there are some conveniences or extra features has overall messed up what I liked about it. Lemmy or some other system may or may not ever be as popular as Reddit, but it's way more engaging to be part of a growing community than an oversaturated one IMO. You get to help define what the place will be like to a much greater extent.