14 Post – 220 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I was thinking the same.

Can anyone check the code and verify?

Coz if [the first 60 characters of a long password] has the same hash as [the long password], something is fishy.


what a good little bit of art

Nice try copper.

The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.

When people speak of the ideas that revolutionise society, they do but express that fact that within the old society the elements of a new one have been created, and that the dissolution of the old ideas keeps even pace with the dissolution of the old conditions of existence.

When the ancient world was in its last throes, the ancient religions were overcome by Christianity. When Christian ideas succumbed in the 18th century to rationalist ideas, feudal society fought its death battle with the then revolutionary bourgeoisie. The ideas of religious liberty and freedom of conscience merely gave expression to the sway of free competition within the domain of knowledge.

How much general legitimacy does the regime have there? Do people not want to overthrow/replace it by this point?

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It's GPT-4 to tell the truth.

Not sure it'll do the tasks you list at the start but it's the front runner.

Cool .

I was complaining about this on !

About 10% of pop culture stories, maybe more, are about billionaires. Are 10% of people billionaires?

And even in a medieval fantasy settings, it's about gold-decked kings: the billionaires of the setting.

It's to perpetuate a class bias.

Well Liebniz said it's because of a necessary being bearing the reason for its existence within itself, if that helps.

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Why is there something instead of nothing

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I mean, if the bias was based on skin-colour or sex, would you feel differently about it?

No, because it’s circular logic.

It is, and that's inherent in the problem under consideration, the problem of the 'uncaused caused' or the 'first mover'. Logic can either be A) circular or B) not-circular. Any not-circular logic must explain each element by referring to a prior, but then you've got an infinite regress. So you're trapped in a dilemma: do you want the circular logic or the infinite regress? Liebniz's choice was to say that God was inherently existent, like when Lao Tzu said 道法 自然

There’s no reason for a necessary being to exist before it does

Correct. It is necessary: it is self-causing. It does not stand upon a 'reason', unlike everything else in conditioned existence.

to exist before it does

You're assuming it is subject to the laws of linear time and causation, and point out how that assumption leads to a contradiction. But Liebniz's God is not subject to the laws of linear time and causation. Which is the whole point of positing it: because if it were subject to those laws: infinite regress.

and no evidence that one does in the real world.

Well the world exists, so all this existence must have some cause. That was the starting point of the conversation: Why is there something instead of nothing?

What do you mean by physical proof?

Some history is known by digging up physical stones n bones. Some is known by digging up texts.

There are multiple texts dated to the 1st century that all corroborate the story that a person called Jesus was crucified around 33AD

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The tone of this comment makes it suddenly seem like you're not asking a question but trying tp prove a point.

History is known by:

  • Archæological evidence

  • Oral interviews with eyewitnesses

  • Texts

  • Archæogenetics

  • Historical linguistics

  • Myth (euhemerism)

  • Maybe some others I'm forgetting

Dino-history isn't comparable to tthe literate Roman period.

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Came here to say it.

The heroic inventor story is archaic.

I did my 333rd recently, the post of Choronzon.

But at what cost???

Please subscribe to ! and contribute

There is is #666

What do you think of what Ehrman says here at 1h45m25s that the mythicist theory isn't taken seriously by the academy because it's mostly pushed by people who seem eager to dunk on religion.

The new testament stories were written well over a hundred years after

Not right.

These were written 20 to 30 years after: ("Fourteen of the 27 books in the New Testament have traditionally been attributed to Paul. Seven of the Pauline epistles are undisputed by scholars as being authentic, with varying degrees of argument about the remainder.") It would be more like someone writing about this now, which I do remember.

Gospel of Mark is dated to around the year 70

Book of Revelation around 81-96

The canonical gospels are the four which appear in the New Testament of the Bible. They were probably written between AD 66 and 110.

The New Oxford Annotated Bible claims, "Scholars generally agree that the Gospels were written forty to sixty years after the death of Jesus. They thus do not present eyewitness or contemporary accounts of Jesus's life and teaching."

Are these screenshots fake or are search engines saying stuff like this? (I don't use google)

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The fediverse really needs key-signed messages.

As long as accounts reside on one server it fails to accomplish its goals, IMO

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Capitalism breeds innovation

American cars aren't good, everybody knows that.

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"the world" is not anti-intellectual, you just hang out with the wrong people

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Not defending Gemini, but your prompts are bad.

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See a GP

I can prove by evidence that there is no milk in this cup.

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Probably the closest in Irish is "is deacair olann a bhaint de ghabhar" (it's hard to get wool from a goat)

I know!

He was constantly in the papers in the 1990s, major figure, every mac madra knew he was alive, where do they get this shite.

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Which Egyptians are you referring to? We have lots of archæological proof of the Judaeans.

Is the claim about "10-20 times the cost" true? The internet says Shanghai maglev cost $1.33 billion for 30.5 km, i.e. less than $44 million/km. Compare or

Secondly, if it is true, why would it be true? Why would it be more expensive to build something with fewer moving parts?

Supersonic passeenger jets require more energy. Maglev trains require less energy.

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Tough comment to follow

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This is a good question tbh

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