Inside Intel's Chip Factory, I Saw the Future. It's Plain Old Glass to – 101 points –
Inside Intel's Chip Factory, I Saw the Future. It's Plain Old Glass

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We are, in fact, running out of sand. The amount needed for chips compared to other products per unit may be small, but it will exacerbate the issue if not well managed.

But that's due to glass, concrete and so on. Building materials.

Global sand consumption has reached 50 billion tonnes a year, or about 17 kilograms per person per day

Even if every person in the world gets a glass CPU and GPU, that would only add a few grams of consumption. Once, not per day.

It's such a tiny amount that's it's entirely irrelevant.

or about 17 kilograms per person per day

I don't eat nearly that much sand in a day