Taylor Swift threatens legal action against Florida student who tracks her jet | CNN Business

JustAManOnAToilet@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 711 points –
Taylor Swift threatens legal action against Florida student who tracks her jet | CNN Business

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Woman who made over a billion being a public figure upset she is now a public figure.

Sorry, no privacy for private jets. I don’t care about the “danger.” She can fly commercial in business class or first class if she wants privacy.

Her Grammy speech was literally "I love doing this, thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I love."

Bitch, if you don't want people to track you then fly first class.

She can also rent a private jet.

Renting a jet is just as bad for the environment as owning one

Yes, and that's a problem.

Her complaint about her jet being tracked would be solved by renting as those companies tend to be rather quiet about who is on which plane at any given time.

Be a lot cooler if she had her own train car.

While true, the topic is about tracking, and as a pragmatic option this would bury her travel in obfuscation.

If it were just about tracking environment, then having the popular tracker be just an odometer rather than specific paths would show the point without the scary tracking vibes.

Of course, this suggests the tail number is somehow well known and thus she's got a problem regardless of this specific tracker. Once the tail number is known, all semblance of privacy is out the window.

They can charter jets and travel in greater luxury without having a tail number assigned to them personally. When I become a multibillionaire I will charter jets.

My step father is a private plane pilot.He owns the plane and rich people pay him to fly them places.

You're right, rich people like Swift don't need to own a jet themselves. It's very easy to find jets to charter and likely cheaper because you're not paying to maintain a plane.

So she can stop complaining about her silver spoon not being polished enough.

You don't seem to realize that these people are targets for verbal and physical harassment and assault. That's exactly why she's worried about her whereabouts being tracked.

taylor swift publicly has a tour schedule that anyone with internet access can get. and I'm sure that these places have airports. and flight logs are public. it's not hard to figure out what plane left from the city she was in is going to her next tour date.

if she, the most famous and richest white woman on the planet doesn't want her movements tracked her movements would not be tracked.

taylor swift publicly has a tour schedule that anyone with internet access can get.

Yes and she has security that escorts her every where she goes. That gets a lot harder in a metal tube 50k feet in the air.

and the flight logs are public

Yes that is the issue we're discussing, thank you.

Do you think someone is going to try to shoot down her plane or something??? She still has that security with her right before takeoff and right after she lands

Note that her private plane is a bit separate and I think flying a private plane means your privacy is screwed unless you absolutely know your tail number is a secret.

On the matter of tour schedule, that may be a matter of 'professional' versus 'personal' time. While doing her professional act, well, her whereabouts are obviously well known and extra precautions and vigilance are part of the cost of doing business. During 'off' time one might reasonably hope for being able to let your guard down a touch when you get to your rural mountain cabin that no one should know about.

Again, using a private jet as means of transport throws that out the window, but the concept that your work itinerary being widely known implies that of course your personal itinerary is fair game is not something I can get behind.

Oh, poor Billionaire that can afford 24 hr private security! /s

I don’t care. She has other options, anyway. She can’t have her cake and eat it, too.

Oh, poor Billionaire that can afford 24 hr private security!

Yes she can, she can also afford a private jet to fly her around. Not sure what your point is.

Private security ain't gonna do much in a sealed tube 10k feet in the air.

She has other options, anyway.

Such as?

Yes she can, she can also afford a private jet to fly her around. Not sure what your point is.

Choices have consequences. She chooses a private jet that will have an ADS-B transponder that will thus be linked to her travel. That’s just how it works.

And you are complaining she faces violence threats. My point is, she can easily mitigate them.

Private security ain't gonna do much in a sealed tube 10k feet in the air.

Stalkers aren’t going to do mush there, either. What danger do you think she faces in the air?

Such as?

Fly commercial. Much harder to find when you could be on any of dozens of flights. Also, she could charter different jets. People might still find her from flight plans, but it would be much harder.

That’s just how it works.

We all know how it works. I'm suggesting maybe the way it works should change to improve safety.

And you are complaining she faces violence threats.

I've "complained" about nothing. You're imagining things.

My point is, she can easily mitigate them.

Would you care to make a suggestion?

Stalkers aren’t going to do mush there, either. What danger do you think she faces in the air?

I literally just explained that in the comment you just replied to. Verbal and physical assault and harassment while in a sealed tube tens of thousands of feet in the air.

If you're just gonna go on and on while ignoring that little fact then there's no need to carry on this discussion.

We all know how it works. I'm suggesting maybe the way it works should change to improve safety.

I do not believe the current system is unsafe. This is 100% her not liking the articles about her massive carbon emissions. If anything, we should further expose these megapolluters.

I've "complained" about nothing. You're imagining things.

Oh, going off a semantics! Whatever. You certainly are stating it.

Would you care to make a suggestion?

I did. You ignored it. What do you think paid security is?

I literally just explained that in the comment you just replied to. Verbal and physical assault and harassment while in a sealed tube tens of thousands of feet in the air.

How on earth are people verbally or physically assaulting her on her private jet? It is literally only her and her entourage on board. How does being able to track her flight lead to someone able to assault her on board? You make no sense

Hell, even flying commercial, they will land the plane and place the offender under arrest. They will restrain you in the meantime. They carry zip tie handcuffs and tape to secure disruptive individuals. Celebrities fly commercial all the time. Aside from maybe stares or people asking for selfies, they are perfectly safe. But that is part of the deal of being a celebrity. She is well compensated for it.

And I am ignoring nothing. I just wholeheartedly disagree with you an every point you have made.

How on earth are people verbally or physically assaulting her on her private jet?

I said that clearly in reply to your assertion about flying commercial.

Hell, even flying commercial, they will land the plane and place the offender under arrest.

I mean that'll be wonderful like, 12 hours later.

They carry zip tie handcuffs and tape to secure disruptive individuals.

Who? The flight attendants? This is their job now?

Swift just walking into a public airport would cause an immediate security nightmare.

But that is part of the deal of being a celebrity. She is well compensated for it.

Great, so basically "she deserves it" is your response?