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Joined 7 months ago

Correction: someone did a study at MIT about aluminum helmets, not tin foil hats. The important distinction being aluminum vs. tin.

Word to the wise: Only buy tin for your protective day wear, as it hasn't been proven ineffective at blocking radio waves by MIT, unlike aluminum. Stay safe out there!

Quick addendum: This is a bit. Don't come after me, Big Aluminum.

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Is this multiple choice or just a suggested series of steps?

Always wear protection.

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Trivializing is taking very real and major struggles that certain humans experience to much greater degree than others and pretending it has the same gravity as minor annoyances that a wide range of people experience.

If your comment is a joke or otherwise intended to be lighthearted, I apologize, but people saying in earnest what you said is a pretty major pet peeve of mine.

Real "Chronic depression doesn't exist because everyone feels sad sometimes" energy.

"Any recommendations for good cummies here?"

"I usually start my day just laying in bed and checking out new cummies"

"It's unfortunate that niche cummies don't always have the support needed to stick around. I've seen great cummies wiped away before they could really build any volume up."

"It's so often overlooked, but proper handling of cummies is really what keeps them enjoyable day after day."

Yep, I see no fault with the naming scheme here. Really rolls off the tongue well too. Very palatable. Definitely not absolutely cursed.

I once won a bike in a punch card raffle for drinking as much monster as I do. No kidney stones yet, just a full immunity to the positive effects of caffeine and the constant threat from my body to never stop drinking them or else my head will implode from withdrawal.

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What's so hard to comprehend? 4 inches to a hand, 3 hands to a foot, and 5280 feet to a mile. It's a straightforward pattern!

(I hope it's not needed, but this is definitely sarcasm)

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Please tell me he has lewds/nudes while holding his tactical shovel.

Thank you for giving me just enough curiosity to look up what Jellyfin is. I've been wanting to set up a media server but lost interest quick when I realized Plex seems to have completely moved away from being a media server program. I'm so stoked to give it a proper try.




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Sorry, I only give that info to tigers.

And that's definitely the most unhinged thing the AI said in OP's image.

Lotta people saying they're just looking out for you. Curious what the average APR is on a capital one credit card.

As per my legal obligation upon seeing a Guilty Gear reference:


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So you're a tough guy?

Like it really rough guy?

Just can't get enough guy?

Chest always so puffed guy?

I'm that sad type.

Secret dress in drag type.

Online I'm the glad type.

No longer a lad type.

Thanks to WiFi.

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Honestly this was so weird to read because of the line breaks, but it would have been way harder without them. Thanks for looking out!

I hope your gay-ass gay ass had had a great day.

B and then E just to keep everyone confused.

Just like a sword is protective against another sword, a gun is protective against another gun.

Someone swings a sword at you? Simply parry the blade.

Someone shoots at you? Simply shoot the bullets out of the air.

Nah, but the honest response is that guns are relatively commonly referred to as 'protection' (at least where I am) and I thought the word bit would be funny here, and also because it was my first thought. For what it's worth, I agree with you that guns aren't protective as a whole.

You could check out Sidebery (Firefox addon) (A note: I use it with Floorp, a fork of Firefox built around user control. Floorp link)



Ton of features and very nuanced customization (you can change pretty much all minutia of its UI, which is a huge plus over other stuff I used). Some noteworthy features I like:

  • Vertical tab bar with collapsible parent/child tabs

  • Tab Grouping, which seems to be functionally the same as workspaces

  • Unload or refresh tabs or groups en masse easily

  • Customizable new tab buttons. ie: you can have "new tab", "new private (or other container) tab", and "new tab" all at once.

  • Customizable movement of tabs to specific Tab Groups based on domain and/or container. ie: I have a "Media" tab group, and I set it up so any domain from or automatically get moved from other tab groups over to "Media"

There's more, but those are the points that I find the most useful.

(at the risk of making a truly stupid joke)

You could wear some pants instead of trying to cover it with just a hoodie.

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"Hand forged in the deepest basement, this keyboard has ultimate compatibility! Every key from every language, at my fingertips! 38 usb cables with the raw power to transcend operating systems and control multiple computers simultaneously... Oh ho ho, but that's not even the true power of this keyboard. See these skulls? These are all that remains of the former owners... Lost souls, desperate for minimal latency, all lost their minds, and lives, by using the forbidden Synaptic Link. The one I will use to defeat you!"

