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Joined 1 years ago

It can be more than superficial. If you're restoring files from your old PC to your new one, it could make a mess of things if the user account is in a different path. Probably not a lot of people write scripts for their windows PC, but those could break.

Sure it would be a janky restore or janky script if it was explicitly specifying the path of the home directory instead of the environment variable. But environment variables have been janky in the past on windows, so it's best to just keep the paths as consistent as possible when migrating to a new system.

Kinda shit they just wouldn't prompt you for what you want your home director called tho.

Also, LOL at your email address.

Apparenlty telling your customers to go fuck themselves isn't a good business strategy.

Wow it's almost like Kyle Rittenhouse might be a piece of shit.

But there were probably benefits like if you work hard they might give you your passport back. Maybe.

US has been trying to prevent an Israeli-Hezbollah war. Even al Jazeera says this in the third sentence in the linked article.

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I'm not the guy you replied to, but MS fonts are kinda free to download. Not free enough they can just put them into a package but there's a defined method for downloading them. Most distros have a package that will automatically do this. On Debian it's ttf-mscorefonts-installer which will download the fonts and install them when it gets to the configuration part of the package install. You can probably search for a similar package for your distro.

Yeah right? I have a VPN to prevent Google (amongst many others) from having too much of my data.

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The Prequels were more world ruining movies than world building movies.

It is indeed. But atheists have a tendency to think it's fine for them to be hateful towards religious people because "they hate all religion". Logically hating more people makes someone even worse, but there's not all that much logic going on in the minds of some atheists. For some people, Atheism is just a cover for being hateful, in exactly the same way some people use Christianity (or any other religion) to provide cover for their hatred.

If the guy didn't say something about "deists," the comment would be identical to something an Islamophobic Christian might say. Religious bigotry from atheists is identical to bigotry coming from religious people.

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Aging boomers are costing the healthcare system a lot of money. So there's a need to increase tax revenue to cover the cost. When an immigrant comes to the country they immediately start working and therefore immediately starts paying taxes.

A lot of it is down to how lopsided the demographics are with an overly high percentage of retired population.

In economics you can't solve one problem without creating others. But the problems solved are bigger than the problems created. And housing problems are a temporary problem. As boomers start dying off, the situation will correct itself, housing will be freed up and healthcare costs will decrease.

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What about Brawndo? It's got electrolytes!

I can prove objectively that religion is bad for humanity. Can you do the same about atheism?

Sure... there's a very large number of people that were killed by atheists like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc. There's a large enough sample size to objectively prove that when atheists are in power they are as bad (if not worse) than religious people in power.

Yup. and some meetings you people ask you a question so you legit need some time to think about what information you should look up before the meeting. Even if 95% of the time nobody asks you anything, you gotta take some time to think about the topic the meeting is on and whether there might be a question for you so you have the answer for that 5% of the time. But 100% of the time you have to stop and consider what the meeting is about beforehand for the 5% of the time there's an actual question.

Also when I know I have a meeting coming up, I don't want to get in too deep on something that takes a lot of focus.

Another day, another thing for you to rage over, right? Gotta maintain that outrage or you might think about how horrible Hamas is.

The US wants stability in the Middle East to keep the oil flowing.

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Ah, so you've got a mental block about October 7. Got it.

Also it's actually not that hard to quit smoking. I've quit smoking four times.

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Yeah that's the only way it makes sense.

I mean if you have a functioning phone and you felt you were in danger, would you sit around waiting for someone to call you?

Our guy was obviously having a merry old time out hiking, and ignoring unknown numbers. Then only found out later someone else was freaked out about him being lost.

But a story like that isn't going to get shared as a facebook meme...

The only time in the history of NATO that article 5 was invoked was on September 12, 2001.

NATO countries sent soldiers to Afghanistan in support of the US. A two decades long war. I'm personally from a NATO country and have two family members that have PTSD because my country honored the agreement and supported the US after it was attacked.

The US has never engaged in a war to support any NATO members. NATO members have engaged in a war to support the US.

Recruitment numbers are down in my country in large part because of how the war in Afghanistan turned out. That was in large part due to the US going on a little side adventure into Iraq. Because of this, even though my country is purchasing equipment from the US defense Industrial complex (which if we're being real, is what the goal is) we don't have enough military personnel to operate that equipment.

So with all that, shitheads in the US complain about my countries "not pulling their weight". We've been sending our people to fight in a US war for two fucking decades because that's what allies do, but then shitheads in the US don't care about that, they only care about how much money is coming from NATO to the US defense industrial complex? It's craven.

