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Joined 1 years ago

Pronouns: any. You can't get it wrong

This person did it by playing it until it crashed. There are several points where particular actions will crash the game.

I would argue though that to beat Tetris you would need to beat level 255, at which point the level counter wraps to level 0

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Now that Linux can run pretty much all the games I play on the PC I don't think I'm going to have much use for windows at home anymore

It isn't persistent over a reboot, but the tested devices received new corrupted iMessages immediately after reboot

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Hey chatGPT, is hunter2 a good password?

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I'm fat by nature (and environment) so I have examined and tried many diets, and I think I can only say for sure a few thing about healthiness of diets:

  • if you eat carbs, fats beyond what is necessary to eat, are unhealthy
  • If you don't eat carbs you need to eat fats, some fats are better than others
  • If you don't eat carbs and you don't eat fats you starve - to thin then to death
  • Sugar is unhealthy and wrecks your teeth
  • Highly processed foods are not healthy
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I had one of the flight tracker apps, used it to identify planes passing my work lunch room's window, and paid $5 for it to get it ad free. Then it went to subscription and made it's free tier time limited instead of ad supported, so now I don't use it. I can't use an old version as it doesn't work on newer versions of Android

Edit to add: It's worth learning how to side load apps. While on a driving holiday in Sicily I was told that it was vital to have the ZTL app so I could know what areas were closed to cars (zero traffic limit), but it was only available on the Italian play store, so I had to download the APK and install it that way

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This is good for all of us, as California is big enough that what companies do for them they do for all

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So far communism had only been tried in small groups (where tribal dynamics make it work) and in Soviet and Chinese authoritarian regimes

Communism ≠ command economy

Communism ≠ authoritarianism

Communism = a broad selection of idiologies more or less agreeing with the idea "from each according to their ability, to each according to their need"

Several countries have such strong socialist policies in place that they could reasonably be called communist if we didn't pretend that capitalism was opposite to and incompatible with communism. Capitalism is an excellent technology for extracting from each according to their ability.

"Full communism" where you strive for perfect equality is probably less bad than "full capitalism" where you strive for full freedom of capital. Enough capitalism that you have the incentives it supplies and enough communism that those who won't or can't work are paid enough to live healthily and be in a position to seek work if they wish to, seems to be a good and reasonable position.

I'll answer the other part for the parent comment too

If they fail to fit in to normal culture at work and are so unsuccessful at working, communism gives them a safety net.

  • They could have taken a risk and selected a job they expect to enjoy rather than one that will accept them if there's a safety net
  • they could have selected a job they might enjoy rather than one calculated to pay enough to save for gender reassignment surgery if the state would pay for the surgery
  • they could have had the surgery earlier (which makes it better) if the state paid for it
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Guns don't cause suicide, but they make it much easier to successfully complete suicide

Handguns especially

But I doubt an increase in suicides this year from last year has anything to do with gun ownership rates

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In 1988 my uncle was working as a chemist for the oil industry in Oman. When he was home he'd tell us about global warming from carbon dioxide from burning oil

In the industry they knew. In politics they knew. But it made a lot of money and they'd be dead before New York would be flooded

I wish aging had been solved back then, so those people would know they'd live to see the impending disaster

RIP Great Barrier Reef this coming southern summer

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Because Apple were slow to implement the standard

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I was really surprised when I shipping forwarder I use after I upgraded from the "free" tier to the $10/month tier to save a few hundred dollars of state taxes, when I downgraded back to their "free" tier five days later once the package was out of their hands, the answer was "Your subscription will end at the end of your current paid month"

I expected worse

Everything is under control

Sugar should be heavily taxed, it's so dangerous at rates of more than 10 grams a day

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If so, it's bad advice. Walking into the forest and becoming dead leaves pretty much all the evidence

Like it's not hard to find cause of death when a skull is found in the remains of an exit bag

Because weather is simple, right?

There's privacy versus the car company that has various levels of concern about it.

This is privacy versus others with access to your car.

It should be easy to remove another user's access from within the car

They could argue for

  • a greater share of the value
  • more certainty about being allowed to stay on the platform

Pretty much like anyone's top two asks. More money, more security.

It sucks that they're down voting you for being correct in your top comment, though I think I agree with the down votes for your characterisation of worker controlled enterprises as "a complete disaster". They actually work well

Dkarma's comment requires context. They think aliens have visited Earth. They presume people who don't agree with them expect that if aliens had visited Earth, some would have been shot down and alien bodies would have been recovered

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For the public and environment policy that mass transit is made for (freeing up parking space; removing polluting cars from the road; reducing congestion; reducing carbon burn) yeah. Mass transit should have no usage cost

I'll accept public service adverts. Telling you about services, advertising health and well-being, telling you to keep your feet off the seats

It's several things.

  • They believe people work better when they have team mates around them
  • They believe there are synergies from water-cooler conversions
  • They believe managers need to see their staff to know they're working
  • They believe people in the office are best for teaching new starters
  • They believe that since they are paying so much for office space it would be a waste to not use it

Probably more than that.

Some of it's true.

They don't understand what it costs. They don't understand that people resent having to commute to do the same work they could have done at home.

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Skilled programmers can see that Linus is an expert. It works in tech. It probably works in any professional environment - anywhere where skilled people are picking someone highly skilled.

For the average person, we have clearly seen average people suck at picking expert leaders, though it works fine in small groups

I reckon completing level 255 isn't going to happen for human players on the NES. They are pushing the input hardware beyond it's design to play the levels they're at now, and also crashes become more common at higher levels making a clean run to 255 even harder

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My partner's Linux box runs fine and has had no faults that needed my help in the 10 years it's been showing her news, email, and web

It's a lot more stable than it was years and years ago

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No one said they were good at their job

Russian authorities say it was the Americans trying to spy on other NATO nations, Israel, and Ukraine. America spying on Russia's enemies.

I think I'm connecting from right now

For the cyclist to stand on when performing various BMX stunts

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I think you'd start in Capetown

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At home, my car plugs in over the weekend once a week

On long trips, it charges at a fast charger in less time than it takes to get the children toileted and fed. You need to set an alarm on your phone to avoid getting idle fees

On long trips without kids the in car entertainment is great, but even without it you don't have much time for YouTube, especially if you need to pee

(Tesla with premium connectivity)

With your external screen idea, wouldn't you prefer one you can cast your own content to?

They're a petro state. Attempts to keep them from profiting from oil have completely failed, as Russia can sell it to their friendly countries

It has nothing to do with the post. I believe the post inspired dkarma to work out that brand new argument that there are no alien bodies (at area 51 probably) because the aliens would use drones

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I try really hard to believe that assassination is not a solution

You know, it makes the guy a martyr, and riles up his followers.

But they seem pretty riled up already.

And they and he are really, really wanting to make America a totalitarian state

And if they did, America would break up.

It would be a generally bad result, maybe good for California.

Actually I hear a lot about liberals with guns, I guess the left lacks armed idiots

Gen x got MASH reruns and internalised the theme song "suicide is painless"

They had live ammo and live shooting non-disabled guns. The crew were using them on the incident day to shoot cans, and this was the armorer's first second film job

Doesn't Germany have cheap body disposal options?

At very least you ought to be able to donate your body for medical training

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Old Reddit is the only place moderators have any 3rd party tools. When Reddit kills it, many more mods will quit. Large subs will be completely unmanageable

Many jurisdictions have exceptions that if a work is out of copyright in it's original jurisdiction, it is out of copyright

It is called the principle of the lesser term