And then he plugs a cable into his brain or some shit and they play a round of starcraft. Feel like I started in a corner and wrote myself into a different corner.

"I want you to look at me like a frog looks at literally anything."

Yeah, good luck finding the energy to that or literally anything else without stimulants.

Or is that just me?

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I feel like the same is true of a gorilla though.

Said it before and I'll say it again: It's crazy to me that tone centric fonts never happened. Tone is wildly important in all language, but there's basically no good way to convey tone via text without stating the tone like some Newspeak shit. Meanwhile, we have all these rad fonts just hanging out on the proverbial bench, going totally unused, but I'm cursed to see and use exclusively good Times New Roman, plusgood Helvetica, and doubleplusgood Arial. Literally 1984.

/hyperbole (but I really do think it would be a fun idea and I demand a hyperbole font).

Protect family.

This is the only truly responsible usage of chatbots.

Honestly, thigh highs + hoodie + "is there any clothes under that hoodie?" is peak fashion.

Protip: set up a macro to type out if you can't be fucked to type after every search.

I meant more in a general sense of being exclusively a "net" being.

As for why to that: without going into great detail, I feel a level of detachment to my body that I think most people don't have, and I feel like it would be a much better experience for me as a consciousness to be removed from my uncooperative body.

Basically, I feel like basic signals from my body (hunger, fatigue, pain, etc.) Are not well received by my brain. Many times it feels like a totally unlabeled signal from a body part, and I need to actively troubleshoot what the feeling is and why.

As an example, I'll get a feeling in my abdomen, but I won't know if it correlates to pain, hunger, thirst, sitting still, being sore, or any number of other things.

The abdomen sends a messenger up to the guy in charge at the brain, and the interaction goes something like this:

  • Brain: what is it, messenger?

  • Messenger: I come with important news from the stomach!

  • B: Great, let's hear it.

  • M: oh, dang, I think I dropped the message on the way here. It was definitely important though. Anyway, bye!

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Check out if you haven't. Needs a script manager extension like Tampermonkey, but otherwise it's easy set up and really great feature-wise.

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Just asking out of genuine curiosity, what do you mean by steam DRM being opt-in?

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Oh, fuck yeah. I remember it using nvidia shield, and I haven't bothered with seeing if it works outside of geforce since I dropped that (fuck geforce lol). Glad to hear there's an open source alternative.

First I'm hearing of Tiny10 and starting to consider my options for jumping ship on windows. Anyone willing to give a short rundown/ weigh their opinions of linux/windows/other OSes. Video games are the main factor for me, with user control a very close second.

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Edit: Likely Sounds to me like an IP and/or MAC address ban (MAC address is tied to motherboards IIRC). I got banned once from one of my old favorite games (PSO2) for mistakenly swapping my vpn mid game. After a lot of troubleshooting and an apartment move in between, a MAC spoofing program is what did the trick.

Side note, does lemmy use markdown format? If not, does anyone know what it uses?

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too bad unix time only has 14 years of life left in it.

Edit: this only applies to 32 bit Unix time. The 64 bit lifespan is a little longer, at 584 billion years. Whoops lol.

Are people getting powers in return for stripping for C'thulu?

And here I am, just doing it for fun.

Yes. I started drinking them maybe 20 years ago and the benefits of drinking them, both then and now, far outweigh any negatives. Turns out stimulants are extremely helpful for people with (at the time) undiagnosed ADHD.

Pepperoni and green peppers, mushrooms, olives, chives!

Oh wait wrong song.

First and foremost, I don't know or particularly care about fanclub opinions as a whole. Not trying to be rude or anything, but it's weird to tell me that A is great despite what B fans tell me when I never even heard a word from B fans to begin with.

I've looked briefly into plex recently, which seems bloated with services and monetization that I don't want or care about (even the help articles are written like ads), and I've looked at the 3 websites for Jellyfin that I linked, and Jellyfin seems like a more clear cut and feature rich version of what plex started out as, which was primarily a media server program.