Fushuan [he/him]

@Fushuan [he/him]@lemm.ee
1 Post – 537 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


How do you even get negative income? Costs are not part of the income... Did they mean profits?

You CAN tecnically finish it in 4 hours if you rush the shit out it it, but by that virtuenyou COULD finish elden ring in 8 hours, so it's still 50% of the base game.

Spoilers for my bootleg sepedrun:

::: spoiler Tap for spoiler Start, get into torrent, run into the bridge, right, go to the poison zone and to the right to get into the sealed torrent jump thing, jump out of the castle, rellana skipped. Run into the shadow keep, 1 random hippo, rush it completely, smack messmer, run into the left side, ignore every non obligatory boss enemy, run into the sweet pink bulb, smack bulb, burn tiny tree survive the last zone, somehow survive the pvpe encounter with just the mimic and no summon, run into end boss, do boss.

I feel like, if you are using a suepr cheesy build like stoneshield and bleed pokestick toy should do bosses fairly easily and you could even gather some scadurtree fragments. :::

It's still bullshit ofc, because it's hard to do it in 4h without knowing the path.

Another exception is when the dev understands the subject too well in a way that distorts their view of what's simple for them and for every one else.

Or, it started as an actual simple library that everyone used so the dev kept adding things and it ended up as a huge thing that stopped being simple long ago, but the dev never updated the name.

If any of you have worked in software dev long enough you know 1 or 2 examples of these two cases :)

well, all the examples in the image are "freedom to", and are leftist viewpoints, so I'm not sure about that that statement.

SO: my head hurts
Me: (pick any1) Where in the head? Any reason why? Did you hit something? Anything that might have caused it so we can buy some medicine or I can cook you something or whatever?
SO: idk, it just hurts, imma lie down.

SO: I'm cold, I'm gonna take a hot shower.
Me: have you tried wearing bulkier clothes? A blanket?
SO: no. takes the third shower of the day $$
Me (later that day or in another day): force them to wear more clothes and throw a blanket at them in their chair
SO: oh, this is nice uses the blanket every day now

Me: How was your day?
SO: Bad.
Me: Anything out of the ordinary that you want to share to share the pain?
SO: No, its just bad.
Me: Do you want to watch anything, eat anything special?
SO: imma lie down.

Sorry but no, i know that they aren't vague intentionally but they are not clear at all when expressing their needs.

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Does it help if someone forces you to do the thing or is is better to give time and space until you decide to do it? Asking for a friend.

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And pog is specific to twitch in the gaming sphere, so the same logic would apply.

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Another possible case no one seems to have mentioned. That the CSS doesn't do that kind of spacing automatically, and that the user manually put in spaces this creating an invalid date for the lulz.

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Anything above zero for cancer checkups seems way too high for me, from Spain.

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Maybe HE should go back to Europe. Or not, I don't want him here.

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It's not being caused by the ones providing weapons, but the attackers though?

Are you the kind of people that thells people not to help the bullied kid against the bully because it will just make them take more hits? Just surrender to the bully, easy.

you realize that after the mortgage is paid, you will have a fill house at your name and the tennants will still ahve nothing? Yeah you offer them a service but complaining that you have to work to pay the mortgage sounds SO entitled, to be honest. Of course you have to work to pay the mortgage, we all do! You might be a good landlord, but when people complain about landlords it's usually about big landlords whho have several properties, not people that have a second house that they rent. People that say that "landlording" is their job.

If this is not you, this doesn't apply to you and commenting as if you were one will only work against you,

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Iirc they knew he was in Romania, but not where in Romania. The pizzabox photo let them call the store to ask the address of the delivery.

Me (M) at 193(6.3) realizing that I will never be able to be a climber.


I speak Spanish and it's wild to have no many randomly decided silent letters in words. We have the H that is silent always, and that's it. We have Salmón, with the intonation in the o, and we of course pronounce the L. I can't even say salmon without the L while not sounding stupid.

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Yeah, it's bizarre reading people say they want physical games because if it's not physical steam might remove it. Bro just download it and don't delete it from your device, steam is offering a re-download service but nothing is stopping users from just downloading the game and keeping it in their disks.

Firefos add-ons don't work on iOS, I literally just googled it to ensure I was informed before writing what you wrote.


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The fact that you need consent to get this data would make a randomized approach impossible.

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Brave is a chromium fork with custom stuff, they can just not implement it if they want.

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Ew 231231 is the best.

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They need representation, they don't need to be the whole representation. In fact, I'd say that 55+ people represent them quite well, since they are aiming to retire in the next decade anyways.

I mean, they can vote, and they are a big sector of the voting base, so even if the politicians are younger, there will be enough of them wanting to please the 67+ sector.


