
11 Post – 481 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Languages: Français, English

Pronouns: They/them


Contrapoints and PhilosophyTube were two big ones

Care to share why you stopped watching their channels? Because without context, the only potential reason that comes to mind is that they're both trans women...

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People in this comment section being shining examples of why some fat people would feel uncomfortable at the beach.

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Vapes are as tightly controlled as cigarettes (at least here in Canada).

The issue is that cigarettes aren't as tightly regulated as you'd think. Pretty much every town has that one spot where local teens know they won't get carded for nicotine products.

Unless you have a specific constraint not mentioned in your post, it would probably just be a waste of time compared to just downloading an existing rip from a torrent site. Especially considering most stuff on Disney+ is fairly mainstream and should be easy to find.

Trying to rip from Disney rather than finding a source to download it would be more time-consuming and would likely end up with worse quality than what the various scene groups get out.

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I can't imagine why, he sounds like exactly the type of person police departments go for.

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I live in a small town, this basically happens whenever I go to a social event.

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Presenting the pricing as if it represents a bulk discount when it doesn't.

The only reason to do this is to trick people who can't do multiplication into buying more.

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These folks are threatening schools with bombs, yet somehow it's the drag queens reading age-appropriate books that are a menace to the children 🙄

I've (thankfully) never encountered a reference to helicopter genders IRL, however I can't seem to escape the fucking "they're putting litter boxes in classrooms!!" myth. It's such an utterly absurd, inane, asinine idea yet I've seen real people, who are seemingly functional adults, actually believe this.

Even if you buy into the conspiracy theories and think that the education system is some globalist socialist catgirl plot, do you think teenagers equipped with cell phones and social media wouldn't meme the shit out of the classroom litterbox? And yet, we still haven't seen a single picture proving this has ever happened anywhere. That doesn't stop people from believing it though, and somehow using it as an excuse to delegitimize and attack trans people.

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Piracy is data preservation after all. How many books, series, TV shows, and video games would be inaccessible if not for pirated copies?

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The government said it welcomed the "landmark decision", adding it would help ensure care is based on evidence and is in the "best interests of the child".

It's truly insulting that they even dare suggest that this is in the best interests of trans kids, or that it's based on any evidence. Puberty blockers save lives.

It follows a public consultation on the issue

Since when is public opinion relevant for the availability of healthcare? Can we have expert opinions, please?

The review followed a sharp rise in referrals to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS)

"More people need this treatment than ever before! Better completely cut off access to it!" is such a malicious position to take. I actually don't understand how these transphobic fucks can be so callous and insensitive.

As someone also near the border between Gen Z and Millennial, I relate a lot to this comment. I was also the family tech kid, and since like middle school I've always told people "I'm not good with computers, I just know how to use a search engine"

My "computer literacy" is literally just basic research skills; knowing how to formulate a web search and how to identify bad sources.

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They even have Ted Cruz in it (as himself).

This nightmare world we live in would be hilarious if we didn't have to, you know, live in it.

There's zspotify which is the only one I know of, but on the rare occasion I want to download an album I just use doubledouble.top

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Again and again, transphobes prove that their rhetoric of queer and trans people supposedly causing harm to children is nothing more than projection.

We need to protect kids from conservatives, not from trans folks and drag queens.

I think their comment is more a critique of wage labour than a misunderstanding of it.

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When was conservatism not ignorant? Certainly not in my lifetime. It's been an ideology of anti-intellectualism for at least three decades now.

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In a series of interviews, Aaron Brink told San Diego’s CBS8 that when he first received a telephone call from his child’s public defender, his first reaction was to question why his child was in the club.

“And then I go on to find out it’s a gay bar. I said, ‘God, is he gay?’ I got scared, ‘Shit, is he gay?’ And he’s not gay, so I said, ‘Phew …’”

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I'll implant a bullet in my head before any tech directly touches my neurons.

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When you're so busy remembering to FOSS that you forget to floss 😢

My friends would all tell you how tired they are of hearing me go on and on about urban planning and infrastructure.

The ways in which our communities are built have such a large and profound impact on our lives, yet most people give little thought to it. IMO a great deal of the social woes we're dealing with (at least in North America) are caused or made worse by our lack of sensible city-planning, from carbon emissions to social isolation.

There exists so many cool and interesting ways to build solid, sustainable communities! It's really exciting! Sadly I have to live that excitement by researching other countries. The only form of city-planning that seems to exist here in Canada is "highway going through a parking lot interspaced with strip malls and encircled by single-family housing suburbs".

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Sorry, I definitely might come off as rude in this comment, but this line of thought really annoys me. Do you think people are poor simply because they're too dumb to think "I should spend less money on groceries?" Don't you think they've already considered finding a better-paying job, if such a possibility exists for them? If moving is even an option for them (which is a big if), where do you suggest they get the money to rent a moving truck, as well as the money for a security deposit on a new apartment?

