18 Post – 1303 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Ahhh, I suffer from this with old animes!

I wonder if anybody in my town uses Lemmy lol.

Bro, I freaking feel you, I am in the same situation as yours, it has been better these days, thanks to a fucking cyclone lol (Alberto).

We literally had no water for 2 weeks, and the longest I remember to be without water since I have memory is no more than a day or two.

Lots of blocks were waterless and my dad (and many other persons) started to hunt for water in regions where they had (water was disgusting and with very low pressure though), so it was normal to watch lots of vehicles with "Rotoplas" attached to them, very very Mad Max like.

I fucking laugh when I read people recommending a bidet instead of toilet paper all around here on Lemmy or Reddit, like dude, I was taking a fucking shower for two weeks (I know this might sound like rookie numbers in some other places) with a freaking Carl's Jr plastic glass of "The Batman" movie LMAO (Batman to the rescue), also with not so good quality water too, I'd rather keep with toilet paper and wipes.

Nowadays the city is kinda flooded thanks to the storm, and the lagoons have gained some of the level they lost (they were almost dry) which is kinda dystopic to me to have these extreme changes in a matter of several weeks (talking about climate change huh).

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Until this day there hasn't been a statement from that man about the matter, and he just won as a federal deputy in the recent elections smfh.

Also the state president allegedly said that he would not declare this situation as an emergency situation because this is the way of how to live nowadays, and he is very proud he sent "tons" of pipes to the people LMAO (it could also be fake news from Facebook, but I would not be surprised, also ppl said those pipes were for show off, and they were empty lol).

Anyway nowadays there is sufficient water, or so it seems, that some crocodiles are walking on the streets LMAO (if you wanna guess where I live, I would not blame you).

They are my mods, they should do as I command

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Who tf uses Spotify without a premium account?

I'd rather pirate that shit that use it for free (I like to hit next all the way).

IMHO Spotify is one of the few services that it is worth to pay.

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Good luck logging in a Smart TV.

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Don't worry, some hero without a cape will appear for you and seed that bitch! (wait, that sound better in my head).

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Whatsapp is the Internet Explorer of the messaging apps, change my mind.

And it sucks that is the main form of communication in my country

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That disclaimer announcement just screams lazy IT, or general management by your side.

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Plot twist the human is ChatGPT 4.

Cool, but the article was pay-walled, I needed to use Internet Archive to read it lol.

And worse of all, using the official Reddit client... ugh...

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I think I'm doing my part as a patient gamer.

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Poor Lemmy servers.

Lemmy, my friends says this is a cult.

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This seems like a very... Odd reason to get grounded.

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Seems fair, patient gamer here (I haven't played it yet lol).

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That is a lot of money for a search engine that barely works.

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We did it!

Wait that wasn't the point.

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It is a mystery.

I moved to from .world the last time they banned these communities, as a momentarily fix, never cared to look back as here was better managed, no censorship, quicker updates and no noticeable downtimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Huh, I have never been a fan of blocking people, but this is a very dumb move, normal Twitter news of course.

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Had it saved on my hard drive for years and recently re-discovered it. Seems to be from 2011 (!!)

I thought it was AI generated!!!

I feel you bro, and the saddest thing is that I don't even feel comfortable playing it when on vacation because it drains the battery as crazy lol, and I don't enjoy using powerbanks.

I also always travel with my travel router, another headache solver.

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Bro, this community rocks, I didn't ditch Reddit completely but god all the time I head to /r/piracy are the same repeated memes all over again, here we have actual discussion.

As /r/piracy was one of my favorite subreddits, if not the favorite I always was scared Reddit would vanish it... Well not anymore, I am glad Lemmy happened so we have this awesome community, possibly forever.

BTW my account was created due to my prior blocking this community, I know they backtracked that decision, but I am so comfortable here that I didn't even bother to go back.

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Why do people keep calling it "X" so cringe.

They won I guess, enjoy.

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TLDR: Call of Duty.

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What the heck?

Thanks for letting me know.

Imagine giving a fuck about who upvotes or downvotes you on Lemmy ☠️

Just use whatever you feel comfortable with it, I sometimes use emojis, other times simple stuff like :) or other times this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I find funny that we all are raging about this dumb move, and ppl can't because of the blocking lol.

Oh, I definitely have experienced "The following content is not available on this app." Before, but I thought it was just a thing of my Revanced version outdated because I rarely update it... Which I'm gonna do just now 😁

I hope this doesn't bring too many issues to Smart Tube, which is where I do 99% of my YT usage (and I have yet to be bothered with any bug).

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Some would say not having Fortnite on Linux is a feature...

Products!? I thought they were services...

Anyway I don't see myself ever paying for social media LMAO, and even less now that I know about the Fediverse... Seems like a VIP lounge for us if you ask me, and I'm okay with that.

How wholesome ♥️

The ad is the content, from Google's viewpoint.

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Weird, because I feel like it is more populated that it was after the huge influx of users because of the APIcalypse.

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Data laundry.