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Joined 1 years ago

(Chorus) Heave ho, Docker, and sail the binary sea, With containers all lined up, so light and free. From the code to the cloud, we'll go with ease, In our trusty Docker ships, we sail the seas.

(Verse 1) Oh, the devs were a-struggling, in a stormy plight, With dependencies broken, things weren't quite right. Then Docker sailed in, with a promise so bold, Of consistent environments, as good as gold.

(Chorus) Heave ho, Docker, and sail the binary sea, With containers all lined up, so light and free. From the code to the cloud, we'll go with ease, In our trusty Docker ships, we sail the seas.

(Verse 2) We build and we ship, with our Docker compose, In our microservices, our confidence grows. With images light and containers so tight, We deploy in the morning, and sleep sound at night.

(Chorus) Heave ho, Docker, and sail the binary sea, With containers all lined up, so light and free. From the code to the cloud, we'll go with ease, In our trusty Docker ships, we sail the seas.

As a man this sums up my experience.

Speaking to a woman who found their spouse via dating apps she said not to sweat it, pretend you’re in a job interview and trying to get to know the other person. Since then I’ve realised she was right, but as a man I’m the one being interviewed. Just like a job interview; it’s stressful, frustrating and often you’ll never know where you’ve gone wrong when they turn you down.

Maybe less investment in trying to monopolise the market and more investment in developing their shopping platform so it’s not a smouldering turd.

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Yes officer, I’d like to charge this phone with battery.

My grandfather used to run a fauna park with kookaburras. We had a meat grinder, like what’s used to make filling for pies and pasties, which was used to grind up baby chickens and mice into a paste for the kookaburras.

They also had a meat grind to use for pies and pasties so I hope they never mixed the two.

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Reminds me of the joke I heard from the TV series Chernobyl. From memory:

Q: What weighs 2 tons, emits lots of smoke and noise and cuts apples into 3 pieces?

A: A Soviet machine designed to cut apples into 4 pieces.

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Regarding how bad BattleState Games are; I changed my email address a while back and because I have no access to the old address I cannot update my BSG account to the new address. I’ve spent months in contact with BSG and supplied them with everything short of a DNA sample but they will not update the address.

I can still access the account, but not the game, and there is no way to update the address without going through BSG support. I’ve also spoken out on their forums amongst others with the same issue with no response from BSG.

I bought 2 Edge of Darkness editions (one for my ex-partner) and yet I cannot play the game at all. Fuck BSG, good game, dogshit company.

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“Thanks for buying our console, here’s an advertisement!”

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Took a little bit of searching before I discovered Japanese Breakfast is a band and “breakfast concert”’s aren’t some sort of niche 7:00am booking.

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Everytime I consider buying an EV I do some research and they always seem to have all of the bells and whistles. Then I get to price and it’s like $60,000+ and I can’t help but wonder how much cheaper it could be without all of the added features.

Edit: I’m not going to reply to everyone and I really should have mentioned since it’s not immediately obvious but I’m Australian. No Chevy volt and and all vehicles are imported increasing prices on top of the usual AUD imbalance.

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Factorio. I love the gameplay but none of my friends play it so I normally play other games with them and come back to Factorio every now and then.

We need to find out which system has the most bugs and then play solely on that system for the true Bethesda experience.

Don’t forget Steam Link! It’s one of my favourite features. You’re not even really tethered to any particular device to play your games since so many devices support the app. I play games that are single-player “console” style games in my lounge room for comfort and Steam Link means I can use my very good PC instead of buying into yet another console generation.

Lawns are a passion hate of mine. I bought a house and land package that has lawn front and back and it's the most useless waste of land. I'd rather the house be further forward with a bigger shed in the back yard but instead there a plant that require constant cutting/watering. My ex was the one who wanted to keep it and now that she's gone I'll look at landscaping the yard to rocks and native flora.

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…placing at least seven AirTags on his ex-wife's car to surveil her.

Assuming the tags weren’t checking in with an owning device (iPhone) that car would’ve been beeping up a storm.