Your comment is about as helpful as asking "Have you tried not being poor?"

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We usually just import American issues but with a 2 to 5 year delay.

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My mom's phone is full of videos of her saying "oh shit" because she meant to take a photo. I really need to make a backup of those for when she's gone.

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In a vacuum, saying "it's okay to be white" is fine.

Statements are never made in a vacuum, they're made within society. They're thus accompanied by context and realities, a ton of little nuances which all affect meaning.

In society, posting (or agreeing with someone posting) "it's okay to be white" repeated multiple times is racist.

As per your last paragraph, who says we can only deal with one source of racism at a time? How does calling out racist dogwhistles negatively impact Jewish people or residents of Gaza?

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It's tiring hearing people discuss how myself and people like me shouldn't have rights, so I try to avoid it.

The fact that it's much easier to avoid bigotry by sticking to queer-created content says more about cishet people than it does about LGBTQ+ folks.

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Another point: for equivalent models. Car manufacturers over the past two decades have been dropping the more affordable sedans and such from their lineups, favouring their more expensive SUVs.

This is actually something I think might be concerning in the long run. Reddit's current direction has driven away a contingent of users who tend to share similar moral values; Lemmy's userbase tends pretty left with a lot of content here being anti-capitalist and pro-marginalized groups. It makes sense that decentralized federated networks would be attractive to those subsets of users.

What I'm afraid of is that this will create a vacuum in which Reddit becomes even more of a breeding grounds for right-wing rhetoric and propaganda without the presence of these users to balance it out a bit. I know that as a Reddit-addicted teen, I hovered dangerously close to some pretty disgusting ideologies. Thankfully I discovered some leftist communities which expanded my narrow worldview and veered me to a much happier path. I don't think reddit as a platform will die, but I fear those communities might, and I shudder to think at what reddit could become without them.

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I smoke weed every day. Casual marijuana consumption is definitely socially acceptable here (I'm in Canada where it's legal) but I've been high more often than not for the past 8 years or so.

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I'm a non-binary, vegan, theatre school drop-out. I dye my hair a new colour every couple of weeks, my main means of transportation is a bicycle, and I'm currently unemployed but my last job was as a barista. Oh and I've read some Marx unironically.

I'm basically a right-winger's caricature of "a goddamn librul".

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Can we just stop? I think we've gone too far. I say we take like a week or two, where no one's allowed to sell or buy anything. Just taking a breather, and realizing how exhausting all of this is.

I can kinda see how this might happen, I bet statements affirming "Australia doesn't exist" are more common on the internet than ones stating "Australia exists".

Frightening to think of the all the data fed to these LLMs, a lot of it has to be incoherent ramblings or straight-up trolling.

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What quick conclusion should people arrive at in your opinion

I'd wait for relevant information before arriving at a conclusion, but that's just me.

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If the system isn't working for the majority, maybe it's the system that's flawed rather than individuals?

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Body camera video equivalent of 25 million copies of "Barbie"

Is this a typical unit of measurement in journalism? Like what even is this? Crappy in-article advertising? Some weird SEO shit? An odd attempt to be cool and hip?

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I started using RSS during the summer. It filled a hole after I quit reddit, since I used to get a lot of my news from the subreddits for my city and my province. There's also the on-going bickering between Meta and Canadian lawmakers/news media groups which means I see way less articles on social media than I used to. Honestly, after adding a couple local news outlets to my RSS apps, I feel better informed than ever before, and I spend a lot less time arguing with people on reddit. Win-win if you ask me.

Anyone looking for good RSS readers, I use Feeder on my phone (Android-only), Fluent Reader on desktop (cross-platform), and I also use the RSS widget of the Renewed Tab addon for Firefox. Both apps I use work locally, and have the ability to fetch full articles in-app (the addon just opens the articles in Firefox).

Something also worth mentioning: you can often find RSS feeds by checking the page's source (on Firefox: right-click and "View Page Source") and using Ctrl+F to search, there's usually a URL somewhere. Keywords to search for: "feed", "RSS", "xml", "atom". For example, if I go to this community's page on lemmy.world, I can Ctrl+F "feed" on the page source to find https://lemmy.world/feeds/c/technology.xml

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This is about trackers as in devices which can geolocate, such as Apple's airtags, not privacy-invading data collection in apps. Google obviously wouldn't care to address the latter.

This is very relatable, between DNS filtering and uBlock Origin (with a couple custom filters) I always forget how user-hostile the internet has become until I use someone else's device.

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Mozilla is shitty, so you're opting for Google instead? That's like saying the air quality is bad, and opting to jump in the ocean and drown.

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