1 Post – 394 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hello! My name is Cobalt Swiftpaw. I'm here for memes and art.

Previously /u/PirandelloKruger723 on Reddit.

Who gives a shit. Use the desktop you like. Don't post this /g/ tier bait.

I'm using Gnome and VRR on Wayland with no issues. AMD 7800XT.

China didn't "conquer" anything. They had an agreement that would keep them independent until a certain date and that date passed. So HK now belongs to China, as was agreed.

I was a little misinformed, it turns out HK has belonged to China since 1997, and the recent protests were just because of some policy changes that make China's influence stronger in regards to their ability to extradite people into mainland China.

Hong Kong only recently became part of China. (This was not correct, it became part of China in 1997). I'm sure the protests are fresh in people's minds still. If anywhere would want private phones it would be HK.

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This is your daily reminder that the feds can see everything you post

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It's not really her fault. Microsoft pushes people to use their onedrive and pay for a subscription even when people have no clue what it is or what it does. Microsoft is just insanely anti-consumer.

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What a goofy interpretation of that series of events. Reddit changes API which fucks over moderators -> mods protest and say if they can't use these tools they can't moderate -> when API restrictions come into effect, mods either leave over moderating being way harder now or basically not being able to mod

Why is that final step so hard for this person to believe? All of Reddit moderation wasn't lying to people for fun

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No, these guys are way less organized than last time and Donald Trump is getting fucked in court still. I think its less likely now than it was 4 years ago. The GOP is fracturing and losing steam. Senators and governors are still a threat but not in the civil war type of way I don't think.

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This is unironically a good move for them. As Office gets more and more interconnected you have to wonder if there's a danger of using sensitive data as training for their AI. Not only will it save them money it'll also keep their data secure.

OK but you have to recognize that this is being an asshole in a different way. Don't do either of these things preferably

Default? Top left. It should be visually appealing to most people, and it would honestly just be odd to have the default wallpaper be cartoon styled. And the bottom left looks too much like W11. But I think they should all be included as options.

It's called an anti-joke and I found it funny. It was obviously set up that way by the poster.

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If that kid smoked 40 bucks worth of weed either he does this every day or dad is WAY overpaying for his weed.

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I have never practiced using the terminal. The only way I learned was using the terminal to do my tasks and fix things when they broke.

In the future, I hope to have a home lab/NAS running Linux

Just start this project. That will teach you about how to use the terminal in a practical setting

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Sounds like extremely veiled speak for "we are going to test things out on random users to see how much bullshit they can accept"

I promise a lot of men want this.

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Zeep-zlorp is Star Wars. Star Trek would be Omega Tau V or some shit.

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Muk* it's clearly just "muck" minus the c

Stallman just keeps being right*

*About software freedom

I enjoy this activity too as a non binary person

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STOP FUCKING BUYING INKJETS. Listen I've worked in retail for a few years now. I constantly have motherfuckers ask what they should get, I point to a $150 laser printer with much better print quality, toner can't dry out, gives you thousands of pages instead of a couple hundred, and bitches will STILL pick up the fucking $50 printer with $80 ink refills instead.

Laser printers are orders of magnitude better than inkjets in so many ways. Stop buying fucking inkjets.

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Rights are granted to you as long as you follow the law that grants you them. Once you break the law certain rights can and will be taken away from you because you are no longer following the contract that allows you to have them.

There are certain inalienable human rights that every person should have. Slandering people and rallying up your cultists to attack those people is NOT one of them.

I would highly disagree with you. Linux doing basic web browsing and word processing is a huge win. Those two are where people who don't care just default to Windows, which makes it much harder for people who want to use Linux in a professional setting outside of software development. If professional documents default to .odt instead of .docx, that's massive progress in my mind.

AMD and Intel both have fully featured, full performance open source graphics drivers.

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This is pointless. Your tax dollars are doing MUCH more for Israel than what products you buy. Boycotts are a capitalist distraction from the real systemic issues.

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It's not that bad. Like really at all. Verbalase, a youtube rap battle guy, spent an obscene amount of money on a commission. The Wonderbread thing is honestly not that interesting. The person who replied just commissioned a lot of art of blondes buying wonderbread because it reminded them of a particular part of their ex (and obviously some other fetish reason). The cheesegrater image is comparatively much worse, as an example.

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Aaand here's why production software is so damn buggy. I'm not faulting you personally, just your employer.

I'm in this picture and I don't like it

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They literally tried this exact thing already and it accepted many trans women and refused many cis women.

What's my thoughts? My thoughts are FUCK relying on the internet for basic things. So no "AI terminal" for me. This is yet another way to mine data cloaked in futurism.

Good news for you about this artist!

Just wait until you see modern chrome

WANT. This would fucking kill me.

Glad this meme is dead. Having an overweight cat isn't funny tbh.

There's a circular reasoning happening that's causing Windows to stay dominant. Why isn't professional software being developed for Linux more? Because it doesn't get used in the workplace. Why doesn't Linux get used in the workplace? Because it doesn't have professional software support.

You need to break one of these things to succeed.

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The ideal state of man.

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Physics is the philosophy equivalent of the STEM world. You're not going to be able to find a job with physics alone and you're really just twisting numbers around in your head as a fun little challenge.

No, you're massively overgeneralizing. Freud is pseudoscience, but there's lots of very real studies especially around the 60s (before ethics were considered) that follow the scientific method and have real measurable outcomes and conclusions.

Don't be anti science. Science is a method, not a social club.

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Apache is too permissive a license anyways. This is kind of the point of copyleft licenses — a feature, not a bug.

because some websites are cancer when they smell your Linux

Oh really? This is the first I've heard of this. I sometimes have to spoof being Chrome though.

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