Feeling the lack of moderation now Reddit?

kratoz29@lemm.ee to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 1439 points –

Shocked Pikachu face meme.



What a fart gobbler.

I didn't have a "tantrum" when they blocked my 3rd-party app for corporate reasons... I just stopped using Reddit.

Exactly, I didn't have a tantrum. I used a third party app because of the accessibility features it offered that the official app doesn't. I can't use reddit now, so I don't use reddit.

Just curious, what app do you use for Lemmy?

I’m using Memmy on iPhone which has some good text size accessibility settings. But there’s some buggy stuff and I don’t think they’ve released any fixes or updates in a few months.

I think Voyager is based on the famous iOS reddit app (Apollo?) and is regularly updated. Looks really polished and I'm also using it on android next to sync.

Hey! I was using Memmy as well, but stopped a couple weeks ago since the developers aren’t doing much on there (no shade to them - it’s a free project so I appreciate what they did at all!). I recently switched to Voyager and it’s been seamless and appears to be better supported.

Voyager still has some slight bugs but it’s pretty good

I'm using sync at the moment, I don't dislike it but there is room for improvement. I have very low accessibility needs. I have palsies in my hands so for me it's about having nice big icons to tap, because I don't have the dexterity to push tiny text links or really cramped hit boxes.

My phone GUI is enlarged and sync is just the first third party app I found that scaled well with my phone, most third party apps work for me, it's just the reddit official app that really, really doesn't. It's unreadable with my GUI settings.

Eternity. For me, this app is the only one without significant problems.

I tried Eternity but uninstalled it when I realized that it would just go back to my homepage if I switched away from the app for any reason. I'm using Liftoff at the moment but it's got its own problems. I might try Voyager some time.

Never encountered that bug on Eternity but I would suggest making a bug report for that issue on the page for Eternity so they might be able to fix it.

Liftoff is on it's last legs, once the last 0.18.5 instances make the upgrade to 0.19 it'll almost certainly be unusable. Dev isn't active anymore so I wouldn't count on an update to fix it either, at least not any time soon. He also said he doesn't have much experience with auth so even if he does get back to it it could take him a while to re-implement login.

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So now they are pushing the narrative eight months later that people left in a tantrum?

The fact they still talk about that over there says a lot.

A popular theory is that a lot of bots were deployed to make the exodus seem less impactful. So, officially the numbers might be similar, but I'm sure there's less real content and people...

I thought blocking nsfw posts on mobile was bad enough until I tried viewing a totally SFW subreddit that was small enough to not be "verified". Straight up didn't let me view a subreddit that wasn't essentially approved without logging in or using the app.

You didn't, but lots did. They're still using reddit to this day.

Me too, I did most of my redditing on the phone. So the only redditing I do these days is when on desktop looking for various hardware recommendations, cause unfortunately I don't know how to search lemmy that well

Lenny is also just missing the decade of pcmasterrace and other pc hardware sub content. It might get there in time but for now Reddit is still a font of information and advice from knowledgeable people.

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Exactly. It's like hey... If the corpos take a dump in your mouth you can either leave or you can stick around and complain about the taste. And yet the people who left are the whiners?

No, the people that didn't leave yet kept whining are the whiners.

“Sure, 90% of the sub voted for this and the reasons for shutting down are clearly laid out, but y’all are doing this for literally no reason. Stop throwing a tantrum and give me my memes NOW.”

They won I guess, enjoy.

I think what really bothered me about that whole affair, and why I had my single worst outburst on Discord by a large margin as well that I still feel bad about, was because it was so frustrating seeing so many people who didn’t just disagree with us - I can handle disagreement, I can handle discussion and debate, I can even handle a little heat throughout that process. But people would just storm onto the Discord or the sub absolutely fuming and accusing us of all these things…but within two sentences, you can tell they hadn’t read a single post about the issue! Not one sentence or article!

They were asking the most basic questions, my favorite being “what is this even about? It’s not like you have a reason.” It was insulting really. Here we were spending all this time and effort worrying about the community, Reddit, how to do this in the most fair way possible and produce what we believe to be the best outcome (or at least the outcome the community wanted in the end), and these people couldn’t even read three sentences before screaming at us and calling us names.

People just were not having it, they did not want to even talk about it. And this was just a sub for discussing video games.

people would just storm onto the Discord or the sub absolutely fuming and accusing us of all these things…but within two sentences, you can tell they hadn’t read a single post about the issue! Not one sentence or article

This reminds me of when I used to take the time to discuss/argue climate science online. I kind of quit after too many instances with aggressive people who had not bothered to educate themselves on even the most basic science.

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I wonder where they went...

People on reddit genuinely don't know because the L word gets the ban hammer there

I’m glad I figgered it oot. All I miss are the video subs. I can live without them.

YouTube can’t get it right, I watched one video about police brutality 15 years ago and now they think I just want to watch people get pummeled by cops all day and be mad about it. I can’t just go subscribing to a community with content I like on there, gotta subscribe to individuals and hope the right stuff rolls in. I just don’t watch many videos these days.!