And Russia propaganda and election interference is happening in every NATO country. For the same reason that there are many in the US don't think the US should support Ukraine, there's many people in other NATO countries that think the same because of the same Russian propaganda effort. Instead of being hyper-focused on the revenues of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, maybe think a little more about who the real enemy.

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It's actually an old fascist trick.

It's really effective too. You always know the horrible things you're doing before anyone else. So you can always beat the opposition to the accusation.

"You did X!"

"No I didn't, why would you even think that?"

Months (or years) later when there's an investigation...

"Hey wait, you actually did X!"

"You're obviously making it up, everyone knows it's what you did. People have been talking about you doing it for years!"

Same here. Also I sometimes think about these kinds of things when I'm off the clock too. I don't want to but you can't exactly tell your brain to stop thinking about work stuff at 5pm. Sometimes I'm just watching TV or whatever and a thought about how to solve a work problem pops into my head.

To me it says more about how bad the management is at a company that has to resort to try to detecting mouse jigglers. Do they know so little about what the employees do that they don't simply notice that work isn't getting done if an employee isn't actually working?

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Yeah back in the golden era of streaming you only needed Netflix, most of the shows on there were good, and everything would eventually be on there. So piracy was too much of pain in the ass to bother with to save $10 a month.

Now there's 10 different streaming services most of them cost a lot more than $10 per month, you have to wade through pages of crap to find anything worth watching. If you hear about a show or movie that sounds interesting you can't just wait for it to show up on Netflix. You have to go and search for which streaming service has the show you want and there's a good likelihood you're not subscribed to that one.

It's now far easier to search on the 'bay for what you want to see (you have to do a search anyway) and they always have it. Yeah I guess you're not instantly watching it, but you're not instantly watching a thing you want to see on a streaming service now anyway, because have to scroll past a wall of crap to find anything.

My general feeling on piracy is that when you're young and don't have much money, you can't afford to pay for it anyway, you may as well pirate it. When you get older and can afford it then you should pay for movies and video games and stuff. But when they make it more of a pain in the ass to buy something than it is to pirate things, then I dunno what to say. I have money and want to pay for a service that I can just chill and watch cool stuff, but they seem more interested in various schemes to impress shareholders than providing me the thing I'm willing to pay for.

So let's recap the narrative:

  1. Joe Biden stole the election, so we had to storm the capital! 1776 part 2!
  2. It wasn't Trump supporters that did that, it was antifaaaaaa
  3. Trump went too far we're done with him
  4. After consulting the polling numbers, I now think Trump did nothing wrong
  5. The crowd was infiltrated by the FBI, the deep state did this
  6. While Trump was the greatest President ever, maybe he's just too divisive so maybe we should have someone else
  7. I've always supported Trump (please don't primary me!)
  8. Trump Forever!
  9. Pardons for everyone that was involved in Jan 6, because it was the FBI that made them do it!
  10. Jan. 6 was good and correct and we'll do it again, but this time we'll get it right! Because it's what Jesus wants us to do!
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Now I kinda want to hear Sam Jackson say "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."

Also, why the need to specify a distinction between donkey genitals and horse semen? Do horses or donkeys have bigger cocks? Do horses or donkeys cum more? I don't know, but whoever wrote that passage into the Bible seemed to know.

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It's about time someone makes Clooney pay for his role in Batman and Robin.

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It is nice to be able to give a game to someone else when you're done playing it.

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I have a friend that has Thai writing tattooed on his leg that translates to "I love chicken soup."

I think when he was drunk he went into a tattoo parlor thinking it was a restaurant.

I'm starting to think that telling your customers to "go fuck themselves" may not be a sound business decision.

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Just put a zombie on treadmill and you got infinite energy.

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We're seeing so many economic problems being caused too much wealth being concentrated. Supply side economics was a stupid idea from the outset, but now we're in the supply side economics endgame.

The wealthy are using that wealth to make products no one needs while people are struggling to afford the things they actually do need. $3500 for Apple goggles? We don't need that and couldn't afford it if we did. How about yet another streaming service? Don't need it, can't afford it. Maybe some VR goggles the you can use to go into a virtual world where you're a legless cartoon character? We'll rename the company after this new product, that'll get people to buy it for sure!

Well shit, it seems the wealthy have so much money, they don't have anywhere to put it. Doesn't seem like enough people are buying the products they develop with that wealth, so what can they invest that money in? I know, maybe they should put it into real estate! Great, now ordinary people can't afford a place to live. Yay, supply side economics is working great!

