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More details on the availability of this flavor will be revealed on April 1 – but in the meantime, the rest of the 7-Select x Miracle Seltzer lineup including Lemon Lime, Green Apple and Sweet Orange can be found at select 7-Eleven® stores.

I am suspicious.

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If humans don't commit suicide first through war or environmental abuse, I truly believe that future generations will look back on eating meat as a barbaric mistake. They'll tell stories about how we caused epidemics and pandemics, wasted valuable resources and land, polluted air, land, and sea, and abided the suffering of billions of animals, all so we could feed our children dinosaur shaped meat nuggets and buy cheap hamburgers that we were too lazy to even get out of our cars to purchase.

"And then, even as global warming spiraled out of control, they wasted arable land and dwindling water supplies on subsidized corn to feed to the subsidized beef and poultry stock. The ones that didn't get culled or recalled or spoil before even hitting a plate contributed to a dietary culture of heart disease. Also, the animals regularly suffered immensely, which they were aware of but preferred not to consider."

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Ftfy always becomes "fuck that, fuck you" in my head.

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In principle I agree. But the truth is the GOP has gone fully rogue. They aren't even playing the same game, let alone by the same rules. The more latitude Trump and those in thrall to him are afforded, the more likely an actual, effective, coup is executed. The deeper into the process Trump gets, the more legitimaized he becomes. The more legitimaized he becomes the more the "implications" increase. Basically he needs to be removed from the game as soon as possible because time is a huge factor. He's very good at stall tactics, and he is very good at making sure things do or do not stay in the public consciousness. In short, the most dangerous thing you can give Trump to play with is time.

Just being extremely generous and assuming for the sake of argument that every crime that Trump has been proven to have committed was somehow a conspiratorial hit job perpetrated by some massive shadowy leftist cabal. I'll never understand how the "grab em by the pussy" guy is the Christian choice. How the guy who cultivated the image of ruthless businessman, and who fired people for the sake of entertainment is the Christian choice. The man who famously cited second Corinthians as "two Corinthians" to a room full of evangelical Christians is the Christian choice. How the guy who insults people so regularly and often that there is a whole wikipedia article dedicated to it is the Christian choice. And finally, how the Wharton grad, billionaire New York real estate tycoon somehow doesn't represent the "coastal elite" which is supposedly the enemy he is fighting against to restore "true Christian values".

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Begins? I'd say "returns" at best, but more probably "continues" or "intensifies".

Tell me about it:

George HW Bush born 1924

Bill Clinton born 1946

George W Bush born 1946

Barack Obama born 1961

Donald Trump born 1946

Joe Biden born 1942

Time keeps progressing and politicians keep just getting fucking older.

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Because they would make him feel important. Because they would make him feel cool and nonconformist. He would feel like he's really making decisions and choosing a path. He would feel in control and ontologically whole. Incidentally these are the same blinding motivations which guide the anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, anti-education anti-healthcare, anti-student loan forgiveness, anti-free school lunch, anti-gun control, anti-immigration, anti-affirmative action, anti-environmental protection, anti-democracy crowd.

The problem with billionaires is the same as those who worship them, which I believe is what endears the latter to the former. They have a very profound hole in their self worth. If you're a billionaire you probably got to be one by compulsively looking for something to fill that hole, or alternatively you inherited your wealth from someone who has. If you don't recognize your worth, you don't recognize your power. If you don't recognize you power you feel powerless. If you feel powerless, your desperation to control makes you either easy to manipulate or antisocial, or both.

God as broad: Your Mom makes you a sandwich.

Devil as details: The meat in the sandwich is a dead animal. Your mom bought it from an evil mega corp. She paid for it with wages from her soul crushing job. No one makes her a sandwich.

The issue is that conceptually if a nato nation is attacked, this is destabilizing and a threat to all. This is the concept of civilization. NATO isn't an annual roadside assistance subscription, it's an alliance.

Oddly enough, in Washington state strip clubs do not serve booze. You can have nudity or alcohol, but not both.

Anger is all he knows. He weilds his emotions with the skill of a feral dog.

"Fine with" is probably too far. I think they're pointing out that, for example, your phone contains cobalt which was likely mined unethically, perhaps by a child, perhaps resulting in their death. Is therefore buying a phone inherently wrong? Not essentially. Nor is porn inherently wrong. The abusers in these scenarios are in the wrong, not necessarily the end consumer.

It could even be argued that rather than being some sort of monster for being unknowingly subjected to footage of a sexual assault, that the viewer is also now being harmed themselves.

Furthermore, I'm not familiar with the "Girls Do Porn" channel/company/whatever but it sounds to me that the concept was porn created by women. Wether sound or not logically, the intent seemed ideally to be a safer porn environment, like reduced patriarchy flavored porn. So in this case the company responsible actively preyed on people trying to find a more consensual and equitable pornography.

There is definitely a crime here, but it isn't the horny guy cranking away in the privacy of his home.

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With a guy who has been caught red handed doing so many awful things, there is little to be gained by wild postulation. Currently the best delineation we have between the sane and the insane is a respect for verifiable truth.

Take out the next drawer up. Now you have access to the drawer below.

I don't doubt that he is belligerent, I don't doubt that he is capable of murder. He is a rapist. If "dangerous" is considered tough, then I buy it. But tough is not the same as strong. There is no strength without empathy.

Politicians should always "buy votes" by acting in the interest of their constituents. The vote "buying" that should really concern you is called lobbying (see: citizens united), or in some cases outright bribery (see: Justice Thomas; also see: Trump literally selling pardons), or in some cases corruption to point of loss of life (see: the entire Iraq war and surrounding sweatheart contracting deals).