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The only mature and adult course of action is to sigh and resign yourself to getting fucked at every turn, as wise and responsible adults throughout history have done. Any action beyond innefectual snark is a childish tantrum. This axiom somehow does not apply to the actions of the already powerful and those doing the fucking on their behalf. That is simply the natural way of things. Do not ask how they became powerful in the first place.

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Surely, attacking the mods of a community and calling them whiny babies will get you what you want, right?!

They are my mods, they should do as I command

I’m a motherfuckin user. I log onto this website sometimes. That means I dictate when you shit and for how long. Just be glad your breathing is out of my control. For now.

Aha but your breathing is now under my control now.

You are now aware of your breathing.

“You are now manually breathing” works substantially better

It’s all fun and games until a disgruntled banned user tries to doxx you 🫠

People have gotten fucking insane with this "Everybody should do exactly what I think they should do at all times full stop and if they don't they're literal fucking garbage, and if you disagree or care about a different thing than me you're just a whiny baby whining about baby stuff" mentality.

I'm a lefty, and it's an election year which means I get to deal with this for 10 months straight from the dems.

And if there is a CHANCE you might do something they don’t like…they cancel their primaries

Unless you're a mod. Then it's "Everybody should do exactly what I think they should do at all times or ban."

That's less entitlement and more "trying to create the community they envision", though. It's entitlement if they feel like they deserve users after fucking around. Mods, or really any online community leaders, can do whatever the fuck they want as far as I'm concerned.

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adjusts monocle

That’s no way to speak to us landed gentry, you filthy casual.

They are my mods. I may insult them as i please. If others do so, they die!

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Landed gentry!

When I read that I never went back.

I never fully understand that, is that an insult? English ain't my first language and I was honestly not sure if I felt offended by that lol, I swear I looked for it on the web, but it wasn't clear for me either.

"Landed gentry" was a social class of people who owned estates and, well, land. They didn't have to work; they made their income by profiting off the work of the farm hands, merchants, etc, who worked on their land. The estates these landed gentry owned, along with their wealth, would be passed down to their children when they died. It meant the gentry did very little to earn their station in life, but still had a fair amount of power and wealth.

How spez thinks it applies to Reddit mods, I'm not entirely sure. But he definitely meant it as an insult. His full quote was:

And I think, on Reddit, the analogy is closer to the landed gentry: The people who get there first get to stay there and pass it down to their descendants, and that is not democratic.

So I guess he was upset that mod teams get to select who else is a good fit to join the mod team? Of course, the issue is that he is the landed gentry - users didn't vote for him, nor can they remove him; and he's profiting off the work of the people who post content and the people who spend their time moderating.

Right wing turds like Steve tend to project really hard and never have the capacity to realize it.

It's interesting that he's using an insult from England and in a context which would make him Royalty trying to control the Barons.

He has to just be riling up the "freeze peach" crowd with that line. He must know that a "users vote" way of selecting mods is always going to be a race to the bottom in terms of diversity and quality as nobody with a unique vision is going to subject themselves to the will of a bunch of reddit-brained people.

When I was part of the Vaxxhappened protest I came to the realization that pretty much all mods of big communities are not "power happy" autocrats, but on the whole surprisingly weak-willed and living in a perpetual fear of getting removed. It was sad, but I have to imagine Reddit Inc is very happy with the arrangement. These people are working 24/7 for free, on one of the many indistinguishable feeds of memes. I was very surprised the API protest happened to the degree it did at all.

It’s an insult. It’s basically saying “these people are powerful and out of touch and have no right to it”. As opposed to the reality that yeah there’s mod abuse, but also it’s a thankless job that sucks but you keep doing it because you care about the community and when you ease up you get criticism, when you crack down you get criticism, and when you try to be transparent you spend so much time writing out why you made a decision that you hesitate to actually moderate and also you wind up getting dragged into arguments over the validity of one of three fucking rules because they didn’t like that specific rule that couldn’t be clearer. And no matter what you do you’re going to get abuse in the modmail.

Yeah, the problem is that the subs used to be the only place on the internet where a given community could be mainstream, so being in a position of power means you're stuck trying to make everybody happy.

On federated networks you can have multiple communities with the same local name coexisting, so if you don't like one set of mods you can go elsewhere. I'm not saying that solves all the problems, but it takes off the pressure of being the piracy sub mod.

Yeah but breakaway communities existed then. Underscore, rename, different order… all this shit was there. You can have the same name now which is cool, but you always could have something close. It’s the community and users people care about and starting a new one is a pain in the ass

There's a big advantage to having the sub with the most obvious name. If you want to talk about Canada you're going to go to /r/canada first, not /r/onguardforthee.

To give you some background on the term, it refers to rich land owners in England who had a lot of inherited wealth through the estates they owned (landed, meaning they own land). These "gentry" generally led lives of leisure and wealth, but they didn't actually do anything, they just inherited it all through their family wealth and land ownership.

I'm sure I have details of that a little off, but that's my best explanation of it.

My old modmail sure seems to indicate people thought that way

I used to be a mod at /r/soccer, and it was a great way for you to lose faith in humanity.

