2 Post – 701 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Or, better yet, do we need to embrace the idea that infinite growth isn’t possible, and adopt economic systems that do not rely on it?

Yet another thing that tens of millions of people across the country would instantly lose their job for

Would they? Vendors in the private sector are constantly handing out goodies to clients. Sports tickets, food, gift baskets and more. Hell, I’ve seen vendors pay for vacations in the private sector.

Also, as the case states, these things are largely illegal to varying degrees at the state level for state and local employees. This decision just said the Feds can’t pile on with additional charges.

This case isn’t about a fed, it’s a local official.

There are other rules governing most federal employees. This is only one specific federal criminal law.

Woman who made over a billion being a public figure upset she is now a public figure.

Sorry, no privacy for private jets. I don’t care about the “danger.” She can fly commercial in business class or first class if she wants privacy.

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Most downtowns are built for commuters rather than residents. They forced out residents in favor of building higher cost commercial real estate. What residential buildings there is targets only the highest incomes. No surprise they are struggling.

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"What difference does it make if one elected official is worth $100,000 and the other is worth $10 million?" he asked. "That's totally irrelevant."

Because I trust someone worth $100k or less to have my interests at heart far more than someone worth $10M. Do these people really not get that?

People are sick and tired of being ruled by the wealthy. The truth is, city government pay is often so bad, it’s only the wealthy with large passive income that will go for it.

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Cruel? Nitrogen asphyxiation is probably one of the most painless, gentle ways to go.

Your trigger that you can’t breathe is a buildup of carbon dioxide. But as you can still exhale, you feel no panic. You just slowly drift unconscious and die. I’d take it over most causes of death.

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A ton of people can barely open a PDF and this sub thinks those people can change to a completely different operating system.

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Rogan is a truly horrible human being. I absolutely cannot stand that asshole. He is the walking and talking Dunning-Krueger Effect. He is a washed up comedian who moved on to making people eat disgusting stuff on a shitty reality show to thinking he is some sort of brilliant host.

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For anyone that wants to say 21% is a ton, remember this is over the 4 year contract. This is the equivalent of 5% a year. Also, the last 3 years alone, there has been 18% inflation, and the last contract just didn’t keep up with that.

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His greatest skill has been taking credit. He finally ran out of the accomplishments of others.

He had little to do with Tesla, aside from naming the models so they would spell S3XY and using shitty off-the-shelf components not designed for use in cars that are now failing in many vehicles. He literally bought the title of "founder" from the people that actually founded Tesla, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning.

SpaceX is the work of Tom Mueller (former TRW engineer), Gwynne Shotwell (former The Aerospace Corporation engineer), and Chris Thompson far more than Elon Musk.

Go back further, and you find his family owned an emerald mine. Paypal was far and away more the work of Peter Thiel, who merged his business with Musk's online financial services company (if you wonder where that came from). He got super rich selling out to eBay. His one business, Zip2, was just good luck selling it out also during the Dot Com bubble (I mean, seriously, it was bought for $305m by Compaq to help AltaVista). Essentially, the emerald mine funded Zip2, which he sold in 1999 to fund, which became Paypal, which he sold in 2002. Since then, the millions he got from that sale funded SpaceX and Tesla.

And to be frank, he wants more power, and he saw how quickly Trump was able to manipulate people. So he dropped the mask and adopted Trump's modus operandi.

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People will claim millennials will inherit the wealth of the boomers as their children. But most won’t. It will be spent on cruises, gambling, healthcare, assisted living, nursing homes, and so on.

I expect to inherit nothing.

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Glad people saw through the lies opponents were spewing. Ohio hasn’t had many blue victories, but I’m glad this was one.

Plus, recreational marijuana is passing as well. Sadly, that’s a statute and not amendment, so the dickheads in the legislature will probably fuck with it.

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A Quiet Place is just one of those movies that withstands zero scrutiny. How do those creatures hear regular noises from miles away, but can’t hear breathing or a heartbeat in the same room? How did no one think to try sonic attacks on the creatures with super sensitive hearing before a girl got hearing aid feedback? How did they build all that stuff to be silent without making noise in the first place? If the waterfall and other noisy areas are safe, why don’t they live there? Why I’m the hell would they have a baby in a world where you can’t make noise?

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I figure they would at least mention the poop emoji auto reply.

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Been voting R for years, watching them dismantle unions, pensions, and the social safety net yet now wonder why they can't afford to retire.

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Imagine cribbing notes from a guy that has seen the social network he purchased drop in value by 2/3rds.

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As a millennial who is now the same age as Al, I get it a lot more. When you are 40, come home from a job you hate that doesn’t pay enough, and are physically and mentally exhausted, yeah, sex isn’t as appealing, even if married to Katey Sagal. You just want to plop down on the couch, turn off your brain, and be left alone. Peggy being horny is just a reminder that his wife refuses to work (neither outside nor inside the home) and has more energy.

