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Legally, he’s not allowed to mess around with modern gaming hardware.

I find these things very disgusting. Not sure if that extends to computers in general. But courts can and have basically prevented "hackers" from taking part in modern life or use the skills they are good at to make ends meet.

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This should show anybody that Belgium did the right thing. The ICJ ordered Israel to provide humanitarian aid, instead on the same day they use threats, bribes, corruption to get multiple countries to cut off humanitarian aid! This is further evidence of genocidal intent!

And then they carry out a clear act of terrorism against those who do not make themselves complicit in their genocide!

They bombed the power stations, water supply, hospitals, 70% of all housing. If Israel is allowed to continue hundreds of thousands are going to starve or die of thirst or diseases. Or infections because on top of the 30.000+ there are many times more wounded.

What an absolute horror... they have taken 30 eyes for each eye, 30 teeth for each tooth, plus an extra 1500 children's legs.

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Fucking disgusting how they talk about it. As if it's just another political stratagem that went a little awry. Fucking fuckers.

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Collar-bone fracture is I believe incredibly painful and long lasting injury. Glad those fuckers face justice.

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This is a major argument for anti-fascist action. Liberal mainstream society has always been very bad at combating fascism because they desire calm and order and lawfulness which fascists can exploit. So besides "liberal anti-fa" using legal means like suing the KKK out of existence you also need autonomous anti-fa to prevent fascists from recruiting. That is why it's legitimate to prevent fascists from speaking using "impolite" means, because fascists speech using clever lies creates fascist thinking. The right to free speech has to exclude hate speech.

PS: A very good book on this topic: Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It (link)

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Well the propaganda is working. Surprise, surprise, distribute unfiltered hate speech and people will start believing in this hate speech.

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“But for all we’ve done to bring prices down, there are still too many corporations in America ripping people off. Price gouging, junk feeds, greedflation, shrinkflation,” Biden added. “America – we’re tired of being played for suckers!”

The headline makes it sound like he doesn't know what's going on. It's rather that he is leveling an accusation and makes the media cover this. But even then this CNN article does it's best to not cover root causes.

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Holy fuck he's paying his own legal bills from campaign money? I guess it's not illegal.

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Hate speech or fascist speech has to be repressed. There should be legal recourse but we are seeing now how the unfiltered and amplifying of profitable "polarizing" messages help fascism spread. It's almost too late.

PS: But maybe they could bring her back as a storm trooper?

The sad thing is that high cost of housing is entirely unnecessary exploitation anyway. Just pass a law that transfers all house and land ownership into collective hands and erases all dept based on houses. I bet the vast majority of people would vote for it lol.

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I wish people would adopt torrent V2 because that one missing 500 byte file can make the video unwatchable. With V2 each file has it's own sha256 hash and can be checked and shared individually. It would also improve torrent health.

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He's a political prisoner.

There is a vast accumulation of power and systemic corruption because of the vast concentration of wealth. That should be unconstitutional and should be opposed.

I know you're joking, but nuclear fusion is inherently safe because if it breaks there is no way to sustain a chain reaction. And is only creates mildly radioactive byproducts. So you could blow it up and it wouldn't seriously contaminate the area.

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When I first tried to check out the exodus this idea totally confused me and nearly made me drop the whole fediverse idea.

All this talk about using mastadon account on lemmy IS BULLSHIT. Sorry but - reading about mastadon account etc made it sound like lemmy is just another mastadon instance. Or another "perspective" on the same underlying data. It kind of works but it's absolutely confusing and frustrating to try to do this. Just make a new lemmy account - which I was trying to avoid because I thought with federation I should be able to move freely between instances.

It would be nice to merge these kinds of "social media modes". I believe reddit tried to do something similar with following users etc. But it's not there yet and only hampers adoption to advertise this.

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It's making all of us sick. I wish I could ignore all this too. I actually tried to, but then my government decided to step in on the world state and loudly pronounce "there is no genocide!". And then cut humanitarian funding after the international court of justice anonymously found "credibly risk of genocide". Which makes my country now complicit if this genocide is allowed to continue. Which makes me deeply ashamed and angry.

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Then I want to thank Alina Habba for helping to preserve a chance for democracy in the US.

Not just Israel, all the countries that defunded the humanitarian aid.

The article at least mentions that even though the order didn't demand ceasefire, it practically did very explicitly:

The State of Israel shall ... desist from the commission of any and all acts within the scope of Article II of the Convention, in particular:

(a) killing members of the group;

(b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to the members of the group

Many western media had the headline "no ceasefire ordered" which made the order sound like it was nothing. The western media too is complicit in atrocity.

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We need to develop more alternatives like federated social media or even completely make web services p2p. And then have them somewhat democratically controlled, or easily able to migrate to alternatives without cost of loosing network effects.

Especially something like amazon / ebay / paypal / ali would be awesome to replace with a "public utility" federated version. They tax so much of the sales and it all goes to psycho billionaires.

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"Wow! Elmo is glad he asked! Elmo learned that it is important to ask a friend how they are doing. Elmo will check in again soon, friends! Elmo loves you. #EmotionalWellBeing"

Elmo lying. Elmo sorry he asked, just wanted to sell more junk. Existential dread no good for selling junk! And slogans not further good policies!