We saw it all, racism, death threats, insults, even an instance where one user found a mod's place of work and stalked them. We also had one guy that was obsessed with a footballer spam the sub with bots for several days, because he wasn't allowed to post whatever he liked. It took the admin's three days to fix...

More often than not, it was people that didn't read the rules, and got upset that all subs didn't run on the idea that "if people upvote it, it's allowed".

Yeah that sounds about right. I used to moderate trans and lesbian subreddits. It was …not good for my mental health. Leniency in rules allowed for people to post bigoted shit that sat right on the border or sounded like it might. Strict wording in rules meant that people would toe the line. Us having to explain why we removed things (it was an experiment one sub I moderated tried for like a year) resulted in an absolute shit show because there are more people who want to be assholes than mods and the more stressful moderating is the higher the turnover. I distinctly remember one night being out at a bar with my now ex and her friends and trying to write up my reasonings for someone who was obviously breaking a rule because she disagreed with the rule but she was challenging every decision and we had to give so many chances and allow appeals and she was ruining my night, and I was acutely aware that she could just hop to a new account when she was done. Also we had mod drama.

The "legal eagles" are best ignored. Just ignore them. Most of the time they'll just stop if you ignore them, because they want you to argue with them.

Absolutely but my attitude eventually shifted to “this is a small Internet forum, you want to be a jackass do so elsewhere.” I always tried to find a form of balance because I did care about the users. But the balance did rely on gut feelings, perception, and how willing to put up with your shit I was. I spent most of my 20s doing this shit and yeah it feels wrong to say “if you’re a rude asshole in response to a mod decision you don’t like you’re less likely to get a favorable response” but also yeah the time it took to read an essay berating me was time I could spend on literally anything other than helping the person who wrote it and I did the thing of giving even those people the benefit of the doubt every time and turns out it was a waste of time because further investigation tended to reveal that the person was either a troll, an asshole who had a net negative impact on the community and a tenuous grasp on the rules, or someone unstable enough that they didn’t need a forum, they needed a support group with professional oversight.

But yeah when someone messaged me that one of the mods had been saying things that were inappropriate for a moderator of that community to say I spent months helping oust them and she and I are now actual friends.

I’ll also add that good moderation was a challenge because in my experience there’s four kinds of people who moderate: people who recognize it as a volunteer hobby and maintain an external life, people on a crusade, people who do their best but aren’t doing good mentally and probably need to be making major life changes, and bright eyed idealists. The first are what you want and the rarest, the second are a problem that you have to weed out because they become petty tyrants, the third can be ok or can be petty tyrants, and the fourth are the most common and they burn out in a month to three or rarely become one of the others. It’s hard to tell who will be which.

I've moderated many online forums going waaaay back (farther than I'd like to admit actually). I agree with you, and I want to explain decisions to the users too, so I'll generally try to talk them as well. And sometimes we get a connection, and sometimes I realize I made a mistake. But in my experience, when they start playing lawyer, you're not going to please them.

I never thought about the four categories of mods before, but what you wrote feels pretty accurate. I think I'm in that first group, and I try to avoid issues by moderating as lightly as possible.

When I'm in other groups or communities, sometimes I think, "If someone did that in my group, they'd get one warning, then I'd just ban them the second time it happened. Boom. End of discussion." But I know that's likely not how it would go in reality. LOL

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Love how they bellyache about the mods not doing a good enough job when they spent the final weeks of the June protest harassing the existing mods and and basically dismissing and disrespecting all the work we were doing for the past decade. They just expected things to go back to business as usual and the mods should just shut up and continue doing unpaid janitorial duties for the benefit of spez out of sheer momentum I guess? The scale of their entitlement is unreal.

Yeah, that was part of the reason I decided to leave. I mean, it wasn’t the only reason by far, but just another item to snowball into the “fuck this platform” that pushed me to leave.

The number of people that actively told me I was dumb, abusing power, and my moderating could be done by anyone was crazy.

Then they bitched about the moderation quality going down when 50% of the moderation actions walked out the door.

The r/piracy wiki died when I stopped updating it which is a shame, I used to recommend it to everyone. Now I pass them onto FMHY or awesome.

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How could you?! As a Karen I demand the r/piracy manager and that he forces you to go back and work for free!

Oh, I wasn’t a mod of r/piracy, I modded r/noahgettheboat.

But yeah, the users feeling entitled to both have a sub that was taken care of, and to shit on the mods, was quite perplexing.

Hah oh shit. I'm a reddit refugee, seeing you feels like seeing like a local celebrity. Thanks for modding that sub, I was there a lot

the users feeling entitled to both have a sub that was taken care of, and to shit on the mods, was quite perplexing.

New Reddit, in a nutshell. I really liked that sub back when things were good.

I got banned this week from r/aboringdystopia for "spreading misinformation" by sharing a france24 link (credible established newspaper) debunking thegrayzone (whatever that is).


Here is the url I was trying to share.

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"Clean it up janny!" Good on you for getting out

I always laughed when someone called us a "janitor" after we banned them. Like you understand in this analogy you are the trash being taken out, right?