As a non american, all I know is that it was not that big of a fucking event, people died but with the gravity they talk about it compared to other actual big world events, you'd think that millions died.

Mind you, I'm not against them being like their stuff was serious, all I ask is about consistency. I've been called terrorist jokingly for being from the Basque country by the same people that got super offended by 911 jokes. How fucking dare them.

If only the OP was allowed to present those recording and videos taken through their magical pocket device in court.

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Brothers, a tale of two sons. It's a 2h ish long story, really good.

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That stalker had to have access to your google account to do so, you are utterly fucked if that's the case by that point. Like, why would they need to install a tracking app, when the google findmyphone feature just gives them the info. Anything that the phone stores that isn't recorded by google pales in comparison to what they have access to with your account.

That's like saying that you are saving money by buying a kilo of salt that lasts a year, 50 cents cheaper. Yeah you technically saved money but it's so irrelevant in the grand scheme of things that you shouldn't even consider it.

I don't use desktop FF, but mobile off is the best there is around by the virtue of letting you use addons, and thus, an adblocker.

If it's integrated in their service, unless they have a disclaimer and the customer has to accept it to use the bot, they are the ones telling the customer that whatever the bot says is true.

If I contract a company to do X and one of their employees fucks shit up, I will ask for damages to the company, and They internally will have to deal with the worker. The bot is the worker in this instance.

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Oh man you have not followed all of this progress have you? the EU has been pushing for this for a long time now, if this was their planall along Apple could have stated that they planned to do this in the future but that they were waiting for closure of their original connector, but they didn't, all their communications until this decission was made have been that lightning was not going away. Suddenly, it was their plan all along. It's... so much like apple to do this and so in line for their fans to eat it up.

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Windows has 3 package managers. Chocolatey and scoop are third party while winget ia supported by Microsoft. There's even a 3rd party made winget gui that interacts with all package managers. BTW, you can download windows store apps through the package manager, and shocker, it installs faster then from the store.

So yeah, having nvidia drivers through any of the package managers would be cool.

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Bad healers think that.

"I have 200 GB of unused space in the windows partition, I'll just plug a live CD, divide that partition and merge it with the Linux one, ggez"

Yes, dividing the windows partition destroyed it. Yes, mixing the windows and ext destroyed Linux. I might have been able to recover something but I was like 18 and I just reinstalled windows in a fit of misdirected anger against Linux.

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So if you miss the trash bag when throwing the stuff in McDonalds you don't pick it up, right? Because there's people paid to do that. FFS...

Yeah cleaners are paid to clean that doesn't mean you should thrash the place. Same thing applies here.

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the same one, but it's used in a sexual context. Being the top is being the dominant one on a relationship, sexually speaking.

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The issue here is that while baseline apple is more secure than baseline android, a user with knowledge or a guide can improve the android security by a lot, whereas the apple baseline is also the ceiling. There's stuff you can do with iPhones but if you don't trust apple, you are kind of fucked.

Android people that mention security won't be using a stock phone from the store, they will have disabled stuff, enables alternative stuff, or even installed a completely new android based OS, and this can't be done with iPhone or iOS.

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€0.00—Aurora Store. Breaks rule 4. €0.00—F-Droid. Breaks rule 4.

Rule 4: No association with or reference to crypto“currencies” because these are greed incentivizing pyramid schemes.

They... They are app stores. Aurora is just a reskin of fdroid, they use the same repos What's the association, the fact that they let you install apps related to it? Bruh.

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I do, it's usually nice to have voted users' opinions of niche subreddits on pros and cons of different tools. Fi first search usually is "some problem I am having", after 5-10 minutes, the second one is "some problem I am having reddit".

It's nice to see recommendations done by real humans of their personal preferences instead of 5-6 blog posts, those shitty versus pages that show nothing or closed SO questions because the answers are opinionated.

Live 30-40 years in a place where an occupying nation walls your cities, treats you as prisoners, denies and steals resources, and we'll see which kind of hate you will harbour against your aggressors. You will just see red. I'm not condoning what they are doing but I get why they do, they have been suffering for so long that they want the aggressors to feel the same, and at this point, for them, anyone in Israel is the aggressor. A cornered rabid dog bites anyone.

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Sure, but it's not like the dust suddenly appeared when switching to linux, this is a software/driver issue.

but... this is not the math you see at STEM, this is the math you see at high school at best. There's no deeper meaning in actual STEM math problems, they are way too abstract or specific. There's no watermelons, it's just some a, b, n1, nk... maybe some physics formulas that apply to velocity, mass... I read 0 problems in my uni math and physics courses where they used real world examples.

I see your point but that's for high schoolers, not STEM students or alumnus.

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