Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs

Lee to – 538 points –
Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs

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Inflation is a massive issue. My cat’s food has doubled in price, and litter is up 50%. And if one of them needs to see the vet, we essentially would have to put them down as vet bills for any treatment is insane. Just basic bloodwork costs hundreds now.

Look into the “equine bedding pellets” for a litter replacement. We use it for our two cats and there’s little to no smell, it’s easily cleanable, and the “waste” is dry sawdust. Best part, at least in my area, is that a 40lb bag is $6.

I used these for a bit but one of my cats is picky and won't use them to poop. She would pee on them though. She will only use fine clay litter 😞

If there's ever a cost issue and you guys have to seriously consider putting them down, send me a message and I'll try to cover it.

I assume you mean you'll cover the euthanasia, right?

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It's likely that your vet was bought up by a corporation and has been inflating costs. It's getting harder to do, but search for independently owned and operated vets and only go to them. Your costs will go down and you'll get better pet care.

Yeah mine is so cheap, and will go so far out of the way to help my dogs. Way out in the sticks. By sticks I mean these guys do half livestock/half pets.

I use a care card. No interest financing. I paid for my good bois ccl repair with it. Paid it off two weeks ago then my other dog needed a stitch in her eyelid so we loaded that sucker back up.

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