Consumer Nintendo Switch 2 rumored to have more RAM than the Xbox Series S to – 77 points –

A new Nintendo Switch 2 rumor has surfaced claiming that the next-generation hybrid console could actually arrive with more memory than a powerful rival like the Microsoft Xbox Series S. The same source has also offered an update in regard to the Switch 2’s potential DLSS support and ray-tracing capabilities.


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Here we go again with the rumors 🙃 the worst part of the Nintendo console lifecycle

That being said, DLSS would be awesome on something like the switch

I just wonder whether they want to use DLSS for more FPS on the handheld or whether it's simply their future way to upscale from the native handheld resolution to 4K when docked.

Surely DLSS would be very taxing on the battery life, but it would be great to improve the docked experience which is often rather bad (stuttering, etc.) with the old Switch.

Personally, I only want it in the dock. Handheld doesn’t have to be that high res but it would be really nice to have in TV mode

Why should it be very taxing for the battery? Docked or not it ultimately decreases the amount of work the gpu has to do.

I doubt the rumors are true, but DLAA sounds cool (AI-driven anti-aliasing).

A Nintendo console with anti-aliasing in first party games would be revolutionary lol

I mean Pikmin 4 has AA

Pikmin 4 is built on Unreal Engine, so it’s already something of a unicorn in Nintendo’s library.

It is not common, true but yoshis crafted world is another ue example. It might get more common

I don't remember how the rumours of the Switch OLED were... but I guess some were funny.

I heard it will have a flux capacitor. I can't wait to get it on the freeway!

Why is it the worst part? If you hate rumors, just scroll past.