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Joined 5 years ago

Windows 7, first released in 2009, now well out of the most extended of support. Glad to see security of medical records is a top priority.

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Why not? This seems to be aimed at scammers who could be injecting who knows what into the binaries and other third builds that may have grown stale over time. It's obviously not aimed at well maintained forks like LibreWolf.

Legally, yes. But you're going to have a bad time if you don't speak at least some English.

I tried Debian/Herd on a spare box. I think that lasted for what, a week? It was a less than complete experience, so I moved on to more fruitful experiments.

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I used OkCupid for some dates before I found my now husband. It took quite a few dates on my side, but I just considered that par for the course. For him, I was his first date on OkCupid. For that matter, I was the first man that he dated, though he had dated a girl in high school.

Unfortunately, in the decade since we've met, I think both straight and gay oriented dating apps have probably taken a turn for the worse. We both had extensive, descriptive profiles and talked for a long time before meeting up. I keep hearing that the gay apps have turned into mostly hookup apps, but I can't speak for straight apps.

I wasn't able to get a good read on it either. I didn't spot anything obviously wrong from a technical standpoint, but I'm not a systems developer. It just doesn't have much that distinguishes it on a non-technical level. The design is neat, but other OS projects like Redox have shot past it in a shorter period of time. That tells me something's broken, whether it's technical or social.

Conflicts over language have been tied to other conflicts (political, cultural, war) for a very long time. Cultural genocide against indigenous people has targeted indigenous language use among young people. Many people in India have objected to the establishment of Hindi as a UN language because they fear it will advance the extinction of their own language. I'm not saying some Replacement Theory bigot kvetching because someone dared speak a language besides English is equivalent. It's more that language does have a special place in culture in a way that is very common.

Okay, I guess I'll say it. Year of Linux Desktop!

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I will never get tired of Year of Linux Desktopping!

Holy crap. Now my uncle can stop complaining about degraded quality when Android users are in message rooms. When it comes to tech, he really doesn't care about the culprit. He just complains that people aren't playing in Apple's walled garden.

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A sun hoodie. Sun hoodies are meant to be worn on their own, cover your entire upper body, be very light, and have a high UPF (clothing equivalent of SPF). Instead of dealing with globs of sunscreen that wears out as you sweat, you can slip on a sun hoodie in an instant and get lasting protection. I got the REI store brand, which is around $50. Unfortunately, it looks like they're almost sold out of the nice visible orange color that I bought. It's only available in XXXL.

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I guess this gets filed under "Anything that separates you from the ground for long periods of time."

The vote for the sick days was largely along party lines, with all Democrats in favor and only three Republicans crossing over. We'll see what happens in the Senate. Point is, there is a difference between the parties.

Sometimes I've seen it used legitimately when a service gets noticeably slower or more confusing over time as misfeatures keep getting added on. At the same time, I often see it just get applied when people don't like change. It just the latest in a long string of phrases or words that mean "you made a change I don't like."

I can remember all too well how it went for the r/antiwork mod who was interviewed by Fox. Anything Lemmy does needs to be very deliberately planned by people who know what to say and not to say.

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Be highly unified, which eases software distribution. With Windows, the system software at least is from a single vendor. You'll have differences in hardware and in versions of Windows, sure. But then compare that to Linux, where Wikipedia estimates a thousand different distros. Granted, a lot of those are member of families like Red Hat or Debian that can be supported relatively easily. However, others use more exotic setups like Alpine, NixOS, or Gentoo. Projects like Flatpak are working on distribution mechanisms, but they have their own issues. And even if you get it running, that doesn't mean it integrates well into the desktop itself. Wayland should improve that situation, though.

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Also covered by The BBC.

I think this is the first time that I've heard Joe Biden publicly level blunt criticism at the Israeli government. The Obama administration had some criticism for settler activity, but it was much more muted.

Replace the Pop! Shop with the COSMIC Store.

sudo apt install cosmic-store cosmic-icons
sudo apt remove pop-shop

Pop Shop is kinda slow. COSMIC Store is part of Pop OS's new COSMIC Desktop Environment (DE). Everything is just a lot faster. It's an alpha so there are a couple of rough edges, but it's great overall.

Speaking of, get hyped for COSMIC. It's a DE written in Rust. It's not quite as complete as GNOME, but hopefully it will have better performance than the current GNOME mod that forms Pop's UI.

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Writing notes for myself to remind me to do something. The problem is that I don't remember to look at the notes. What's happening is that people are telling me advice that worked for them. That's very nice of them to try, but when I've tried similar systems for decades and they always fail, it's time to try something new.