It's probably just because janitor is the term for a low level mod on 4chan.

"They do it for free!"

Not anymore, fucko. Have fun selling your ungovernable site.

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"If you don't like spez decision, then just open up the sub and leave!"

Mods left

"Where is all the mods?"

"They're just butthurt they didn't get any support hue hue hue"

Internet is a funni place.

I’ll be honest here: it was pretty fun to respond to people going “well if you hate it here so much, then just leave!“ with “I did, check the sidebar.” I stuck around for a few days after to help the mods with a few unruly threads, banned a few problem users on a different sub I was just sick of, then left forever.

Piracy mods are few of the mods with a backbone that actually left reddit because of all the bullshit.

They probably realized the same skillset that set up their *arr config could be used to host a lemmy instance

I mean, even a lot of the bigger lemmy instances are of mixed thought on whether to federate with "piracy" instances (I want to say lemmy.world federated and defederated a couple times?).

Reddit Corporate is trying to go public. The piracy subs were going to be purged sooner than later and The Exodus was an opportunity to move the community en masse.

A lot of the sports sub mods I frequent put up a hard fight and many just walked away. The change in those communities has been noticable. Especially since they can no longer use API to import clips as they happen, engagement and content is way down. There used to be highlights for days, just automatically.

Oh I didn't even think of the auto content that could be generated with the API

Shout-out to the /r/Sysadmin mods who decided subreddit uptime was too important to partake in the blackout. Man that place just had a really toxic tone and really made me strongly want to avoid the Sysadmin career track

At least here I don’t have to read /u/crankysysadmin telling everyone they’re entitled and need to do better work and ignore their personal problems in every thread

It was pretty funny when push came to shove and they all pulled their heads in. "Well if I don't do what they're saying they might remove me so I have to do what they say for the good of the community". That's.... not how that works.

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Don't they understand the mods leaving is a consequence of that "tantrum"?

They're clearly using shaming tactics. By calling it a "tantrum" they try to make those mods look childish. In reality the mods demanded something to make their jobs easier, the company refused, so they parted ways.

Not "job", these are "volunteering contributions", that are not only time consuming, mentally consuming, and unpaid as well.

Hello, I'm meep_launcher, and I'm a recovering moderator.

Not only did my tools get taken, after the mass exedus, my mod queue exploded. There were so many more racist reports than before, and I was mod of a political satire subreddit.

Turns out the exedus took all the left leaning redditors leaving behind real pieces of work.

Glad I made the switch, and I set up cartographyanarchy here, so maybe I can get back to doing what I love, shitposting maps.

Shitpost maps with me!

One more edit, I want to get this community up and running, so if you post in the next 24 hours I will write your map a song and post the link in the comments.

Oh also DM if you want to be a mod! Definitely looking for folks skilled in the art of Lemmy, coding, or just being all around wholesome.

I can get back to doing what I love, shitposting maps.

Nature is so strange and beautiful.

Psh, nice shameless plug for your community bro

…to which I’ll subscribe as soon as I can

Dude the name alone sounds awesome

edit: I want to post this map but its complaining that the content type isn't html. I don't really see the purpose of linking a webpage when linking directly to the image will allow it to properly embed? Not sure if that's an instance limitation or a community limitation but it seems like not the right choice for meme communities

Finally, the rail system U.S. deserves, old, loud, slow, never on time, and is under maintenance EVERY! F**KING! WEEKEND!

I've just been uploading to imgur and then posting the direct link. Lemm.ee won't allow direct image uploads, so we kinda need to Jerry rig it for the time being. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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Probably not, I doubt they even understand what the fuss was even about and are now wondering why quality has gone down so much and why subs are becoming full of spam and reposes.

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Seems like the way for reddit to "solve" this is to just close bad subs.

But that's easily exploited, if people migrate to other subs and start protesting the sub closures, those subs get worse and they need to be closed...

Oh no, reddit, did you just discover that you relied on your users to make your site good and by screwing them over you've made your entire business unsustainable at scale?

Also, somewhat related, is there a short snappy name for lemmy communities? Some people call them subs out of habit but I don't wanna do that, and "communities" is four whole syllables, and ain't nobody got time for that.

Kbin calls them "magazines", which has the advantage of being only three syllables but has the disadvantage of being a dumb name for them.

Yeah, I don't see anyone adopting "mags" or "zines" either.

I'd adopt "zines" expressly to overuse it, make people cringe and demonstrate just how dumb it sounds. "mags" just makes me think of guns

Zines sounds like something Tom Haverford would come up with.

I have never had a comment make me feel this old.

-Signed, an old man who used to publish zines in the early 90s.

I’m not old enough to have published zines but I am old enough to know what they were, and I think it is actually a pretty apt name for it


to make your site good


I think you're misunderstanding reddit's goal. Over the past year, they have been in IPO mode. They don't care about making the site good or attracting a healthy community. They want to cash out and are burning down any structures that are providing any resistance to that.

