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Jacking Up a Car Is Dangerous. Here's Why Mechanics Are Doing So Anyway

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The only platform not yet supported is the Mac Pro, although there probably isn’t much left to do. No, not the “MacBook Pro”, but the “Mac Pro” – the one that looks like a cheese grater and costs thrice as much.

I've always wondered what sort of look they were going for.

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I don't even know what Minnesota's flag looked like.

Uh, no one is going to miss that.

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someone was made fun of one too many times about having green bubbles in imessage

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I can't imagine that you can get out of bed without waking your wife if your smartwatch vibrating wakes her up.

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I assume that this is supposed to be about the 737 Max and not the 787 Max since there is no 787 Max.

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In the EV age, cars are no longer just cars. They are computers.

oh no

Stripping out a gas engine, transmission, and 100-plus moving parts turns a vehicle into something more digital than analog—sort of like how typing on an iPhone keyboard is different than on my clackety old Samsung flip phone.


“It’s the software that is really the heart of an EV,” DeGraff said—it runs the motors, calculates how many miles are left on a charge, optimizes the brakes, and much more.

stop, please

Just like with other gadgets that bug you about software updates, all of this firmware can be updated over Wi-Fi while a car charges overnight.


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It's the holidays and everyone is traveling. Get your clickbait headlines outta here.

It’s an amazing case because the Hawaii Constitution has a provision that is the same as the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It literally uses the exact same words as the Second Amendment. And Justice Eddins said: Even though the provisions are the same, we will not interpret them the same way, because we think the U.S. Supreme Court clearly got it wrong in Heller when it said the Second Amendment creates an individual right to bear arms.

The bill of rights protects rights, it doesn't create rights. That is a pretty fundamental concept.

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The whole thing is weird.

His ordeal began five days later. In the late morning of September 8, Timothy was pulled out of music class and ushered into a room where he found Garza, Assistant Principal Michelle Saucedo, a district police officer, and a counselor sent from the district’s central administrative office. He was told another student had just reported that Timothy said he was planning to kill the principal. Rincon said she was called and rushed to the school but was not allowed to be in the room while Timothy was being questioned.

“When the police officer had his body cam off, they were yelling and telling me, ‘We’re gonna go to the full extent. We’re gonna put you in a lockbox,’” Timothy said. “Then, when the body cam was finally on, they were so nice.”

Timothy told me he had explained to the school and district officials that the accusations were not true, that the only conversation he had that morning was with two other boys about wearing his sweater over his uniform.

Rincon has received only a school conduct referral form, on which administrators wrote that “Timothy told another student that his hair was messy because he was up all night to come up with a plan to kill Mrs. Garza (principal).” Underneath, Timothy wrote: “No I was not up all night I just forgot [to comb my hair].”

On the bottom of the form, administrators had written: “OSS [out-of-school suspension] 3 days 9/11-9/13.”

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The ban only affects Apple stores in the US. That means customers can still get their hands on a Watch Series 9 or Watch Ultra 2 at Best Buy, Target, and other retailers while supplies last. Apple will also continue selling the Watch SE, as it doesn’t come with a blood oxygen sensor.

That seems a bit lax.

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Wikileaks is accused of not releasing information that would be harmful to the reputation of Russia.

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Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has abolished any requirement for applicants to use this ancient clicking and buzzing magnetic media when filing official documents. Until last week there were about 1,900 official governmental application procedures that stipulated businesses must submit floppies or CD-ROMs (specifically) containing supplementary data.

Jones said he and the girl “had talked at the gym” and that “she had identified herself as an 18-year-old” before performing oral sex on him in the Benton Post Office parking lot.
He also admitted to never asking to see the girl’s ID, even though he had been formerly trained as a police officer to confirm people’s ages by doing so. The girl’s mother said she suspected that her daughter might have lied about her age to attract male attention, and the mother added that she didn’t want Jones to go to jail over the sexual relationship with her daughter.

what the fuck

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Hey, wait a minute... which state is Melania from?

