PVKK from the Dome Keeper devs is Papers Please but you get a huge planetary defence cannon

Gamma@beehaw.org to Gaming@beehaw.org – 62 points –
PVKK from the Dome Keeper devs is Papers Please but you get a huge planetary defence cannon

The full title is PVKK: Planetenverteidigungskanonenkommandant

My rule would be simple: The only ships allowed to land are those crewed by a captain who can pronounce this accent-free. Every one else gets acquainted with the business end of the Planetenverteidigungskanone.

Deep Narrative: Experience a story rich with political intrigue and moral dilemmas.

we call it eine Politischintrigenhaftmoralischdilemmaischerfahrung

Looks like an interesting game. Definitely added it to my Wishlist so I don’t forget that title!

Immediate wishlist. Hope VR support comes in the future!

Their last game was in Godot and the engine has a small vr modding presence, so even if it’s not official there’s hope!

(If this one is in godot, not sure about that)

I have never wanted to play a game so hard in my life. It seems to have the atmosphere of Inscryption, the gameplay of Papers Please and a lot of buttons and knobs to mess around with.