In summary: investing in the future by supporting education: good.Dismantling the EPA for short term political gain at the expense of multiple generations worth of irreparable harm: bad.

Exactly. Premium is basically twice what I'm willing to pay. I've considered going premium multiple times, and have multiple times suffered sticker shock and backed away.

Sure looks like track marks on the shirt. Also looks suspiciously well lined up. Alive or dead, whoever did it did not deviate from their angle at all.

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Believe it or not, your understanding is not essential. Unfortunately for you, truth is nuanced and not conveniently delineated. Just because you can't grasp it, doesn't make it a mystery.

Give me a break.

Cis people have received an inordinate number of breaks for the entirety of recorded history. You will never be killed for holding hands with the wrong person. No nation has a death penalty for expressing your love openly.

I don't know anything about Trumps childhood, but it feels like he was raised by fairly cold, taciturn, sociopaths. I wonder if his whole childhood was just a masterclass in tantrums and getting a reaction out of people. Would explain a lot about his stengths and weaknesses.


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Hey, we didn't come up with the shit in the first place. The Imperial System is a British invention.

Be the pasta you wish to see on the world?

What the fuck is going on in the comments here?

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You know that it's like super creepy to refer to Margot Robie as "just a hot celebrity"?

And hobby? What the hell do you think this is? It isn't a damn job. Lemmy is recreational. Vanity accounts are fun and appropriate.

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He kinda always flirted with being overly caustic in my experience. Definitely creeped a little too close to heteronormative, western world good, global south bad, clunky boomer type shit humor wise. But ya, around covid popping of I sensed some real cracks forming and I bounced on outta there.

I would very much appreciate if a wonk can swing in and layout all the subsidies this guy/Nebraska benefit from.

This is something I am woefully uninformed about. Can you provide additional information/resources?

Speaking of HHS (from NYT):

Marijuana is neither as risky nor as prone to abuse as other tightly controlled substances and has potential medical benefits, and therefore should be removed from the nation’s most restrictive category of drugs, federal scientists have concluded.

The recommendations are contained in a 250-page scientific review provided to Matthew Zorn, a Texas lawyer who sued Health and Human Services officials for its release and published it online on Friday night. An H.H.S. official confirmed the authenticity of the document.

But sadly

Last month, Michael D. Miller, a Justice Department official, defended the D.E.A.’s prerogative in making the final decision on the administration’s position.

“D.E.A. has the final authority to schedule, reschedule, or deschedule a drug under the Controlled Substances Act, after considering the relevant statutory and regulatory criteria and H.H.S.’s scientific and medical evaluation,” he wrote in a letter to Representative Earl Blumenauer, an Oregon Democrat who has pushed the D.E.A. to reconsider marijuana.

I see no motivation for the DEA to voluntarily forfeit power and money just because it's the right thing to do. Also think of career DEA guys' pride and ego. They are not going to easily admit they've been wrong and that their rhetoric has been overheated for the past 50 years.

And unfortunately, the scheduling is determined by none other than the DEA itself. So I wouldn't hold my breath on them forfeiting funding and purview over of anything as trivial as medical research or the will of the people. At least not easily or without some other political quid pro quo.

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First game that came to mind was The Looker.

We're taught that intelligence is performative. So most people think intelligence is answer driven, clever people know that it's question driven. But a gameshow where contestants ask the right questions might not do as well as Jeopardy.

Edit: my dumb ass picks the gameshow where you famously have to literally ask the right questions as an example.

The bully part comes in when YouTube music is rolled into the cost. I would pay for youtube premium if all I got was a premium YouTube (and therefore the price was substantially lower). But what they're doing is leveraging the popularity of YouTube to try and force the bolstering of YouTube music subscribers. Furthermore, they are currently increasing the price for premium in several markets. So the already too high cost is temporary at best and nearly guaranteed to go up even further with absolutely no increase in benefits. Paying to remove ads seems fine, but what they are attempting to do goes beyond that simple quid pro quo. They are being coercive and indirect to a degree I find unethical. Thus, bully.

My man, it's just a username. The comments section of a frankly niche social network are not the portents of the apocalypse.

Also, you roll around insulting people, calling them creepy and lazy, telling them to "do better". What is it that you bring to the table? Disproportionate outrage? Negativity? "Bring on the down votes" sounds more like vintage bad-times reddit than anything this Margot Robie user has done.

The thing about civilization is that ideally it advances. If 200k years is the sample size you wish to view, houses are fairly new. Plumbing is newer than houses. Insulation even more new. Fire safety and building regulations even more new still. Asbestos was new, and now it's old. This is progress. To keep with this analogy, in my opinion meat will become the asbestos, the lead paint, or the knob and tube wiring, of food.

I use a Kobo. It has a few warts, but its great overall. Software is definitely the weakest link.

Or maybe he is too busy giving children cancer? Or maybe trapping children under rubble with the decaying remains of their family? Or maybe watching a child's organs fail from malnutrition? Or maybe god is listening to their Spotify playlist "mating calls of the last of their species"? Or perhaps they're watching their favorite reality tv show "active shooter event", new episodes every week.

Probably not though. Who has time for such trivial concerns when there are more important issues in this world like who people like to kiss and what genitals they prefer.

Not OP, but I just want videos. I don't need or want their music service. That's the premium I'm waiting for.

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If you examine the situation very closely you may be able to spot a few differences between flying from Michigan to Las Vegas, versus flying from Idaho to Egypt.