Yeah but how much for 4? to Mildly – 357 points –

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Presenting the pricing as if it represents a bulk discount when it doesn't.

The only reason to do this is to trick people who can't do multiplication into buying more.

It probably once did, but they relabeled it.

Yeah, but only for 1. There would still have been no saving buying 3 over 2.

But you don't pay more either. Without the discount on 3 pack, buying odd numbers would've been worse value than even numbers but the 3 pack discount makes all bulk purchases equal.

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gotta jack the price up again to afford more price stickers.

It only makes sense they did if the origianl price was higher, which is quite weird unless they specifically don't want people to buy more than 1

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I'd argue it's a nice thing to make the costs obvious for people who can't do multiplication.

You can clearly see there is a sticker over the original price. It originally probably was a bulk deal that the store reduced to an all around deal.

You're over here bitching about people who can't do math and you can't even see.

I'm bitching? About people who can't do math? That's news to me. Thank god you were there to tell me!

Oh, does "bitching" offend you? Would you rather I say "you are so prepared to be annoyed by something that you completely gloss over the facts in front of you so that you can present the situation in a negative light"? Is that better? Ffs, they LOWERED the price and you're over here spouting Big Capitalism Conspiracies®.

I'm way more worried that there are people like you amongst us than I am of Big Sweater confusing me with multiplication. Maybe worry more about the education system if a tag like that is so confusing to you.

I'm not particularly annoyed by the original post, I was just trying to be helpful and answer the question the other commenter had. Even then, this community is named "mildly infuriating" , you'd think being annoyed would be kinda the baseline.

I will admit I'm a bit annoyed by your tone and approach to conversation, which is probably why my last comment was a bit snarky. I do apologize for that. However, I honestly don't have the energy to deal with people initiating a discussion with immediate aggression, especially when they decide to read things into my comments that aren't there. You should try engaging in good-faith conversation sometime, it's a lot less exhausting than jumping at people's throats.

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