27 Post – 643 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Nerd, programmer, writer. I like making things!

But you can’t run your own snap repo

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elementary has their own repo for their system apps

I didn’t know about the self-hosted snap stores, thanks for pointing it out!

mlem shows it as a big scrolling image, voyager is a regular image you have to zoom in but still works

My partner and I like Boomerang Fu, Stick Fight, and Towerfall. I think there are a few more but can’t think of them right now. There’s not much of a goal other than competing though

If you want to test your friendship you can try 100%ing Super Bunny Man!

Love to see it, thanks for the confirmation!

The full title is PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant

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You should educate yourself on the subject 👍 you appear to be defending death threats while not actually saying anything substantial or relevant

Wow, there’s an article on the subject right there! How convenient

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I am fucked

Their last game was in Godot and the engine has a small vr modding presence, so even if it’s not official there’s hope!

(If this one is in godot, not sure about that)

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You are appreciated 🙏

Four, it’s practically a one man band! Wasn’t it was out for half a year? I can’t imagine trying to patch something 15 billion miles away

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This is so cool! I’ve seen a few of these writerdecks lately and love the trend, especially with the planck layout

I’m glad there were emojis in the headline so I knew how to feel about it 🥴

IMO it’s up there with calling people npcs

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Go find some of the member’s personal projects and support them. One of the creature designers recently started a Kickstarter for a comic book

Lots of the original teams for those games have moved on

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Despite bringing in over $1.8 billion in revenue in the 12 months ending in June 2023, Unity was nearly a billion dollars away from profitability during that same period, thanks in large part to a wave of expensive acquisitions.

🥴 brilliant decision makers at unity

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Hell yeah, refurbished is awesome!

Madison said she got in trouble for using sick days. I don’t know why the dots are so hard to connect for some people.

That’s not a defense. Opinion pieces can be fine, but if you’re claiming that something is off the charts you should probably have some charts (or any points of data) to prove the claim.

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I love when corpos go to court

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FOMO is a silly and manipulative phenomenon, I encourage you to try to figure out how you can break it. I left the day Apollo stopped working

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Good riddance

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Luckily you can check out the author’s bio right from the article:

Dr. Don Lincoln is a Senior Scientist at Fermilab, America’s leading particle physics laboratory, who has coauthored over 1,500 scientific papers. He was a member of the teams that discovered the top quark in 1995 and the Higgs boson in 2012.

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This growing group of people want to believe themselves a new incarnation of Gamergate, a harassment campaign started in 2014 that targeted women speaking out against misogyny in the video games industry.

I’m so glad journalists aren’t giving them false legitimacy. There’s a user that posts gaming news to another lemmy community and they said it was a “harassment” campaign (the quotes being theirs) and… yikes

I feel like the opening sentences explained the reasoning behind the article sufficiently, even when there are plenty of valid use cases for them. This was mostly a response to manipulative marketing tactics:

Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, are popular services for (supposedly) increasing your security and privacy on the internet. They are often marketed as all-encompassing security tools, and something that you absolutely need to keep hackers at bay. However, many of the selling points for VPNs are exaggerated or just outright false.

They’re not the only ones pointing this out, either. Tom Scott released a video on the topic a few years ago to explain his thoughts VPN sponsorships

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Still great, just more complicated

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Poof, you now have nothing

Here we go again with the rumors 🙃 the worst part of the Nintendo console lifecycle

That being said, DLSS would be awesome on something like the switch

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I wonder if the decision has anything to do with selling refurbished units. It’s a good change, glad to see this!

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The end-goal is to support AP for merge requests (aka pull requests), meaning can send a merge request to

In the most expansive version of this vision, anyone running an AP-enabled git instance (with one or more repos) can send MRs to another instance’s repo, without having to sign up there.


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Context, for anyone that missed when that happened:

Wait, did people actually believe this was real? I’d seen it faked before, so was a bit jaded at the news.

Glad to have peer reviews!

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Stardew update hitting the dev world hard

Interesting! I wonder how/if platforms will implement this, maybe my backlog will finally make me some money 😆

YouTube ads are bad now too, blatant scams and conspiracy theories.

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lol, sure

This is an excellent article, if you don’t have the time to read there’s also a 40 minute recording!

They’ve been experts for longer than a single night, don’t you remember when all anybody said was to jUsT FiX tHe NeTcOdE!

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Nobody else has had a visceral reaction, we’ve just pointed out bad journalism 🙂 Using big negative words might make you feel better, but it doesn’t make them accurate. You’re using them to be dismissive of our points

Agreed. I loved the first but I’m not going to install epic for one game

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