Hopefully it costs them dearly. Kinda like the whole Tumblr censorship fiasco and drastic fall in value but before they sell it. Put #FuckSpez in the poor house

Why do you care how it turns out financially for reddit? The outcome I'd wish for is that more people come to lemmy

Because I was generally enjoying Reddit before being forced out by the API crap. I'm a creature of habit so tend to dislike change and as much as I'm generally liking Lemmy, I'm having to force myself to not check the app every time I get bored because I'll just see the same posts 20 times in a day thanks to the relatively low level of interaction on the platform currently. Whenever I go looking for tech support online, it's nearly always a reddit post from 2-8 years ago that has the answer but I don't want to spend any amount of time on the site, particularly if I'm on my phone at the time since it means doing that annoying step of having to manually change "www" to "old" to make the site functional and readable. I guess I'm just feeling vengeful at yet another good (or some approximation of) thing ruined by yet another money-grubbing, power-hungry, self-important tosser.

Though I see what you're saying... ish. I think at this point, we aren't going to see a massive influx of users without the death of competing platforms like Reddit since there are enough people either happy to keep taking the punches or think sunshine shines out of Spez's asshole. Frankly, we can do without the second kind of person but the first won't do anything without a certain amount of persuasion and I reckon the sinking of the ol' Reddit ship would be just enough of a toe-capped-boot up the nether regions to persuade.

Edit: grammar whoopsies

You're right, they aren't trying to make something sustainable. I guess I was giving them too much credit when I said that.

The problem they're facing here is that if they can't sustain even the appearance of a functioning site that investors might want to buy, then they fail at that too.

So maybe the best way to fix this is just to ride it out and not close the subs, but if they're just full of users that have finally clocked why mods are needed and that the place sucks now, that's also a bad look.

If the search engines start to realise that it's a cesspit with nothing worth linking to anymore, then that really hits their metrics. I've just realised I really need to get onto downloading my posts and deleting them.

Maybe daddy Elon can pay another $50b to buy Reddit and run that into the ground too.

They don’t care about making the site good or attracting a healthy community.

They never cared about the "healthy" part either, just "big". Reddit has been a cesspool for years and years and years, largely thanks to the moderators.

Well call them.... Cummies

"Any recommendations for good cummies here?"

"I usually start my day just laying in bed and checking out new cummies"

"It's unfortunate that niche cummies don't always have the support needed to stick around. I've seen great cummies wiped away before they could really build any volume up."

"It's so often overlooked, but proper handling of cummies is really what keeps them enjoyable day after day."

Yep, I see no fault with the naming scheme here. Really rolls off the tongue well too. Very palatable. Definitely not absolutely cursed.

Totally not completely cursed, and those example sentences absolutely didn't make me regret being literate.

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Subs still works in my mind. Subdirectories of all, or subscriptions… whichever way you want to think of it. I never really thought of subs as short for subreddits though, that was just convenient marketing based of those same terms.

Yeah subs and the mods are the doms, which works for my dyslexic, kinky ass.

I'm honestly surprised I've not seen anyone make that connection for a joke, thanks dyslexia, it's pretty funny.

They are called "lemmy communities" or "communities"

"Sublemmies" is cringe and is some weird portmanteau with subreddit which is stupid because I don't know why people are still attached the idea of subreddits since this isn't reddit and "lemmings" which some users like to call lemmy users but I don't agree with that either and "lemmy users" sounds like a better term to use

So many people here are trying to emulate reddit when this isn't reddit, yes some features from reddit would be nice like a group collection of subreddits like multireddits did and post flairs but this still isn't reddit

A short name for communities would be groups. I like to call the users fedizens, as it is not specific to one software.

I mostly call them "cees", ex "The linux cee on .ml"

You're saying it out loud? Who in the world to?

Two gamers in one house! I might even get her to install Fedora on her next gaming PC. She's using me as proof of concept I think...

...and "lemmings" which some users like to call lemmy users but I don't agree with that either and "lemmy users" sounds like a better term to use

This is just how communities work: people will find names for things and other people are reproducing them if they like the term.

I've seen "Lemmies", I've also seen "sublemmies" which brings "subs" back on the table imo. Alternatives are /c/s, commus, com's, etc.

I guess "subs" isn't exactly a reddit specific term. I don't even know if it started there tbh.

I've just realised there's nothing wrong with taking some of the language they used, we are after all following the basic link aggregator format.

I remember "subforums" back in the day, so it definitely didn't start with reddit.

I like communities and sublemmies.

Coms/commus sounds forced and unnecessary, doubt it’ll catch on.

As for Lemmies, I think that should be a synonym for instances/servers. So, for example, the biggest Lemmy with the most sublemmies would be lemmy.world.

And of course, the users are lemmings.

@Obi /c/s is not long (albeit a bit complicated to write, on phone at least) and it could easily be expanded verbally, so you know that /c/s = communities.

On Friendica, everything that is not a person or a page is displayed as a group. As a Facebook alternative, it does make sense, but for you in the Lemmy world I imagine it would sound a bit bland. 😁


I'd like the name to be "community feed" and "feeds" for short. Reddit was always essentially a collective rss with voting weights. In this way "subs" would still work since one subscribes to the feeds.

