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Joined 1 years ago

It's like weapons testing. You only move to ban testing after you've developed it yourself.

As it stands now, you can download all of Wikipedia for offline viewing. It's not restricted in any way. And since Wikipedia is looking for objective truth, not opinions, I'm not sure what benefit federation would do. You want it centralized, not broken up. What happens when two instances decide that their version is the only correct one?

I just don't see any benefit. This feels like when everyone was slapping "blockchain" on things because it was the current buzzword. What is Wikipedia failing at currently that decentralizing it would make better?

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Bed sores are caused more by lack of care than long hair. It's an excuse. A properly attended person won't have an increased risk from long hair. If it was truly a concern, it could be put up in a bun/ponytail etc.

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Sorry you're being downvotted by the misinformed. It's not even in the format for ChatGPT, especially the part about being out of tokens. It's been pointed out already that that is psuedo-code, not actual code. It's meant to look like something ChatGPT would say.

It's a troll/ragebait account.

This isn't news. At all. This is basically reporting on "the hacker known as 4Chan".

What's also nice is that due to the lower amount of users, when you do find these people who can never take anything seriously and just spam, blocking them instantly cleans up your comment sections all over the place.

I'm all for jokes, but they get to be too much. I'm so sick of reading a long "history" of something that ends with "Source: I made it all up". Especially when it's in an informational community. I've been somewhat liberal with my block usage and it has improved things greatly.

Also consider blocking people who mass post dozens of articles all at once but don't comment. They tend to flood communities with posts that don't get much response and are no better than the bot reposting accounts. Especially when they post the same link to 5 different communities and it's all that shows in your feed.

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This is the same Israel with their elite mossad forces, yes? "Meat shields" are a poor excuse for indiscriminately bombing a city block when you have elite spec ops units. They don't do it because they have no other choice, they do it as a threatening show of force. "Fuck with us and we'll kill anyone even near you".

There's a middle ground that doesn't involve slaughtering innocents.

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I'm so sick of this revisionist bs. Plenty of us were outraged then and warned of EXACTLY this. Y'all reaped what you sowed. Now micro transactions and paid early access are the norm. We screamed and yelled to "vote with your wallets", and by god, you did. "It's just a few bucks" is the most common one I hear. Well, now EVERYTHING is "just a few bucks".

You won.

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It's the same argument behind stimulus checks tbh. You give people money so that they can spend it on necessities and that money goes right back into the economy. Since our economy is based on growth and spending, more people spending money overall helps the economy, not hurts it. In addition, you're spending less money on solving societal issues. Well fed sheltered people cause less problems.

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Which for awhile, this user(L4s) insisted on not labeling his bot as such because he felt his was special and deserved to be seen above others. Only after being massively called out did they fix it. But it left a bad taste in my mouth and I've had them blocked since, including their personal account. While the setting is useful, some users still need to be called out.

Why is rape always different than murder? You go on this whole tirade about how "but rape is different", but is it? So you'd rather be next to a repeat murderer?

Is this really motivated by logic or by emotion? You don't speak facts(many of the things you said apply to murder as well, but "only rape" qualifies for you) and your description of them as "rabid animals" is all the more telling. I'm not excusing their previous actions, but your behavior isn't better.

You want a society where people grow and developed and are rehabilitated? It starts with losing outdated nonsense like that. He served his time. He's allowed to be part of society now. I suspect the other employee who was "fired for bringing it up" probably made some big show or threat, in which case, yeah, they should be fired for creating a hostile workplace for the other employee. Protections go both ways, bud.

You're missing the point that they are cutting down the tree, giving them only one harvest from it, instead of just taking the olives and letting the tree live. The thieves are not only stealing the current harvest, but ensuring that there will be no more harvests. If you're gonna steal to survive, you don't burn everything to the ground in the process. It literally hurts themselves.

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X% of the cans volume tells you the exact amount. You can know with very simple math. The reason why is because historically, alcohol drinks are taxed based on the concentration, or percentage, of alcohol. Beer would be taxed at a lower rate than say whisky. It was all based on the percentage, or "proof", of the beverage, not the actual amount. That way a small and large jug of whisky would be taxed at the same rate.

"Hey! Stop that! Be genocided in peace! How dare you fight back!"

