
2 Post – 289 Comments
Joined 11 months ago


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The wife is 14 years younger than the husband and had the kid at 17..

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Its the classic experience

Not rushing devs? Good thing.

Devs still shoveling the same shit but a year later? Bad thing.

modern internet

boof it

There shouldn't even have to be a Minister for Women!

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No, no we are not.

Am I correct in assuming this person has to pay for parking at work?

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An ETA commando unit using the code name Txikia (after the nom de guerre of ETA activist Eustakio Mendizabal, killed by the Guardia Civil in April 1973) rented a basement flat at Calle Claudio Coello 104, Madrid, on the route by which Blanco regularly went to mass at San Francisco de Borja church.[1]

Over five months, the unit dug a tunnel under the street – telling the landlord that they were student sculptors to hide their true purpose. The tunnel was packed with 80 kg (180 lb) of Goma-2 that had been stolen from a government depot.[citation needed]

On 20 December at 9:36 AM, a three-man ETA commando unit disguised as electricians detonated the explosives by command wire as Blanco's Dodge Dart passed.[2] The blast sent Blanco and his car 20 metres (66 ft) into the air and over the five-story church, landing on the second-floor terrace of the opposite side.[3] Blanco survived the blast but died at 10:15 AM in hospital.[2] His bodyguard and driver died shortly afterwards.[2] The "electricians" shouted to stunned passers-by that there had been a gas explosion, and then fled in the confusion. ETA claimed responsibility on 22 January 1974.

In a collective interview justifying the attack, the ETA bombers said:

The execution in itself had an order and some clear objectives. From the beginning of 1951 Carrero Blanco practically occupied the government headquarters in the regime. Carrero Blanco symbolized better than anyone else the figure of "pure Francoism" and without totally linking himself to any of the Francoist tendencies, he covertly attempted to push Opus Dei into power. A man without scruples conscientiously mounted his own State within the State: he created a network of informers within the Ministries, in the Army, in the Falange, and also in Opus Dei. His police managed to put themselves into all the Francoist apparatus. Thus he made himself the key element of the system and a fundamental piece of the oligarchy's political game. On the other hand, he came to be irreplaceable for his experience and capacity to manoeuvre and because nobody managed as he did to maintain the internal equilibrium of Francoism

— Julen Agirre, Operation Ogro: The Execution of Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco[4] The killing was not condemned and was, in some cases, even welcomed by the Spanish opposition in exile. According to Laura Desfor Edles, professor of sociology at California State University, Northridge, some analysts consider the assassination of Carrero Blanco to be the only thing the ETA have ever done to "further the cause of Spanish democracy".[5] However, former ETA member turned writer Jon Juaristi contended that ETA's goal with the killing was not democratization but a spiral of violence to fully destabilize Spain, heighten Franco's repression against Basque nationalism and force the average Basque citizen to support the lesser evil in the form of the ETA against Franco.[6]

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Glad he is guilty.

you're glad he did it or just that he was convicted?

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Personal opinion: casual nudity should be more prevalent and in the longer term makes it easier to handle nudity without associating it with sexuality.

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no XXX on X?

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Very Infuriating.

In his 1955 book, Salamanders and other Wonders, science author Willy Ley determined that the Mkodo tribe, Carl Liche, and the Madagascar man-eating tree all appeared to be fabrications: "The facts are pretty clear by now. Of course the man eating tree does not exist. There is no such tribe."

first google result

Same time next week?

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Tactical Teddy

Sponsorblock is a thing already.

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Whose dumb? Theirs or mine?

Hi, I am dutch and live in austria so on average that makes me german.

I shower maybe once a week but I am also very depressed so take it with a grain of salt.

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I'll take it if he doesn't want it.

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Boogerpliers, right next to the poopknife.

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That's pretty much the biggest gripe I have with Lemmy; there can be different groups with the same general theme who never come across each others' content, resulting in small echochambers with minimal content.

So Johnny Sins is just there for fun?

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Upgrade is upgrade

Oohhh I like that second one!

Rolls off the tongue

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Also obviously everyone takes TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS to the front lines.

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If I'm just scrolling and notice it once or twice I do nothing, but if I see a lot of it I block it unless I speak said language.

Hungarians sure do ask a valid question.

fuck your polite society

jar jar is spelled with a j

I don't like this weird culture of paying people different wages for the same jobs. That's where I'm coming from.

You're allowing them to pay you a lot less than someone who just happens to be better at corporate bullshitting

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RANT: While I know that language changes all the time, I find it very unfortunate that this little fellow o/ and possibly his slightly more formal friend o7 have become synonymous with “nazi heil”. First off, it’s the wrong arm! And second off, what do you have against “man waving” and “man saluting”.

Never heard that but thanks for reporting o7

I mean, I guess that's somewhat positive..?

Psst there is a third way to just provide ventilation, where you put the handle in a 45 degree angle upwards.

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Same way I look for weed in illegal countries; find hippies and dreadlocks.

Woo you go girl! 🙌