I recently lent a set of work keys to a colleague that I forgot had an AirTag on them, in their words: “fucking things beeped all weekend and my phone kept telling me I’m being followed!”

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Im 100% convinced it’s a velociraptor.

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Funny enough some of the most recent reviews have been somewhat positive because of the amount of progress that they have made on the development of the game. If the game were allowed to be developed to full completion, it might be a well received game (Despite the price). Instead they’ve canned it, which is just a disgusting show of business over customers as well as being disappointing for a KSP fan.

I’m not entirely sure but it always seems like a in-game time of day thing to me. In one of my worlds I used to leave to swamps in the morning and return at nightfall and that would put the wind on my side but if I reversed the times the wind would be against me.

How did he calculate the 70% chance?

Maybe they asked ChatGPT?

If Gabe ever leaves Valve and the powers that be decide to go public I hope it’s done in a way that gives power to the users instead of faceless investment firms. I don’t even know what that would look like but I fear the day that Valve comes under control of an ex-AAA game company CEO or the like.

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It’s Twitter but for thrash metal bands.

WH40K: Darktide. In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium I am so F-ed in the A.

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A friend and I were talking today that we’d spend full price for a Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War Soulstorm remaster/remake. It was a great game that still has a lot of potential both for gamers and for the company developing it. They could even call it something cool like the Imperium Edition or something!

I’ve also always said that they could approach it in a similar way to how Total War: Warhammer develops DLC for their factions. Quick question for WH:40K fans: if they offered a dlc for your specific Space Marine chapter or Ork Warband or DIRTY HERETIC, would you buy it? I know I would buy a Space Wolves chapter DLC that enabled their unique mechanics and units. It’s an untapped goldmine in my opinion and also caters to people who want to play the game with their own army units.

The developer then detailed how the game's prologue is about "becoming a legend," while the remainder of the game is about dealing with terminal illness. "It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed," Sasko told DualShockers. 

"By design, it would require major changes to the construction of the game to really do it well."

That Cyberpunk allows you to resume from the last open world save before committing to the ending(s) is good enough for me. Often I abandon New Game+ saves but I’ve continued playing my play through of Cyberpunk because I can jump into the different endings at any time.

Fortnight dances, only $7 to floss.

Game Pass exclusive mission.

Fallout 1st support for increased inventory (also, severely reduced inventory for non-Fallout 1st players).

I’m on part of the remaining 30% and feel flat everyday. Explain that, mainstream media!

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Shake my thong?

Went and had a look and it’s some of the funniest stuff I’ve seen all day! A few images come close to realism but a lot of them are the sort AI fever dream stuff that you could not make up.


and crafting and survival mechanics

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I’ve always put it down to selection bias. Listening to a 60’s/70’s/80’s auto generated playlist on YouTube Music will eventually run out of the hits of the era and get into the weeds. The terrible, terrible weeds.

But according to my parents that was the hay day of music. It goes to show if you only listen to the good stuff then you’ll fool yourself into thinking that it was all good.

That’s the worst. “Once it’s ready I’ll smell it and be instantly hungry.” It almost never actually happens the way I plan.

Yep, went through this yesterday with a friend whose PC would crash shortly after launching certain games. For example he could play League of Legends without issue but Hearts of Iron 3, 7 Days to Die, Total War: Warhammer 3 and many others experienced a lot of crash to desktop issues. After setting the wattage for the CPU no issues at all.

I hear “crack.pipe” as a great name according to some self hosted users. /s

I love Fallout 3 and even I was like “I don’t know about that broooo”.


Unfortunately, yes. iPhones will check passively and Android phones can get an app but you have to check actively. Hopefully Apple and Google work on a solution for active detection on Android devices.

Looks like an interesting game. Definitely added it to my Wishlist so I don’t forget that title!

Without having had much to do with that original community I’m fairly sure it’s satirical take where defendants are defending the indefensible.

Oh!! So that’s the “capital” in capitalism!