Ultimately it's something the devs need to encourage though

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I like it here on Lemme. I feel pretty comfy. And most of you here are tech savvy. And if not, at least you have some level of basic true understanding of how technology works., Unlike those impostor syndrome redditors. And I suppose it's a plus that corporations don't hunt us down for discussing piracy.

the larger we get, the more it will get fucked by ai bots, corporations, and shitty content creators

The term, "enshitification" is getting bandied about a lot. But the bots and corporations are an inevitable part of capitalism. Make money at all costs, never be satisfied with what you have, and treat everybody that isn't you like a stepping stone.

Scammers and sociopathic c-levels are missing something fundamentally human. A complete lack of empathy. But this has always been a part of our species. The difference now is that we have a system that dramatically rewards that sickness. And that's not even getting into how being able to be evil at scale is going to make the next few decades interesting.

The best way to fight it is to simply be unmarketable as a community. This is how Verizon ended up having to sell Tumblr for less than 1% of the price they paid for it like only 3 years later. If the cost outweighs the benefit, fewer people will bother trying.

How do we do that without becoming vulgar, sexist bigots?

Have it as a distributed network of smaller instances, rather then having everyone pile on to 2 or 3 big ones. It's easier for admins to notice the bots if their site populations remain relatively small, and it's easier to defederate from sites that are enabling the bots if they're not also home to 80% of users.

I feel like you could make your own instance at that time.

What a goofy interpretation of that series of events. Reddit changes API which fucks over moderators -> mods protest and say if they can't use these tools they can't moderate -> when API restrictions come into effect, mods either leave over moderating being way harder now or basically not being able to mod

Why is that final step so hard for this person to believe? All of Reddit moderation wasn't lying to people for fun

Why is that final step so hard for this person to believe? All of Reddit moderation wasn't lying to people for fun

You are so naive to believe they even were aware of step 1 lol.

They just were mad at their favorite subreddits being closed against their will, that and just being inconsiderate pricks.

What amused me back then is that in most of the subreddits I was subbed there were polls where mods were gonna act as the results said, (we were basically running against the time, so there were not very many alternatives for this kind of democracy, I add this note because many people were very mad and argued they never got to nor realize there was an ongoing poll lol) and more users approved to keep the protests and regardless these cunts were saying that this was mod's power abuse lol.

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Also wasn't the sub basically taken over by one mod who spends their time working their way into as many moderator positions as possible and then not doing anything with them? Looking at their post history they've made like a dozen posts in the last month and one of them was asking to mod another sub.

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News reports have Reddit making the IPO push this year. Get ready for more DRAMA!

Will be really sad when the ransomware files get leaked on the IPO date lol

Wait, what ransomware files lol.


The stuff BlackCat stole and haven't released yet.

God, I forgot about that 🤣

If you follow the... "correct" channels for stuff like this, the user is going to release the info the moment that Reddit IPOs :).

Info about them (likely spying on their users) might really spook the insta-normie-scroll-on-the-reddit-app dorks.

If anything, it's going to be a shit show even if BlackCat decides to hold on to it for a bit.

Maybe there is a place you could ask them about it specifically? I personally wouldn't know.

Tbh I have no idea what a dark web even is 😏

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wonder how mods disappearing and reddit API changes might be related 🤔

God, that last comment. Maybe it was more important than you understand, stupid kid

Silly question: is there a community for real, sailing piracy?

Not sure how many Somalis use Lemmy and how good their 5G is on the water

Make a lemmy instance for somalian pirates

There was that hot Somali who was Tik Tokking himself while boarding a cargo ship.

But he was enforcing a blockade enacted by his government within Yemeni territorial waters so unfortunately it wasn’t piracy.

I don’t think the worlds remaining sea pirates are very technical, or smart at all for that matter.

If Piracy wasn't a legit, high technician career, why would MIT offer a Pirate Certificate?

"Students who have completed Archery, Fencing, Pistol (Air Pistol or Rifle) and Sailing should send an email to..."

When a university education becomes a fantasy story meme. At least if you're attending MIT, you're probably multiclassed into some kind of technomancer.

I mean, it's just a piece of paper for competing an otherwise random set of extracurricular activities. MIT students do memes all the time. Well, they use to. I think the administration is trying to crack down on fun stuff.

The MIT Pirate Certificate is for entertainment purposes only and does not give the recipient license to engage in piracy or any pirate activities.

Guess I'm not going to MIT, then.

Well of course they can't offer a real certificate for piracy. It would actually be for privateering.

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"A lot of technical terms there. We're naught but humble pirates!"

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Lol imagine still being on there

The smaller communities just aren’t here yet. Lemmy scratch’s the itch for news, politics, and memes, but does not cover many niche interests.

That, and the smaller communities that are here tend to be split between multiple instances.

there was discussion a while back on the lemmy github about federated communities

This would make so much more sense tbh, federating communities would also help bring the people who don't quite 'get' the fediverse yet into coming onboard instead of being lost.

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All my subreddits that I moderated went to shit after the protests. I stopped, the replacements stopped, the sudden influx of shitty posts and shady users drove off the normal communities.