Look, if we're gonna agree that Israel has been occupying Palestine for decades and abusing them for decades, at a certain point you need to admit that Hamas isn't 100% at fault. Just like how the USs actions in the Middle East increased extremism and terrorism, so has Israel's. You can't keep murdering mothers and fathers and expect the children to grow up thinking that "peace as dictated by your oppressors" is the solution.

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"Here's what you need to know"

Shit, you make it sound like it's compulsory or something. Are they gonna go around just shoving wombs into people?

It's called a Mini PC or a NUC. They already exist. Go buy one and slap Steam on it. Done.

The people who actually want this have already done it.

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I think they mean "at risk of completing full genocide", sadly enough.

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Ever notice that during any of these "hostage" exchanges, Israel always has a ready supply of Palestinian "prisoners" to exchange in return? Funny how it's only one side taking "hostages".

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Because they think it matters. Same as people posting on Facebook some legalese saying "Facebook doesn't have the rights to my stuff.". They think that by slapping a copyright "claim" on their stuff that they supercede the agreements of the platform and somehow protect their comments from being scrapped by bots/advertisers, etc. All it really does is add a little "this guy is probably a sovereign citizen type" sign to every post they make.

Melroy, lead dev, is the kind of person that if you don't take his "advice", he goes "fine, my way or the highway!". He used to be a part of Lemmy dev supposedly. Then he was part of kbin dev. Then he tried to just make his own instance. Then when that didn't work he started Mbin(which, if you haven't realized, is named after him - Melroy Bin). Dude is pathologically egotistical.

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It's almost like one side is arresting specific people with handcuffs

We call that an apartheid state. Framing laws to specifically target an ethnic group so you can expell and eradicate them. In the US we called them Jim Crow laws.

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Welp, guess I'm gonna go pirate those too. Fuck you WB. Add it to my collection with Final Space.

This isn't talking about "wikis". This is talking about an online encyclopedia of knowledge. I don't want 15 versions of the "physics wiki". I want one centralized source. So again, what does Wikipedia currently fail at that decentralizing it would solve? No one is stopping you from making an account right now and making edits.

What you're describing about seeing updates is just an RSS feed.

This is just slapping "federization" on something that doesn't need it because cool new thing.

Exactly. It'd be on a standard form as part of regular disclosure. It wouldn't be something they'd come up with weeks later. From the beginning they'd have just been like "well yeah, as part of X, we routinely do this".

Just because you don't understand statistics and metadata analysis doesn't make it fake. And of course, since it's real, you can surely point to all the apps whose network traffic was monitored and all the voice data constantly being transmitted that was captured. Because surely in an era where many people pay for data, it'd be impossible to miss the constant audio stream coming from every one of these devices eating up your bandwidth cap.

But nah, "I feel this is true" is all we need. Even when the person who says it, and said it to advertise their product, admits they lied for sales.

Are they tracking you? You bet. If you think they're so unsophisticated that they need to literally listen to your every word instead of the millions of other data points you FREELY give away already, you just don't understand the tech and are fear mongering.

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Except there is no mystery as to the deaths part. Investigations take a lot of time when there are a lot of questions. The only question here is "why did the boat plow straight into the bridge?". There's very little question how/why the bridge collapsed(it got hit directly by a massive cargo ship). No one's going to question the physics of it. The only question will be "was it captain error or ship error so we know who to fine". Recovering the ship will be part of answering that and the rest will be communication and maintenance logs.

You lay all of the blame on Target and act like they stole the designs and that they weren't licensed them. Target didn't pillage someone's cultural heritage, someone sold their cultural heritage to a corporation. If they valued it so much, why would they do that? You cant complain that your heritage was stolen when you willingly sold it away. Your beef is with the designer, NOT Target.

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I have ADHD. It's easy for me to forget something in my routine. So I've set up many of my routines to be automatic or controlled with a single voice command.

When I wake up to my alarms, my lights start turning on gradually at a dimmer setting and blue. Then they turn white at full brightness to really wake me when it's time. When I leave for work, I simply say "I'm leaving" and my lights all set themselves appropriately. I even have certain things like space heaters on a smart switch and they automatically turn off when I'm not home in case I forgot to manually shut them off.

Then when I get home, instead of needing to hit a bunch of switches for all of my various lights, I simply say "I'm home" and in 15 seconds everything does for me what would have taken me 5 minutes manually. By the time I have my shoes off, my house is already ready for me.

