1 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

*self hosts gitlab with docker run

*still doesn't know git

':confused jackie:'

That kind of shit should really be illegal

6 more...

I've heard of several cases in the USA where they combine unrelated things to mess with voters. Even this one is kinda related but school education plus internet censorship. Split that shit up and let the people vote for what they want.

Edit: it's a rider

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Since the huge push to SaaS I've seen plenty of companies that essentially run thin clients.

The local workstations are just thier access to login to X website that host thier apps and data.

Zero reason for them to switch to win11 or buy new hardware due to "incompatibility".

These end users can be trained to use mint or Ubuntu and be just as productive at work.

20 more...

Fuck. That. Company.

Holy shit dude.

That device monitoring software can go to hell.

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Everyone keeps saying this is capitalism and its true. Companies squeezing everyone when they're vulnerable for more profits.

Consumers need protections for things like basic needs so we don't struggle just to survive.

Food and housing should be protected. Luxury brands can get all the profit they want.

Don't touch my fucking groceries and rent!

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One interesting about speeding in traffic. Often you're rushing just to stop.

It's been proven that if you cap the max speed in heavy traffic everyone gets through it faster. Less stop and go with merges and guesses.

Think of all the times someone sped up to prevent you from changing lanes? Or someone blocks you during a zipper merge.

Traffic wouldn't suck as much if people didn't suck. I can't wait until a few decades from now we've got AI cars Managing it for us.

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Question. Where does this "value" come from? Loss of business? Downtime? Labor loss due to people unable to work? Pull a number out of a hat?

These servers had no production data on them. Ideally with a proper DR solution you just restore and presa charges.

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This is why reposts are important. I've never seen it.

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Mine is about 7 years old. 2 years ago the compressor died on it. It was a new custom LG design. The part normally lasts 10 years.

I was out of warranty but LG still fixed it apparently due to a class action lawsuit forcing them to cover the compressor specifically due to all the failures.

Take what you will from that.

True. But the meme is wrong. It's expenses not income.

The idea is you should be able to survive without working for 6 months.

This is to cover losing your job, injuries, illness, family emergencies.

5 more...

That's the biggest issue. Support.

Most of the success of the RPi is due to rasparian and community support.

The victims only heard banging and not the cops announcement.

So she gets her gun to defend herself and answer the door.

Cops see the gun through the window. Don't announce they're police. Scream to drop the gun and immediately empty their clips...

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I could never get ASMR. Like I understand it but it never triggers. Whispers, plastic crimples, etc. It finally happened to me. Completely by accident.

Backyard metal melting in forges.
The flame of a forge got me the goosepimples good.

15 min in:

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I've got ctrl+s hard-coded into me early on. Every paragraph I'll save.

I do miss hitting save and looking over at the floppy light to make sure it's updating haha.

Type type save... :looks over for spin click click blinky: ... good...

I've decided to run Linux as my main os next PC build... I said that two years ago and still haven't built my new rig.

I'm terrified of switching. There's just way too much information out there. So many options.

I'm used to being in a box with just one or two ways of doing things.

Does anyone know a good series to help windows users adapt?

Just need web surfing and gaming including steam vr

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Seems like the water is coming from the left. So the wall not the PC.

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Don't forget to stay away from stupid keyboards!!

Some are basically key loggers

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Yeap... they released it too late. I didn't buy certain vr games that were on sale due to privacy...

Don't forget console commands to work around a bug in a quest. Or summon items. Or respawn accidentally killed NPCs.

I compare my career to the medical field. Sure there are some crossovers but lots of specialties.

Would you consult a dentist about your bowel movements?

Armor class...

Websites now take Google pay.

Restaurants and startups are using toast and squarespace.

People are using cash app and venmo.

There are a lot more alternatives to PayPal than 10 years ago.

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You dropped the /s

Sounds like a good prospect to try and get lineage on it. Just need to see if anyone has tried.

I save every one of these packs. Keep them in a gallon storage bag. Use in case of emergency.

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Nice write up. Crazy how fat cats find ways to milk the cash cows.

I'm reminded of how the freaking NFL of all things is considered a non profit somehow. Simply due to the fact that they pay themselves so much money.

Oh man you're right. Two ethernet cables on the right. So yes it's coming from the left.

Could be oil from a PC or water from the wall.

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Nail on the head.

The reason programming curriculums are so math heavy is because of teaching logic.

You're either right or wrong in math. There is ONE answer to the formula. You can sometimes get there different ways though. The logic on your path is the key.

Would you like to know more?

I really hate what they've done with the product.

But due to the low price point VR has taken off and loads of parents got it for thier kids. That means more Devs have made games and more competition making headsets.

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And I can't use any of them due to legal and IP concerns...

You can disable or streamline that stuff with either group policy or registry keys.

I used to do the same work (several years ago) and I started researching fixes and writing scripts to speed up my work.

Make a to do list of what your computer setup process is. Figure out the earliest you can launch a script (netshare or usb). Then start writing scripts for your tasks.

Installing apps, file transfers and system configs.

9 more...

Working class vs owning class.

Owners don't need linked.

But... clickbait and drama~~~

You should know people only read headlines!

Yep. I switched. Doubt anyone will notice tho

It's fantastic. I just rewatched it.

I like this one. Even better. "Who are the people I have positively influenced and what were the key interactions we shared?"

It would be a flashback of loving moments of humanity.

I'd love to see a reel from someone like a social worker, teacher, nurse etc