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He was the researcher they needed but not the researcher they deserved.

I've always said that Turing's Imitation Game is a flawed way to determine if an AI is actually intelligent. The flaw is the assumption that humans are intelligent.

Humans are capable of intelligence, but most of the time we're just responding to stimulus in predictable ways.

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We had rules that we pretty much all agreed on because we knew things would go badly if we didn't.

  • Don't feed the trolls
  • Don't talk about internet memes in real life
  • Stay anonymous, there's a bunch of freaks on the internet! Also, you're one of them.
  • On the internet no one knows if you're a dog

There was a whole self-deprecating nature to it. We knew posting on the internet wasn't really a positive activity. It was just a guilty pleasure. We knew it was all nonsense and nothing posted on the internet should be taken seriously.

I remember when it first started cropping up where people were saying internet meme type things in public. Someone said "The internet is leaking, this won't end well."

Didn't realize how prophetic this was. Now not only do people feed the trolls, the trolls get paid really well through monetization. People have T-shirts with dumb internet memes, and awkwardly say them out loud thinking it's cool. It's so cringey.

People shitpost under their own name and get super upset about being "cancelled". Maybe you shoulda done that anonymously, dumbass?

Identity is the most important thing to people on the internet now. Your identity matters more than your ideas now. It was better when we assumed everyone was a dog mashing on a keyboard and you had to explain out your ideas rather than ending discussion with sentiments around "you just can't understand my experiences" rather than making an effort to explain them so others can understand.

When it went from "we're all losers trying to explain things to each other as best we can" to "we're all wannabe celebrities that don't have time to explain anything to the losers who aren't good enough to understand our experiences" it all went to shit.

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Hey sad person, my parents are super rich so I could afford to go to a fancy university that had a legit communist poli sci professor. That's where I learned how to talk to the poors. Which is what you are.

You see your problem is that you're poor because you didn't have rich parents like I did. No I'm not going to do anything to help you, I gotta get of the hair salon LOL. But now that you understand that you're unhappy because you're poor, that's going to make your life so much better! Ok, I've done my good deed for the day so I don't have to feel bad about having a trust fund. Gotta go, byeeeeee!

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I think that sort of thing should be decided by the community with the up/down vote buttons.

Or if the Mods wants to implement a policy to ban certain content then that could be added to the Rules for posting. That would be fine as people that want that kind of content can create their own community for it.

Moderation policies should be transparent and not used to veto anything that displeases a mod.

it is a good way to try to prevent governments from using that currency issuance power in ways their citizens would prefer they did not.

And instead it should be hedgefunds that have that power?

There is a need for currency and someone is going to have control over the value of that currency. At least with the government you can vote the bastards out.

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Fucking egghead scientists, what have they ever done for us?

Well other than making the computer I'm typing on right now. And warning us about the ozone layer before we all got skin cancer. And the sanitation, we were all getting cholera before we knew about separating the poop water from the drinking water. And the airplanes, and trains, and...

But other than all of those things, what have the egghead scientist done for us? Why should we believe them?

Yeah, I use ChatGPT fairly regularly for work. For a reminder of the syntax of a method I used a while ago, and for things like converting JSON into a class (which is trivial to do, but using chatGPT for this saves me a lot of typing) it works pretty good.

But I'm not using it for precise and authoritative information, I'm going to a search engine to find a trustworthy site for that.

Putting the fuzzy, usually close enough (but sometimes not!) answers at the top when I'm looking for a site that'll give me a concrete answer is just mixing two different use cases for no good reason. If google wants to get into the AI game they should have a separate page from the search page for that.

There are some residents of Moscow that are definitely responsible for this war.

There are no residents of Ukraine that are responsible for this war.

In his ruling, the judge even suggested that X/Twitter’s litigation had chilled other types of research into disinformation online. He pointed to a recent survey of 167 academics and researchers that “found that over 100 studies about X Corp. have been diverted, stalled, or canceled, with over half of those interviewed citing a fear of being sued by X Corp. over their findings or data.”

The case was dismissed, because obviously. The case never had a chance of succeeding, the whole point was to create a chilling effect to make other people hesitant of criticizing him.

It wasn't about Musk making someone pay the consequences for misrepresenting the truth. It's entirely about the "free speech absolutist" using paper terrorism to silence criticism.

Sorry, your boy isn't what he says he is.