
54 Post – 329 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I give you a report

You linked to an article which I looked at. It in turn linked to a 128 page report which I did not read because it does not have a Gaza section - and Gazan conditions leading up to Oct 7 was what you were responding to. I didn't have time today to read the whole thing just in case.

Gaza was not anything like an "open air prison" until 2007 when Egypt closed the Southern Border shortly after Hamas took over: that was not Israel's fault. Water supply issues in Gaza are caused by Hamas who boasted in a 2021 propaganda video showing themselves digging up water pipes to turn them into missiles. From 2014 to 2020, U.N. agencies spent nearly $4.5 billion in Gaza which could have been used to build civilian infrastructure but Hamas preferred to spend it militarily on its stated goal of ethnic cleansing of Jews "from the river to the sea".

The Amnesty article cites no examples of government mistreatment of Arabs in Israel.

the article cites no examples of mistreatment of Arabs in Israel?

The article. Not the report.

Israel performed “massive seizures of Palestinian land and property, unlawful killings, forcible transfer, drastic movement restrictions, and the denial of nationality and citizenship to Palestinians”

In Israel is was what you were meant to be responding to. There are plenty of Palestinians with citizenship in Israel. I think the West Bank settlement expansion is unjust but that is not the topic here.

you are completely determined to wash over the sins of a government

Nope I was trying to stick to the topic of BBC going against their own government's designation of Hamas as terrorists. You would rather talk about wider issues, so...

Both sides are "losing the war": Back in December there was a great prescient article criticising Israel and a companion article criticising Hamas.

Very few ProPals seem to do balance whereas plenty of people who try to understand Israel's difficulty (in avoiding being wiped out by Hamas) do criticise Israel.

Netanyahu's Likud party only won 11% of the vote and it took 5 attempts at a working coalition for them to resume power in the last election. There were two arrest warrants against him for corruption and over 100,000 citizens protested against the government changing the law to allow them to override their equivalent of a constitution.

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I'm not sure proffering apologetics for war crimes is appropriate for Beehaw.

ICC has identified (but not prosecuted) war crimes by Likud's Netanyahu and Hamas' Sinwar.

you clearly label Hamas as a terrorist organization

I named countries which proscribe Hamas as a terrorist organization. You obviously don't agree with these governments and it is fair enough to express it like that but not fair to try to bully me into agreeing with you.

a legitimate steward of the civilian population's will.

Hamas has not allowed elections in Gaza since they won power in 2007.

There's the actual reason if anyone is interested.

That merely repeats the headline, it isn't a reason.

without addressing the actual reasons and events that led up to it

Then it would need to include Palestinians starting war against Israel then losing a disproportionate number of citizens then always repeating the failed attacks expecting a different result? There is a word for that.

Most of the Jewish population of Israel are those fleeing persecution from Muslim nations (not from Europe as is commonly believed).

"By 2019, the total number of Jews in Arab countries and Iran had declined to 12,700, and in Turkey to 14,800"

The only persecution of Gazans in the few years leading up to Oct 7 was the border checks since they have imported munitions in the past which they attacked Israel with.

How far back in history do you want to go in a 90 minute documentary about the Nova massacre? It doesn't actually matter now regardless of what each side says: Jews ain't going anywhere and neither are the Arabs. A two-state solution is the only option.

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Your link is to Amnesty — one of the many "human rights" organizations unwittingly supporting terrorists who hijack and abuse our good-will and free speech in the West.

Read about Akhmed Chatayev. Arrested in Sweden with guns and explosives. Arrested in Ukraine with terrorist material. Arrested in Georgia for participating in a terrorist attack (Lopota incident). Arrested at the Bulgaria/Turkey border. Amnesty basically bailed him out. He's the mastermind of the ISIS attack on the Istanbul airport (almost 50 dead). Luckily Georgian police eventually killed him in the end.

The Amnesty article cites no examples of government mistreatment of Arabs in Israel.

Arabs in Israel are equal in law to Jews (except for military conscription). Arab LBTQI+ find refuge in Israel. Arab women and schoolgirls in Gaza have to wear a hijab but not the Arabs in Israel (where they can even dance if they like).

the border checks since they have imported munitions in the past which they attacked Israel with.

this is an outright lie.

Just because some people use hyperbole like "world's largest outdoor prison" doesn't make what I said a lie. Blame Egypt for controlling the Rafah border not Israel. They have seen what happened to Jordan and Lebanon when they allowed Palestinians in.

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IANAL But my understanding is that a contract cannot void basic rights.

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False equivalence.

Russia bombed Kiev for the hell of it, not even pretending there was a military objective. Russia also is conscripting Ukrainians to fight against their fellow countrymen as cannon-fodder on the front line. It is kidnapping children into Russia.

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That is why the comparison is with 2019. It wasn't a pandemic until 2020.

Get out of here with your pinko agenda. What are you, some kind of long haired, bleeding-heart, sharey fairy, hippie, Jew?

Behold: The supply-side Jesus.

Biden to Bibi: "don't make the same mistakes we made in 9/11. There's no reason why we had to be in a war in Afghanistan."

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Amazon also sell faked AI products if you search for (bizarrely)...

“goes against OpenAI use policy”

Try that string and see what happens.

