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Joined 1 years ago

Even more savage if you live somewhere that uses celsius

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I’ll give this a 4/10, mostly it’s too coherent, not rambly enough, and I doubt Trump would know Honduras is a country, let alone where to find it.

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Hey now, that’s offensive to cocksuckers

Yvan Eht Nioj

Nobody is shoving anything down anyone’s throats

The catholic church has entering the chat

Of orange?

So is the journalist, after losing all their documents.

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My nana calls that the “honeymoon salad”, lettuce alone

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We are, in fact, running out of sand. The amount needed for chips compared to other products per unit may be small, but it will exacerbate the issue if not well managed.

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Had to google what GSD meant because all I could hear was great southern Dane, waauw wuuuw

German shepherd (dog)?

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Factorio, hours upon hours of Factorio. I go to bed planning my next expansion. I wake up from dreaming about it. It’s consumed my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Who’s drinking warm soda?

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Well considering I only learnt to drive automatic, it’s not looking good.

And reader view doesn’t pick it up… gross

I prefer “cum gutters”, makes the heteros upseteros

As a millennial, I agree

It is theorised that there are health benefits, and we may have even evolved sweet mucous to encourage consumption!

Same here, lurked for a couple of days before making an account. Seems like a decent place to hang while doomscroll on the toilet.

Ok yeah that’s kinda cute, from a safe distance, like through my phone

For anyone else who wondered how a teenage website dev could also be a millennial, in 2024, (and didn’t want to read the article) he died of lukemia in 2006 at age 15.

Probably people picking up meat that has spoiled/not knowing what to do with it, and getting sick. @BirdEnjoyer said a friend of theirs has to unironically tell people not to pick up anything they didn’t hit themselves.

I agree with the sentiment though, good food shouldn’t go to waste.

You had one job FFS!

Boar Taint would be an excellent metal band name.

duel boot

I’m imagining two cowboy boots at sunrise

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Insta where I’m from, which is fine, unless you don’t have an account like me 🤷‍♂️

Wow, so many salty replies to Linux or soon-to-be Linux users in that thread

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Would you say the same thing to someone who needs SSRIs to maintain stability?

That was similar to what I was thinking too, find the aircon controls, turn the temp waaaay down, snakes get sleepy, I can bundle up somewhere out of the way.

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Pokémon games are developed by Game Freak, so although they’re published by Nintendo & The Pokémon Company I wouldn’t put them in the same category as a Zelda or Mario game.

Sunken cost fallacy

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It’s more that this entire scenario exists, I’d rather be in a world where none of this happened.

What a Pratt.

I mean, I didn’t want to be the one to say it, but, yes

Only that it also seems to be the same world we’re occupying

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I had 4 pneumothoraxes when I was 14-15, 3 on my left, 1 on my right. After the one on my right (#4) the surgeon recommended a pleurodesis to permanently fix my left lung to my chest wall. Basically they rough up the skin between your chest and lung, then fuse them together with talc.

Recovery was excruciating, the first 3 days were the worst with a drainage tube stuck out the back of my chest, and once I got home it was weeks of taking it very easy, slowly expanding my lung capacity.

That was 15 years ago, since then I’ve had no pneumothorax requiring surgery (had a couple of minor ones on my right that rectified themselves), and it hasn’t stopped me from working out, both cardio and strength training. It has definitely reduced my lung capacity and I did have to go to a physio to relearn to breathe from my diaphragm, I’ll never be an athlete, but I wasn’t going to be one before my lungs collapsed in the first place. It also means scuba diving and anything with big pressure differentials on my body are out of the question, but that wasn’t something I was interested in to begin with. Overall, I’m still able to do the things I want to, I’m slightly aware of my reduced lung capacity when I think about it, and I have to work harder on my cardio to achieve a similar result to others, but do not regret it.

If your doctor is recommending it, and if these are regularly occurring, particularly with no obvious cause, I would take it. Two in a year is a lot lower than what I had, and the surgeon only offered the pleurodesis once the right side collapsed as that significantly increased my chances of both happening at the same time. Not sure what the medical advice is these days but in my case they were adamant about not doing it unless it posed a serious risk of both collapsing or if the air volumes were large - from memory my first was over 1L, subsequent were always smaller. Maybe ask what the risks of NOT having the surgery are, or what risk threshold(s) you’ve crossed that are driving the decision to have surgery now, rather than after another.

JLab Go Sport meets all requirements except ANC. Sound quality is good enough for that price point, I use these for exercise and haven’t had an issue with sweat, and the earhooks are comfortable.

My only issue with these is the case is quite bulky, though I tend to leave it at home/in my bag/etc unless I know I’ll need to take them off for an extended period.

Agreed, my new music mix is usually pretty good too.

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Oh wow, that’s a throwback

Oh great, that means you can be selected again, right?