When I go to bed, it's the same. A simple "goodnight" turns my TV off, turns my fan up, and turns the lights off, all with me not having to get out of bed.

When I do laundry, my phone gets a notification when things are done. I'm able to plan my cycles more efficiently and do things like run an errand and be able to be back just in time to swap loads. When there's an error, instead of "E43" or some nonsense on the screen that I need to lookup and is still vague, I get a notification in the app that says "Error: Washer unbalanced. Please check load and restart" and actually helps me.

If a fire alarm goes off in my house and I'm not home, my security cameras will pick up the noise of the alarm and send an urgent push notification to my phone. I can check in and see if someone just burnt food or if there is an actual emergency.

I could go on. I'll admit that being tied to google/Amazon isn't ideal and you should use something like HomeAssistant instead so you have complete control. It's just a steeper learning curve, is all. But regardless, you want a home from The Jetsons? It's already here. Not perfect mind you, but in large parts it's already obtainable and really not that expensive. Just swap a bulb/switch here and there.

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While I 100% agree with your interpretation in this case, I'm sure we can agree that "mentally ill person setting themselves on fire because the voices in their head told them too" is a plausible scenario. Self-immolation itself can absolutely be mental illness.

This was not mental illness.

Honestly, I feel like being a Luddite and everytime someone shows art from now on, critique the ever loving hell out of their process.

"Did you make the brushes yourself from sheep you raised? Did you grind the pigments from plants you grew yourself?"

Art is amazing, but artists are some of the most delicate people. Their entire career is, in a way, a showcase of themselves, and if you take any part of that away from them or judge it, they become incredibly hostile and take it deeply personally. But literally the same kind of criticisms they're making now are taught in art history about previous advancements. It's just the same fragile egos afraid that they're not as special anymore.

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OP was being sarcastic. This is why you don't let markets regulate themselves. It was a dig at unfettered capitalism. Even our dead aren't respected by capitalism.

Probably not, but sounds like

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They woke up first and start making noise.

All the failed examples of communism that people say "that's only because it wasn't really communism" are really proof of why communism can't work at all. If a system is what it does, then communism always creates facism.

Edit: autocorrect originally changed it to "racism". Still got upvote lol

$3600 to build a media server anyone can access...... Bro is delusional. Not to mention, how are you gonna put a single thing on it without breaking the law? The moment there is a single video there that you don't have license/copyright to, the whole thing gets shut down. Especially if you charge for access, which you will have to, otherwise your bandwidth will be gone in a second. And you want to complicate this further by making it international.

Cool idea, but the logistics alone make this nearly impossible. This would only work in a pro-piracy community that understands that what they are doing is technically illegal.

Also, whatcha gonna do when the first CSAM gets uploaded and now suddenly you gotta follow legal regulations of numerous countries on how to properly report/sanitize the server?

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Bean posting was just a decades old rehash of a trend. It's really not much better.

At least with Stroganoff, it had a funny origin(Google Opinion Survey asking if you want "important updates about Beef Stroganoff").

Most of these are just "hrrr drrr this is dumb so let's trend it".

While I get the desire for outrage and backlash, a generous reading of what he said would be something like "In the past, making music meant needing access to numerous instruments and equipment. Today, you can create the same kind of music with a cheap PC and some programs."

He's not attacking creativity or saying your time isn't valuable. He's saying the barrier to entry has dropped dramatically to the point that almost anyone that wants to create content, can.

Look at any medium and notice the wide array of tools now available to the average person. You can do Photoshop and video effects using entirely free programs for the most part. Or paying a fraction of what you'd have paid in the past for less features.

Under that reading, he's absolutely correct.

But yeah, Spotify sucks, I get that. They don't pay creators fairly. Absolutely. Don't disagree with that.

Didn't they just adjust the whole inflation index again to not count a bunch of significant things? It's a joke.

Same with unemployment. It only counts "able individuals who are actively searching for a job". A lot of people aren't included in those numbers when they should be.

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Holy shit I'm glad to be wrong. Honestly surprised. That's what I get for not reading the article and just assuming.

Thanks for the correction

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My boss just told us all how this will "remove our lunch and break times and take away all holidays" trying to scare us. Leeches, all of them.

So if they test positive for drugs, that means you'll set them up with support programs, right? Treat the underlying issue, correct? Not just write them off and let the problem grow even more..... right???

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