You are describing r/Worldnews not other Reddit subs.

And Lemmy has been 50-50, with very little actual personal attacking.

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Economist article says: "Average weekly earnings for the country’s workers reached nearly $1,170 in October, up by around 3% in real terms since the end of 2019."

I dunno what workers means here.

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The fediverse sounds just like what we all thought the internet was back in the early 90's.

Apart from Mozilla sabotaging the ideal in ways others describe here I can think of other ways it could be hijacked by corporate interests...

eg elimination of net neutrality so that ISP's prioritise traffic to paying servers, then doing deals with the biggest servers until we again only have a handful of options if we want wide reach?

Humans are suckers for hype and corporations know hype. While that is dangerous for democracy I have lost interest in communicating with the masses so being part of a relatively small network of people is just fine by me.

If ever an article could do with illustrations...

"This quantity is not enough to operate hospital generators for more than thirty minutes,” Hamas added

This sounded like an exaggeration to me but it checks out by my calculations (correct me if I am wrong).

This website calculates 300 litres would generate 2.85 MW hours. If what Hamas says is true then the hospital would have to be using 5.7 MW of power.

I compared this with the state of Victoria (pop. 6.7M) Australia where the hospitals in total use 147MW of power. In non-wartime that Gazan hospital probably serves about ten times fewer people, which would be 14.7MW. Admittedly an Australian hospital's power use is probably more profligate.

Aussie Hospitals Power Use

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The whole point of the article is Biden criticizing Israel for going too far in their mission to eradicate Hamas. He even criticized US for invading Afghanistan.

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I'm biased towards paragraphs.

Otherwise, good point: understanding the other side is a good way to somehow being able to work together.

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Because it depicts teenagers, yeah. It would have been fairer if it showed a dozen people with a more representative spread of ages. It would still skew young though.

I am Gen X, a computer scientist and often use my phone while walking.

Have often jumped on the wrong train because of my lack of attention. Not life threatening but results in extending my one hour journey by 30 minutes. But that kind of error did also happen occasionally pre-phone so at least now I have entertainment for that extra half hour :)

Good question but it turns out it is not occupying the kind of location you suggested. Being a physicist he probably considered this Map

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I just want Swype to return. It got pulled out of Play and iOS stores in 2018. Swipe/glide keyboard input via gboard is crap in comparison.

I suspect the ranting author failed to appreciate that Bluetooth is probably cheaper to implement for the audio because regular headphones require three wires while power supply only requires two. Ingenious really.

EDIT: Proper wired headphones would also require a soundcard in the dongle.

Are we meant to analyze jokes here? It might be too heavy a topic for New Year's Day so if it is OK, I would just like to say that, like most envy, I think the cartoon is based on fantasy.

Single or coupled, childless or parent, there are pros and cons either way so I figure it is better to concentrate on the pros of where I am at and remind myself of the cons of where I am not and don't mind if the other "team" does similar. Whatever gets us through, maintaining our dignity... and laughing.

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Not necessarily. It might be because of the crimes in the public groups and channels in Telegram. That makes it no more immune from responsibility than Facebook or Twitter.

See this thread

Signal doesn't have those.

Nikki Haley voting for Trump after he called her a birdbrain proves his point.

The guy was having a funny geeky bitch. He was laughing at himself. He doesn't expect Apple to change anything.

EDIT: I think you are right, that last paragraph of his is weirdly serious. Would have been pure comedy without it.

If you’re laying out in the freezing cold, drinking some alcohol may be the only way to warm up and get to sleep

That is a popular myth. The truth is the opposite.

The feeling of warmth is the heat leaving your body and the receptors on your skin are detecting it. Meanwhile your core temperature is going down.

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I refuse to click on any SubStack stories. That web site profiteers from Nazi content.

What I don't get about Bibi's argumernt of preventing another Oct 7 is that it is not so hard to prevent.

It should not have happened in the first place if security didn't slip up but he does not want to take responsibility for that.

He does not want to acknowledge that a competent government could have prevented that and could prevent it in future even with Hamas remaining in Gaza.

The attempt to remove Hamas is naive.

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“When you have experienced something so extraordinary, it really imbues life with a certain level of enchantment and mystery and profundity.”

I can see a downside. Every second person I meet telling me all about their dream.

The silver lining is that people will now not be so quick to shift to a cashless society. ABC radio had some wanker from ANU pushing that a couple of months ago on several programs but he failed to bring up the issues of privacy and removing the control from RBA to control the money supply.

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Psychedelic studies are always about something else :)

Brin was married to her sister Anne, the biotech analyst.

In fact him and Larry Page started up Google in Susan Wojcicki's garage in Menlo Park. Perhaps in gratitude he later funded her it is not mentioned in his Wiki.

I often ask them to tell me what they think "the scientific method" is.

They tend to waffle about big pharma and Hiroshima so I give them a four minute ELI5 animation from YouTube to watch. They never do watch it though.

That much sugar makes anything taste good though. May as well blend lawn clippings.

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Israel ain't Taiwan. What tech do you think is indispensable there?

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Now do Aphex Twin. No need to convert his music into numerical data either - am sure he would supply it if asked nicely.

It aint love without spooning.

What stops Israel from doing a deal by offering to remove settlers from the West Bank?

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