
0 Post – 478 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


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We don't talk about those 2 problems

What about SSHing into it?

That you catch a cold because you're cold

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That's Glass-R but fot a few bucks more you can get a Glass-RW

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If we pull in a team effort we can all collectively try 1 to 255 for the last octet and download all the money from this man's bank account and split it between us what say?

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Turns out the origin of borgs was actually earth!

Gnome is a big reason I switched fully to linux

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Cool, don't do it then

Or their data tells them the truth and humans don't know what we are doing...

I think you're in luck, the article says he's tried 3 similar voyages before, so if it's his fourth your nickel fortune is going to double!

It should be stamets and the Picard maneuver

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Star Trek discovery, should have ended after the intro

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Just hypothetically, jokes and feelings aside for discussion sake, if we assume Elon had a plan after taking over (whether he did it by mistake or whatever) what do you think it could be?

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One of the very few places which mentions that it was a Maersk ship

I didn't know this, and I recently bought a key through one of those sites. Put in my card details at checkout and got the key, and got a message from my bank saying the transaction has been declined due to security reasons. So my money never ended up going to them, but I still got the key. I unknowingly scammed the scammers!

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Yeah, but Microsoft liked living on the edge

If you connect your device to a compatible hdmi port and turn on the device first, it should turn on your tv to that input straight away. Boot times should be nearly instant unless you do a full restart of the smart tv.

Don't do drugs

They're selling our usage data to aliens to pay for server costs

If they don't call, it's not important

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Is no one going to comment on how ironic it is that the guy's name is Bowser?

I was sitting across the aisle from you and saw the whole thing unfold. To be honest, no harm no foul so you're all good, however I'm just thankful those were the 3G days because with 5G airwaves I'm sure it would have been a faster drop.

The Gaylords would like a word

They could still be crawling over it, hopefully

Soon jacking off will be a crime

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That's the strangest photo for such an article

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Imagine the president walking around with 2 buttons now, one for nucular weapons and one for tiktok.

"Fire ze missilee"

"But I am Le Tired"

"OK. Turn off tiktok. Then fire ze MISSILES"

Cows and monkeys in India

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So it's just an added feature of StartAllBack - no more updating!

You're absolutely right. In India the most common species of monkey is actually the ones we see on our news asking us to vote for them.

That's uh, pretty specific with the flaming bucket...

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Start with something neutral, like crossfit

Step* roommates

What a dedicated man. He cut every packet and tasted a finger tip to ensure all the evidence was properly tagged.

The concept of removing features and making people pay for them back.

You know that famous The Dude meme? Applies here.

Not a chrome fan and I use Librewolf and I like how I've customised it. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

Instander has been working fine for me for a few years you can try it out

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You're just making the pillow even better

XDA is pretty active

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