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Biden being their best chance of defeating Trump is scary enough.

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nothing of value was lost

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The report does not mention Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson, who served as the physician to the president from 2013 to 2018 under both Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Stat, which first reported on the OIG's new report, noted that Jackson had been accused of fostering a toxic work environment, engaging in alcohol-fueled misconduct, and misusing Ambien, specifically. OIG received those allegations during the first part of 2018, around the same time when the pharmacy complaints came in. And some of the allegations against Jackson were confirmed by a separate OIG investigation released in 2021.


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I think you could get a good idea of what it would be like in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

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‘Well, I told you,’ — it was kind of charming. He said, ‘I told you, I told them to make you really bad sandwiches, but they can’t help themselves here. We have the best sandwiches.’


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They don't know how to market something that doesn't have a bunch of gimmicky bullshit.

In July, Duvan became the third worker to die in less than three years at the Hattiesburg, Mississippi, plant owned by Mar-Jac, a Georgia-based poultry production company.

In 2020, 33-year-old Joel Velasco Toto died after a co-worker “inserted an air-compression hose into his rectum,” the lawsuit says. In 2021, 48-year-old Bobby Butler died after becoming entangled in a machine he was cleaning.

This doesn't sound like a great place to work.

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Reset the clock.

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This is hardly news.

During the court-sanctioned intrusion, the DOJ "enabled temporary collection of non-content routing information" that would "expose GRU attempts to thwart the operation." This did not "impact the routers' normal functionality or collect legitimate user content information," the DOJ claims.

I bet.

They didn't try him, he pled pleaded(?) guilty.

In October, Charles Littlejohn, 38, pleaded guilty to one count of unauthorized disclosures of income tax returns.

“We have an economy that is incredible,” he went on to say, reflective of last year’s strong labor market gains. “We have an economy that is so fragile. And the only reason it’s running now is it’s running off the fumes of what we did—what the Trump administration did. It’s just running off the fumes.”

***“And when there’s a crash, I hope it’s going to be during these next twelve months, because I don’t want to be Herbert Hoover,”*** he continued, referring to the president when the Great Depression hit in 1929. “The one president—I just don’t want to be Herbert Hoover.”

I think the reason he provides seems stranger than merely wishing for the economy to crash because it might improve his chances of being re-elected.

That said, many of the executives who ran cable TV into the ground have jumped ship to streaming, and are repeating many of the same mistakes without having learned much of anything from history or experience.

Why would anyone hire these people?

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Have you tried turning it off and on again?

death to "infotainment" systems

Fuck Paxton

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I see a lot of people saying they'll just switch instances but haven't seen anyone say they'll just jump ship, am I alone ?

I have switched instances a lot. I don't like the idea of other people curating my feed.

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if no one can hear you fart, no one knows who is responsible

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it's like poetry

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is relying on the compact theory of the U.S. Constitution to defy the U.S. Supreme Court

Is this the Supreme Court ruling that said that Border Patrol could cut barbed wire in Eagle Pass?

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By that logic, women are committing murder every time they menstruate.

An unfertilized egg is not the same thing as an embryo.

DDR3 was really hard to find the last time I went shopping for RAM.

I bet you can get at least another 5 more years out of that computer.

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You just need some practice farting quietly.

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“The features of modern assault weapons—particularly the AR-15’s radical increases in muzzle velocity, range, accuracy, and functionality—along with the types of injuries they can inflict are so different from colonial firearms that the two are not reasonably comparable,” the order said.


edit: I'm not disputing that the fact that an AR-15 is more accurate. I just don't see how the improvement in accuracy makes the gun fall outside the scope of the second amendment. I mean, if you replace a rifled barrel with a smoothbore barrel on an AR-15, wouldn't that make it more dangerous because you don't know where the bullets would go?

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