Fuck em. I haven't felt the urge to post on reddit in months and it's lovely knowing the people I'm interacting with probably aren't rabid fascists unless they're Lemmy.world pissbabies.

What subs did you mod? I wanna watch the trainwreck 😂

/r/snackexchange/ - I made it a protest subreddit by embracing Spez's call for user democracy. Every day every single thing about the subreddit would be reset and users would have to vote for every aspect. The only rules were that you couldn't abolish democracy and you couldn't abolish me as the caretaker. /u/Icxcnika was a weird little goober who took it seriously instead of seeing it as a protest meant to derail the subreddit. He voted to make himself mod for a day and then the admins did a mod coup to make him the head, even over the other two mods that had been there for a decade and built all of the third-party tools we relied on to make the subreddit work. He had only posted once, some 8 or 9 years before, and had never moderated. The users and other mods fucking hated him and activity in the subreddit fell off. Now he no longer posts, one of the other mods no longer posts, and the last remaining one is apparently now a bot that sells funko pops.

/r/fifthworldproblems/ - The other mods and I were all on board with the protest. They forced us back open so we refused to do anything. Now it's restricted and the only link posted since the protest was a Lemmy instance that I didn't have anything to do with.

/r/modernart - I started rebuilding this one after it was overtaken by spam from people who don't know what "modern art" actually means. I want to keep the subreddit because there's good radicalisation potential with it in the right hands, but I stopped posting and only remove the most obnoxious spam days after it's reported to tank the quality of the subreddit. I'll be replacing everything with a Lemmy instance link at some point but was always holding out for Hexbear to open up community creation.

I had a few others that I just left or let the admin bot take over.

you know I never used that but it always seemed like a useful idea, kudos to you

did people swap anything with countries outside the https://lemmygrad.ml/c/alwaysthesamemap area?

It was fun at its high point. The problem was like you said, always the same map. Shipping costs run like $20-150+ and that's a month's wage in many of the countries that have interesting snacks we aren't already over-saturated with. Scams were only ever like 5% of trades at most and we never had a poisoning though, so overall a successful prototype of the thing that would work.

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See, you know Reddit is packed with bots when that shitty repost has 6000 upvotes and "does this sub don't have mods" has 129.

See, you know Reddit is packed with bots when that shitty repost has 6000 upvotes

This shitty re-repost on Lemmy has 1020 upvotes.

“does this sub don’t have mods” has 129.

Quoting the poet Bill Foster: "Well, maybe if you wrote it in fucking English, I could fucking understand it."

Bots are like gonna upvote this fast 🥵

that's the piracy sub... the userbase was pissed at the idiot mods taking the sub down for the API protest, which reddit was obviously super happy about the pirate sub closing down.

i'm pretty sure they regularly railed against the idiot mods to the point that the mods said fuck this and left

That's basically the whole reason an entire instance popped up dedicated to the topic (db0) AND its main community is the 10th largest in the lemmyverse.

The main mods and a whole lot of people came here.

This is one of the success stories of a major sub migrating here.

I guess this is how they'll learn about the effects of ruining the experience for moderators and content creators, a majority of Reddit's scabs are consumers so naturally when creators and mods leave quality goes in the toilet.

which reddit was obviously super happy about the pirate sub closing down.

Oddly it wouldn't seem entirely like that since when it shut down they basically forced it to reopen. Which is funny since they dislike it so much, guess the traffic and ad revenue is more important to them.

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"Yeah, well, but having no mods is actually great, we don't even need no mods and these grapes are too sour anyway." - not an alt account of spez at all

Can someone explain me this "Reddit API" thing?

Tldr They started charging 3rd party apps to use their API. The API that they had been using for ages and ages. They were shady about the timeline and their communication to devs was awful. So most 3rd party apps decided to end support as opposed to paying reddit.

Basically they wanted to make sure all users were seeing ads before their IPO.

I was a relay for reddit guy for ~10 years. Once the subscription update hit I uninstalled and moved to boost for lemmy.

Not quite correct. They didn't start charging for API usage. They banned it and pretended it could be paid for with completely absurd prices nobody could reasonably afford.

Ah I was just commenting back on how the relay for reddit deal went.. that's even shittier of them.

I'm not surprised at all.

Yeah, the prices were around +20€ for normal usage, for each user a month. It was a per call cost and the devs would have to eat it if they didn't charge the users, so many rightfully jumped ship. Who in their right minds would pay more than 20 euros to fucking access reddit on their phone, per month? Yeah right, fk you too.

They also didn't allow the api to access all content, plus other limits so apps would have a neutered experience

A key thing about the API is that moderating gets harder when the apps that moderators use to streamline/facilitate their work suddenly stopped working. Those apps relied on the Reddit API. These were created by and for the moderator community out of necessity.

Moderators had asked Reddit for tools and when Reddit didn’t provide they built their own. Then Reddit switched off the API without offering replacement tools.

That’s likely the primary reason that Reddit’s mods left and its content took a nosedive.

