Its a doggy dog world out there to Lemmy – 1256 points –

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Also it's actually not that hard to quit smoking. I've quit smoking four times.

On a serious note, there is a type of natural Antidepressant in cigarette smoke (MAOIs) which you come off of like 2 weeks delayed because it has a type of reservoir in the body. So once you quit you can get like delayed withdrawal symptoms.

Yeah, can confirm, though it was usually around a week for me. First couple of days are rough, then you start feeling better, then a few days later you feel like shit again.

Yeah not sure about the time frame. For me it wasn't too bad because I switched to vaping so I still had nicotine. But it would have helped if I had known why I was suddenly in such a super bad mood for a few days haha.

When I used to smoke I made the new years resolution ever year 'to stop more often next year'

I go on holiday more nowadays, feels like a better use of the money

That is fucking hilarious! Is what a 15-year old high-schooler would say!

Close. It's from someone that a 15 year old high schooler might be assigned to read.

WC Fields? I doubt a single 15 year old in America knows who that even is. The point is that the joke is almost a hundred years old. Do you want to do Who's on First too?

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