
12 Post – 419 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For one thing, this is sad because even more of the Internet is no longer reachable. The Internet shrinks, and will continue to get smaller as enshittification continues.

But on the other hand, this is really starting to look like the death knell of Twitter. It's quickly becoming extremely inconvenient to see any tweets on Twitter now.

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Developer feedback is usually about answering questions that the players have, or finding bugs that were missed in QA. What Bethesda is doing is quite a bit more ridiculous.

There's good reason to believe that Tesla is an Enron-esque style fraud. No one in charge has shown any business acumen, and no one can explain how it is actually profitable. But that requires only stooges and yes-men on the board. There cannot be any accountability.

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Ernest, the main developer of Kbin, has given an explanation of what has happened: https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/544021/So-what-s-the-status-on-the-update-edit-ernest-responded#entry-comment-3006120

People move to Florida for the same reason why people use to move to California. So you wonder when housing prices will absolutely soar. Also, lack of natural disaster preparedness is something that can't be ignored in Florida. Deregulation won't solve that problem.

I've come to realize that many a tech company are ran by morons.

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The quality has dropped noticeably after the blackout. This is trajectory for terminal decline, similar to what happened to Digg. Eventually, it will become so stale and uninteresting, they'll just give trying to make Reddit a community and make it entirely a curated content platform.

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Because it is a car-shaped airplane. It is a terrible airplane however, while also being a terrible car on top of that.

That's USB4 v2.0, not USB4. It's not the same thing.

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There's zero chance he's a broke Republican.

Twitter will eventually become unmaintainable since so many of the original devteam was laid-off. Once it becomes a "black box" that no one at the company understands anymore, Twitter will effectively stop working.

Fuck SpaceX propaganda.

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The world is fighting fewer wars than ever in history. That doesn't mean there are no wars, they're just much fewer in number compared to the past.

The Series S will become an ever bigger anchor going forward. Eventually, there will be 3rd party games that just choose not to bother with the Xbox at all because of the Series S.

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People made the same claim about DLSS 3. But those generated frames are barely perceptible and certainly less noticeable than frame stutter. As long as FSR 3 works half-decently, it should be fine.

And the fact that it works on older GPUs include those from nVidia really shows that nVidia was just blocking the feature in order to sell more 4000 series GPUs.

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Without delving into the question over how good the game is, this sounds like a company that simply has the wrong processes in place. A case of "working hard" instead of "working smart." As a result, they waste a lot of time and resources on things that ultimately don't matter. I'm sure the person in question worked really really hard on the game, but it's mostly pointless and ineffectively effort.

People really don't know what "left" is suppose to mean. Socialism is suppose to be a real political position, not a slur. What is consider liberal these days is really right-wing politics.

If they’d taken the Series S as the base line during development, they would have made life a lot easier for themselves.

The problem is that the baseline is actually the PS5. It outsells both versions of the Xbox by a factor of 2. So the Xbox Series S is an afterthought, and always will be.

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Please stop listening to corporate propaganda on this subject. You have absolutely no personal responsibility to solve this problem. The idea that you have to is an invention from business. A way to make it a personal responsibility and not something businesses have to solve.

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The decline is happening really fast. They're in a race with Twitter to see which one can die sooner.

He didn't found Tesla. He truly did steal the company. SpaceX is ran in such a way where he is basically isolated and prevented from doing anything of consequence. Twitter is the first time we actually get to see his real level of ability.

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Sounds like a classic push poll or a click-bait study with the goal of making headlines.

Scientific polling, outside of a handful of well-funded firms that are legitimately trying to find out voter intent before an election, is basically dead. Without landlines it is extremely expensive. So very few things are even worth polling. Most forms of polling have pretty much stop existing altogether. What's left are more or less the scam artists and unethical marketing firms. As a result, you can no longer trust polling of this nature anymore.

There will come a day when people will realize that even tech companies aren't worth that much.

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The simple answer is to give it all away in some way. The notion that you can personally do good with that money is the delusion of every billionaire.

There's nothing stopping them from doing it again, or doing something else just as anti-user. It's pretty clear that we can never trust Reddit again.

I don't know about you, but it doesn't really make sense as a product to me. If all it is is some extra raytracing features + slight resolution bump, then it's not really worth it. Especially if it is a significant price increase over the regular PS5. And if you need significant development work to achieve those results, then I can see many devs just giving it a pass and not bothering to add any features.

It’s less powerful than an Xbox One X. I think the problem is that they didn’t really think through what a console generational leap would actually consist of.

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It will be the most expensive game in history, with a reputed development budget of around $2 billion. Anyone can do the math and realize that it would have to sell in ridiculous numbers to make that up. If it doesn't capture the magic of past GTA releases, it will be a massive money loser.

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Ever heard of the Dead Internet Theory? It's the idea that bots have taken over the Internet and there are few real humans left. For the whole of the Internet, this is a conspiracy theory. But for any individual platform, it is a totally plausible outcome. Reddit could become one of those bot networks that just pretends to be a social media platform. Twitter is on track for that too.

Stop worshipping a right-wing asshole. He just steals ideas or runs outright scams.

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Of course, many of his acolytes—especially those in Silicon Valley—have tended to believe that he has everything in hand.

One thing I've learned recently is how braindead much of the Silicon Valley venture capital community actually is. It wasn't just that they all put their money in one bank that collapsed when they all pulled out. A major act of stupidity in itself. It is that they consistently have very little idea how business works in general. They seem to be living in an insulated bubble, and only survives because other people dump billions of dollars into the lap. No one checks up on them nor verify any of their startups are actually viable. It's just more and more money dumped into their laps with most of it wasted.

Eventually, the cash spigot will end, and my bet is nearly all of them will forced out of the industry. Collectively, they have done nothing but waste hundreds of billions of other people's money. Even their few "success" stories are examples like companies that got bought out with few ever making money, or companies that could only survive if the venture capital market was crazy strong. So even those are flops if we're honest. So the whole thing seems destined to fail in a spectacular way.

It's the Dead Internet Theory in action. While it stays a conspiracy for the Internet as a whole, it is definitely true at particular websites. There are many communities which are just controlled by bots and have no real people there.

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Then you are free to indulge in your fantasies. The rest of us can just look at Twitter and see what it really implies.

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There's an old adage in programming that you should almost never rewrite everything: https://www.onstartups.com/tabid/3339/bid/2596/Why-You-Should-Almost-Never-Rewrite-Your-Software.aspx

Going from their existing RED engine to Unreal is basically the same idea. Almost nothing from the original Cyberpunk game is going to be easily translated to the new platform. I think CDPR just set their development timeline back by at least 3 years.

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Have you seen the steam stats? Very few people played this game.

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It is how giant publishing houses self-destruct in the gaming space. They fail to realize how difficult it is to build up talented devteams. Everything becomes about maximizing profits in the end. Between the shitty monetization tactics and the terrible working environment they've created, they end up destroying their ability to make good games. I fully expect more mediocrity from Xbox/Activision-Blizzard, if not declining quality.

Not really. It's mainly about gaining market dominance on a technology they think is the future. They'll build them right next to the massive coal plant alongside a million other things they're subsidizing.

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Tesla is a massive stock pumping Ponzi scheme that just happens to have a poorly ran car company attached to it. People need to realize what the goal of Tesla marketing is really about. It will be remembered as one of the great investment scams of our time.

Traditionally, the alternatives to Reddit were worse than Reddit. This is the first time that that is no longer true.

You can also make an argument that Reddit was the improved version of Digg. History can repeat itself if the Fediverse proves to a superior model.

It is shaping up to being another massive bubble...