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I'm not sure about Doctorow's conclusion that enshittified services die. They will go worse but then rise to the minimum level of shit people can stomach and also use all their capital and influence and power to maintain their position. Including things like lobbying for more regulations that they can afford but newcomers can't.

The obvious answer is the fediverse where accounts are not owned by one service. But it still has a long way to go and could fail, could be sabotaged, could splinter, could be regulated into oblivion, or could just fail to get enough people on board.

So, those are reasonable arguments for bombing a Belgian building?

BTW I read that comment in Trumps voice. "a terrible terrible organization! That uses kids to ..." I mean what the fuck? Unrwa and Belgium are in league with IRAN?

Damn I didn't know she is a governor now... but of course. She was the lying disgusting face of the Trump administration. These people are fucking scary.

I don't think calling them out on their hypocrisy is really going to move the needle. They are basically gas-lighting sociopath trolls who thrive on sadism.

Yeah an eye for an eye if you're a barbarian. 30 eyes for each 1 is... something else.

And it's not like the fascist Israeli settlers didn't start their share of murder before Okt.7: Israel Escalates Genocidal Violence Against Palestinians In The West Bank - YouTube TMR Jul.8th 2023

Interesting points, just one thing I recently thought about: eMule vs Torrents. Torrents requires trackers and websites to host torrent files. eMule was rather fully decentralized from the start and you only needed the hash key. In actual performance there wasn't a fundamental reason why one or the other would be better. But Torrents won by a large margin, and I believe it's because it needed websites and trackers and created "hubs" that could fund themselves from ads.

This could similarly apply to the fediverse.

You might also underestimate how much moderation and how many malicious or fascists actors are under way. It could easily become a cesspool.

Encrypted DMs could be added later.

But I definitely think there need to be better tools for migrating your content. Or migrating a complete community including all posts from one instance to another (like a rolling journaling backup that you can do daily, and if your instance just disappears you can just copy it)

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This is why we need to push the banks to offer better payment services. Fucks like him got rich with paypal because of inefficiencies in our banking systems. They are basically taxing all e-commerce by 1-3%.

I was finally able to do an insta-wire transfer to an online shop last month for the first time. Just my bank, transfering money and instant reception. But I still need to log in to a janky ass mobile app and approve each payment with an password / pin that needs to be short ergo insecure. Banks are still not offering the use of fido2 authentication. And there is still no electronic standard where a shop can send a payment request to autofil the wire transfer. There are better payment processors now but they still gobble up ~1% of the transfer. It's a fucking racket.

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Taylor Swift for presidentress! 😅

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Democracy is unconstitutional. Only old men in robes may decide!

PS: Older article on this most important issue:

Who the hell has a prime subscription? Bigger question is how to live without using amazon at all. We need some kind of improved

In my country I can finally start to pay vendors by wiring money instantly without the need for third party payment services. Fucking banks took their sweet time. All this inefficiency basically leads to a tax on all internet commerce that empowers people like Musk or Thiel via paypal.

How did India get like this? I imagine it's the TV and news and now internet sites that pushed a large potion of the population into this extreme right wing?

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The FDA's regulation or lack thereof is partially a horror show. Not just for this. But all sorts of implants and techniques get grandfathered in and lead to partially horrific results for people.

Oh I think it was Medical Devices: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) where I saw this. 4 year old.

Yeah. But too many billionaires do the same, they just manage to be invisible or have a better image crafted. They are the new lords and ladies of our civilization with incredibly, unaccountable and undemocratic power.

The whole thing is shit, starting with how they tell them to leave for no reason. And the you can see the cop pick off the last one for no good reason. They can bully and harass people however they want to create and escalate these kinds of situations.

Those cops aren't just the usual ACAB they are outright fascists.

Introducing the new McCardboard, made out of 100% recycled cardboard!

Velomobiles weight 35kg (77 pounds) and offer very good protection compared to normal bicycles. Theoretically you could design single seat cars not much heavier. Of course for higher speeds you'd want more protection and a little bit wider.

I imagine the ideal self driving car or robo-taxi to be two seats that face each other, so when you get one alone you have plenty of space to stretch your feet or put your groceries. It could be totally luxurious, simple to call and use and fast too. And the embodied energy would be very small and the "mpg" would be insane.

It's just sad how badly we are tackling climate change by just letting the free market run wild.

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Damn that's horrible.

Prostitution needs to be legalized and regulated so it's safe for sex workers and clients. If legal establishments that provide safe and non exploitative services then horrific abuses like this come much easier to light.

Sigh, here we go, the propaganda is already starting lol

Does this poll support for left/right policies or just labels?

I suspect if you properly formulate and frame questions on political issues you'd end up with the US being far left.

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No mention that the supreme court is about to dismantle democratic control over agencies. There is a big power grab underway to deregulate everything and cripple government. Only know of it from here:

I wonder if this will backfire with a massive general strike and a resurgence of unions? I heard there was a general strike planned in a few years. But probably nothing is going to happen the right-wing propaganda is very strong and ingrained now in the US.