But also remember they originally offered the role to Rosanne Barr, which would have been even more understandable.

I try to cram 6 whole months worth of dental hygiene into the hours before my appointment.

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I get that Dems are enjoying seeing the Republicans seem to fail, but I get the feeling this is going to turn out horribly. We’re going to see Speaker Jim Jordan or Matt Gaetz and the country will suffer for it.

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Moving past tipping points. With permafrost melting, sea ice melting and not reforming, and fires in the boreal forest, the feedback loop is developing. We are going to blow past 2 degrees C way faster than anyone predicted.

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The man had a serious problem and found the smartest man in the world to fix it. Better than most presidents.

This was such a gimme for the “pro life” side. Even the moron that is the Ohio AG admitted that a 10 year old rape victim should be able to get an abortion (he just pretended she didn’t exist and refused to admit the vague language of the law wasn’t clear on that.) All he would have had to do is say “of course someone with an unviable pregnancy that carrying to term would jeopardize the mother’s health can get an abortion, we’re not monsters!” That would do more to stem the backlash from Dobbs than anything.

But, no. Paxton instead makes the case for us. All but the most extreme anti-abortion can see this is cruel. What a raging asshole.

The people whining are not the people that could face multimillion-dollar lawsuits over the issue. Like it or not, media companies are powerful and will go after websites seen as promoting piracy. Do what you reasonably have to do.

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God, I hate the shareholder class.

A nonsensical ruling.

The section specifically says congress can allow someone to hold office with a 2/3rds vote. How does it make any sense that it also takes specific congressional action to disqualify someone? A simple majority could stop that.

They even noted on a footnote a case where a 2/3rds majority voted to seat a former confederate. Yet they didn’t bother to outline how he was disqualified to start with. It wasn’t congressional action.

And they exceed legal thoughts as the suppose there needs to be uniformity so the president is president for all. History is filled with candidates that didn’t appear on the ballot is some states. Lincoln wasn’t on the ballot in some southern states. Like it or not, that is how it works.

And while the majority was rightfully chided for going beyond the question presented, shame on the liberals for ruling to protect their federal power rather than protecting the integrity of elections. I hated the oral arguments where they were all saying it “feels” like a federal question. If you want it to be a federal question, amend the constitution so the feds are in charge of elections. Until then, states have the right to decide who is on their ballot.

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That black blob in the middle looks like the remains of the banyan tree, which was planted 150 years ago and covered 2/3rds of an acre.

Lahaina was probably my favorite town among the 4 Hawaiian islands I’ve been to. Very sad. Hope they can rebuild.

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I'm betting managers were planning this, but when Musk found out it was for black history and ordered it canceled.

And while it is easy to just get paid in advance, sure, but that is a double-edged sword. Many companies and wealthy individuals will just use another company.

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Inflation is a massive issue. My cat’s food has doubled in price, and litter is up 50%. And if one of them needs to see the vet, we essentially would have to put them down as vet bills for any treatment is insane. Just basic bloodwork costs hundreds now.

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Working from home to going back to the office.

Our productivity was at an all time high, we we’re saving a ton of time and money commuting, and everyone was happier. But that’s not good enough to stay.

And that’s just what was disclosed. Remember him and Alito were claiming stuff was “personal hospitality” and didn’t need reported.

Not quite. The truth is, there is no universally recognized grades of leather. But when bragging about quality, genuine leather is the lowest bar they can go (other than bonded leather, which isn’t fully leather but just a veneer over fabric.

Full grain or top grain is generally what you want.

Also, some are concerned about the use of an animal product. The vast majority of leather is a byproduct of the beef industry. It is skin that would otherwise go to waste. And it is also far more environmentally friendly a material than many alternatives, which are often made of plastics.

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Not just Baltimore. This is also a major cargo port. That harbor will be blocked for a long time. Get ready for supply chain disruptions and more rising prices.

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Some people sit, some people stand. Most of the time, neither side is aware of the other side’s existence, and also cannot comprehend how they manage to do it that way.

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Honey is a commonly faked food. At least they label it so you can avoid it.

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I really wish someday there would be more a push for paid leave for EVERYONE.

I do not begrudge parents paid parental leave and think it should be offered. But it would be nice if someone were to consider doing something, anything for the rest of us. Instead, we only get the extra work of picking up the slack.

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Hope it lasts. The problem is it’s an initiated statute rather than a constitutional amendment, so that means the can be repealed or amended by the gerrymandered state legislature anytime, and Republicans are already threatening to do just that.

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They’ve “found” her plane several times. I remember 5 years ago it was found near Papua New Guinea. Before that, people found a fragment and bones on an atoll. Before that, people claimed she was pictured with Noonan in some Japanese photos.

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Star Trek. I want to live in a post-scarcity society with incredible technology.

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Probably a PR stunt. If heard more about Wendy’s the last 2 days than the last year.

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