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I remember being on the hiring committee for my new manager. One of the two finalist candidates took several times longer than necessary to answer the questions without adding substance. When we met to discuss our decision, most committee members tried to voice more substantive reasons. Finally someone just cut the shit and said something like "it sounds like no one wants to listen to him talk." So yes, yammering is an excellent people repellent.

There's a reason we have a tool called git blame.

Yes, and under the hoodies there are t-shirts that were given out at conferences. That or memes. Strict.

Oof. At work we currently have a project for words deemed insensitive. For the most part I think it's worthy, but some things are overboard. The project group cast a very wide net, ignoring context and etymology. My biggest disagreement is over "black" and "white".

Take "black box" and "white box" for types of testing. These are based merely on the properties of light. I have serious doubts about anyone ever having felt excluded by their use. And yet, we're wasting time coming up with non-standard nomenclature to satisfy this supposed slight. There's a whole laundry list of words like this.

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One exception is one particular chef knife. Most cheap knives you get what you pay for. But there is one, the Victorinox Classic Chef Knife, that is around $30 but is competitive in comfort and sharpness with very expensive knives.

Edit: I was incorrect on the model, it's the Fibrox Pro 8" Chef’s Knife.

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I'm curious what the temperature resiliency is for sodium-ion batteries. I had a power outage recently where I was relying on a lithium-ion battery. As the temperature in the house plunged, it because so inefficient that charging a single phone overnight drained a quarter of the battery.

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The Magicians: The books were good, but the TV show really was in a class all its own. And it did away with using obscure words just because, that was annoying.

Game of Thrones: At this rate, ASOIAF is never getting done, so I'm by default giving it to the show for actually finishing the job.

Good Omens: The first season brought the book to life, but there wasn't source material beyond that. The second season did a great job fleshing out the characters and moving the story forward into the final season.

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Bragging rights, in the form of a blog.

At least one GMRS radio, along with the license to use it. In an emergency where cell lines are down, that's what people will be using for communication. In the US, there are also NOAA weather stations that are very resilient that many GMRS radios can pick up. Just be mindful of etiquette, since there are a limited number of channels.

Hard disagree. Muggles are kept shrouded in ignorance, but they're still fairly routinely terrorized by dark wizards and magical beasts. The Ministry makes an effort, but fails when the going gets tough.

My friend put this one together a while ago.

Comedy news shows. They can be funny, but the more I learn about topics in depth the more I realize how much biased the shows are. A segment that might have previously left me feeling better informed might instead make me feel like someone is trying to fool me or tell a one sided story.

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There shouldn't be another Linus. The model of a single maintainer holding so much importance is fundamentally flawed, especially for a project with the size and importance of Linux. Responsibilities and decision making should be distributed among stakeholders and volunteers. It will take time to rebuild around that sort of structure.

I've also heard tell that the linux-kernel mailing list has become extremely toxic, especially to newcomers. A professor that I have a lot of respect for has stopped teaching his kernel drivers course because one of his students received death threats related to her involvement. If a change in the tenor doesn't happen, less and less of the fresh blood that Linux needs will join.

Fascism also exploits grievances, much like other populist movements. I'm not very familiar with Spanish and Italian fascism, but the Nazis had a whole stack of grievances. Many were complete nonsense, but that never stopped anyone.

This isn't a high price, but higher than what I expected when I first thought about it. Growing up, my family had this chrome GE Bakelite toaster. Very dependable, never broke. The very definition of "they don't make 'em like they used to". I took a liking to it, so my parents gave it to me.

I started getting the history of it. My father had bought it at a garage sale in about the 1970's or 1980's. Before that, it was sold in the mid 1950's. I don't know what this one would actually go for since it's seen around 70 years of constant use, but similar toasters on eBay are going for $25-$70. Not bad, considering that people can't even give away many newer toasters.

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Earthsea seems pretty chill. Especially Ged.

From perusing /r/railroading, it sounds like they're okay with the outcome, if not overly enthusiastic. The real problem may be yet to come. The Senate still has yet to approve this, and Republicans can filibuster the bill that includes sick days.

We all know what they call people who relying on pulling out, right?

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socialist states are “authoritarian” against capitalist interests

The problem with this claim is that the USSR was quite authoritarian towards everyone. The Gulags were a place merely of political repression. Political jokes that are part and parcel of American late night comedy shows would get people harsh labor sentences during certain periods. The claim that this had to happen to protect the working class seems thin.

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I've become partial to a language change to enslaved people and slavers. It emphasizes the humanity of the victims of slavery and refuses to acknowledge the view of human beings as property. Instead enslavement is a property foisted upon the victims and enslavement is an evil perpetrated by slavers.

The biggest issue I've heard of is that message size is very constrained, so photos and videos are reduced to postage stamps.