8 Post – 534 Comments
Joined 11 months ago


The original is a boomer cartoon about food allergies/preferences

This version is making fun of a weird scare going on with people claiming that folk are lacing Halloween candy with drugs

It un-circumcises you

jaq means "just asking questions", people always playing devil's advocate

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Yeah, not a big fan of the original either

use Firefox, it comes with free fox ears and a tail

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yeast infection

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The Wachowskis are both trans and the matrix can famously be read as a trans allegory

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disappointing, try harder next time

And we arrive back at the root of the problem: Capitalism! Who would've thought.

AI is a tool, and not inherently evil or good. But the current trend, that it is used to undercut human artists (and other workers, let's not pretend this is limited to artists anymore) is unequivocally bad.

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Yeah, what are they gonna do? Invade the Hague? That's absurd

Hague Invasion Act


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He discovered his fursona! Good for him, good for him.

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god, I hate capitalism

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No, no, you don't understand. The children were Hamas

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that's why militaries around the world have lately switched to knifes as primary service weapons and trained their soldiers like the ninjas of old

fucking brain rot

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There are bullfrogs and elephant bulls, so we can conclude that {🐸}∩{🐘}⊂{🐂}

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what is the unholy hell is Mx, and how are you supposed to pronounce it?

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I own a Vive, and use this exact bottle as a water bottle. For a moment I thought this was me :0

then I remembered my thigh-highs are pink :3

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but we need to trust them that the standard is actually implemented

hmm, I wonder if asking all the people that stayed behind after the exodus might skew the poll at all, lmao


My advice to 2021 lilith and 2024 lilith is to write code

Might be harder to get started, but waaay easier to maintain

is there a c/OrphanCrushingMachine yet?

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the original was better

design minimalism finally hit webcomics as well, huh

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this one

I didn't understand my gender assignment

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I lol'd at defenestrate

another capitalist company

that's a lot of words to say evil

If you just stop being unhappy, total happiness increases!

Follow me for more life tips

:O c===3






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I think I get the point they're trying to make, democracy had become complacent and Hitler gave it a common threat and enemy, but in retrospect... Didn't work out that great now, did it

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give her E

Recently they passed some draconic anti-porn laws and now pornhub is geoblocked in Montana

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yes please 🥺

She'd have to be 2.5m though, I'm already way too tall

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they got over it

Ferris is trans

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