Further TL;DR

In preparation for an IPO:

Reddit: you must now only use our app to prop up our add revenue. No third party apps (unless you pay us handsomely)

Everyone: no thanks, just make our own alternative

I really miss a good Lemmy mobile client though...I was using liftoff which reminded a lot of RIF, but that seems to have been abandoned completely. A lot have ads, so that's a hard pass for me. I'm currently using Thunder, but it's a pretty buggy mess TBH with a lot of UI oddities and bugs.

In the same boat, I miss it still, other ones have a worse UI for me and hate the ad slots in the app although I have DNS ad blocking but its still annoying. Do update me if you find a good replacement as we're looking for the same thing

Same as you. Lost Liftoff and using Thunder now. Quite happy with Thunder, but I've got Raccoon and Voyager as backups right now. Just in case Thunder disappears as well.

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Mods used third party tools to help them with their unpaid work. These tools relied on access to the reddit api.

Then reddit charged ridiculous prices for api access, which would mean the apps would need money, so mods would need to pay to do their unpaid work or use the inferior reddit interface.

Given these choices, some mods decided to leave instead.

Reddit enhancement suite still works on old Reddit, so if you need decent tools, you can still mod from your computer. But no more moderating from the toilet at work. No more moderating on the bus.

One subreddit I still occasionally visit is now only moderated on the weekend. You can imagine how the quality has dropped

Reddit used to have a free and open API. This allowed 3rd parties to develop apps / interfaces for the site. These apps helped everything from making the site usable for some with accessibility issues to blocking ads to providing a customized interface to tons of other things.

Generally this was done by taking the API feed and re-engineering it to allow the desired presentation.

In a move to make the company more attractive to investors before going public, Reddit changed that API to a paid model. This meant any developer of those 3rd party apps would now have to pay a not insignificant in most cases fee to continue their access to Reddit. As such, most apps closed down and a very small portion of us long time Redditors migrated to Lemmy/ the fediverse.

Reddit used to have an open API. A lot of mobile apps sprung up to access reddit over the years, with different features. Reddit gained a lot of loyal members through users of these apps, but couldn't make ad revenue off them. Reddit decided last summer to start charging a lot of money to these app developers to continue using the API. A few of the apps started a for-pay subscription model to continue operating, but many just shut down their apps. Many redditors and Reddit mods revolted, because these apps made the site usable (some of them offered advanced mod tools, etc). We protested, shut down subreddits temporarily or permanently, deleted our accounts, moved to new platforms (like lemmy/kbin), etc. This was basically a move to maximize their ad revenue while Reddit positions itself for an IPO. It was really not cool.

There was some magic internet data thing where third party apps (like various reddit apps not owned by reddit) access and use reddit to power their apps, free of charge. That's API. Pretty much all voluntary reddit mods use third party apps to mod. Reddit started charging for the API, making third party apps useless, forcing everyone into the Official Reddit App. A lot of people boycotted or quit.

It wasn’t just mods using 3rd party apps. Anyone that experienced the switch from old.reddit or that used mobile had to be using 3rd party or only half their brain.

It was a thing last... summer? Where reddit announced they were going to start charging for every call a third party program made using the API. This was done with the intent of shutting down 3rd party reddit apps and to get users on the official one so reddit could make more money. However, it also destroyed a bunch of 3rd party tools that mods more or less needed, and which reddit had been promising to implement themselves for years with no progress. There was a brief protest where mods of many subs shut them down (mostly for less than a week, though some are still down IIRC). A bunch of users and moderators left reddit and went to other sites.

Others have covered it but the API pricing was $12,000/50 million requests, which is absurd bordering on comical.

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Oi @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com ! Are you one of the Reddit Piracy mods? Or are one of your brethren here from Reddit?

I must say I find Piracy, Linux and the Star Trek communities have had a rip-roaringly successful switch over.

I much prefer Lemmy. I have the opportunity to call you a "dick head" whereas on Reddit there's no way Spez would ever see me calling him a "dick head".

That makes me feel powerful and I become engorged.

So, anyway, are you one of the Reddit mods?

P.S. I can't post to this community from Lemmy.World.

P.S. I can’t post to this community from Lemmy.World.

Strange, there are quite a few comments from that instance

I think I'm connecting from lemmy.world right now

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I don't see anything that would need to be moderated here? Or is it just about these comments that are unrelated to the post?

There are many (re)posts with this "if paying isn't owning..." slogan and also many memes being made about the reposts. The piracy subreddit doesn't seem to have a whole lot of piracy right now, it's just, well, this

That sub and this community has always been like that.

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How are you viewing this?

As in what app ks that?

Sync for Reddit patched with Revanced, but not sure if it is worth the hassle though.

It's not. Reddit is a cesspool full of shills, brigading, shitty mods, and bootlicking idiots. I appreciate your use of revanced, though!

The BS in the last comment aside, what about the meme needs moderating? Was it a repost, or is the argument it makes unacceptable on reddit's piracy board?

Wao, most insightful post in a long time. Love it.

Wasn't reddit always like that? Or was this particular sub okay?

haha memes are so funny in glad they look at my time in the internet hahaha clever funny reddit