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Joined 11 months ago

I'm not the kind who give a fuck about what other people usually do unless it directly affect me but...

I can't believe people buy cheap trash that would be sold on Temu.

But here we are, people buy cheap ass trash off Temu. If China started picking through the trash we shipped them and sold it back to us on a site like Temu, something tells me people would still buy it.

HDMI/Composite to coax convertor if that TV was recent enough to be "cable ready", otherwise you'll then need a coax uhf/vhf/fm adapter in the chain.

IIRC, back in the day, there were even composite-to-vhf adapters, but I can't seem to find any currently sold so either my memory is lying to me or they're no longer produced.

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From a high level.

  • Woman creates a video game about her personal struggles with depression.

  • Got favorable reviews, some from notable game reviewers.

  • Ex-boyfriend of woman posts a blog post and releases cherry picked chat logs alleging notable reviewer gave her a positive review due to sexual favors/relationship between the woman and reviewer.

  • Notable reviewer never reviewed her game.

  • Toxic gamer boys got in a huff that a woman was promoted due to sexual favors. They cried "ethics in video game reviews" together.

  • Toxicness spreads to other women in the video game industry because of the misgony.

  • Gamergate being full of easily manipulated individuals that don't feel like they belong or are heard are now organized.

  • Group is infiltrated by people that have a malicious intent to incite and recruit for far right extremeist movements.

The details are interesting, but in the end it's drama caused by frail male egos that led to a ton of misgony.

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That's because the anti-Biden propaganda coming from Russian bots & alt-right astro-turfing is effective.

The astro-turfers are everywhere (including the fediverse) , and a ton of them present themselves as "concern trolls" since it's a little harder to identify them that way.

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Feet sweat. A lot. Like a pint (450g) of sweat a day or more if particularly active or you have larger feet.

So for me, daily at the least. On particularly active days, multiple times.

15 more...

My biggest problem with lemmy is discovery.

I can't find shit I want unless it comes across all and I find it interesting.

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Fun fact. Dippin Dots, the ice cream of the future, is stored at -40 degrees

Extra fun fact. -40 degrees is where the Celsius & Fahrenheit scales intersect!

I wouldn't say it's a either or thing. I'd say they're equally genocidal.

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You do realize investigations take time? And that charges of this level tend to take even more time?

How long do you think the Watergate investigation took? I'll give you a hint, ~2 years.

With the number of players involved and all the shady shit that prosecutors and investigators have to go through, plea deals made, using that information to find corrobating evidence if it doesn't exist yet, possibly flipping another witness and repeating the cycles, new witnesses coming forward, etc etc, I'm surprised we're even seeing charges this year.

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Do one of the following:

  1. Tell your mother you're not comfortable hosting that type of content as a non-believer.
  2. Lie and hand back the propaganda movies and say you couldn't rip them to some unknown rip protecting they use and there's not enough resources online to figure it out.
  3. Host the content and let your mother liver her life and don't say anything.

I'd personally use option 1, but you do you.

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But it's not sarcasm.

Those are things the Blizzard employees have had happen to them. The boys club that was going on there was horrific and the women that worked there went through a ton of shit.

For those unaware: https://www.theverge.com/2023/12/15/24003556/california-activision-blizzard-gender-discrimination-lawsuit-settlement


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Yes, I had a TV in the 80s that had vhf/uhf tuning dials and coax as well since it was "cable ready". It was also oddly setup with the coax input directly below the uhf/vhf standoffs. So anything you connected to it got in the way of interacting with the coax in. And if the coax you used had a wide nut for threading on it could wind up touching the prongs on the uhf/vhf inputs feet causing fun interference.

Transitional era technology is fun like that.

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It's a tone thing.

There's a few regular article posters than either post articles with a certain tone to the headline or they editorialize the post title to fit their narrative. It's similar to how you can notice how somebody you're familiar with writes and uses language and can identify potential alt/sock puppet accounts from them.

Due to this I've come to believe that these people are astro-turfers with a disengenous agenda.

"Go commit a hate crime! And one of you is definitely going to escalate beyond burning and we won't be there to support you when you commits physical violence to a member of the LGBTQ+ community!"

Desensitized doesn't necessarily mean somebody doesn't have reactions to something. It just means they can compartmentalize those reactions and move forward and deal with the ramifications later.

EMTs, ER Doctors, and Nurses are largely desensitized to graphic trauma and can press through and get the job done. But that doesn't mean that they don't process those scenes later in both healthy and unhealthy ways (there's a few study out there that show ER staff have higher rates of alcoholism and substance abuse rates than the general public).

Tramua is trauma, whether you're desensitized or not.

What you just did with using my words to fit your narrative is called a straw man logical fallacy, with a nice dash of false dillema.

I'm saying that these people are good at their fucking jobs and surpassed my expectations as somebody that's not a legal expert but has watched a few high profile investigations play out in my time. Hence my surprise to seeing charges this year.

Nobody is agreeing with you. Your use of logical fallacies are causing you to think everybody is agreeing you.

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The more I see you post, the more I like you.

I vividly remeber the lead up to Jan 6.

I remeber the language being used by these idiots online. Coded language telling us what was going to happen.

I remeber people exposing "private" conversation histories private forums, discord's, etc where these groups were planning Jan 6 to the internet masses and telling progressives, liberals, and other left leaning people to stay away from the Jan 6 proceedings and not to show up to counter-protest. We knew from those exposed convos they planned on using any counter-protester presence as a patsy.

And of course, I vividly remeber Jan 6 and watching 3 different news streams the same time and and scouring the internet for any live streams from idiots broadcasting their shit on social media. I remeber hey gleeful those fuckers were, how they espoused that "revolution!", "Hang Mike Pence."

I also watched the Jan 6 Senate Comitte Hearings and have read through the highlights of the Final Report.

The FBI didn't entrap shit. You fuckers planned this in broad daylight. I'm gonna Look Up when you tell me not to, because I see you for the liars you are.

I mean, technically, contrails are composed of chemical compounds. Mainly dihydrogen monoxide which is one of the most dangerous chemicals there are!


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What do you think NIMBY means?

I feel like we have two different meanings for it.

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Historically, study after study has shown that most people are not homeless due to addiction. So either there's been a drastic shift in the data since COVID-19, or you're repeating a false narrative that liberals and progressives have been widely aware of and discussed for ages.

This has more to do with Embracer Group's June announcement for upcoming large scale restructuring, layoffs, game cancelations, and studio closures than anything else. Embracer has even hit hard at studios that were profitable or had games in the pipeline that were expected to be a huge sales success.

As much as I love games, the industry is a tough place to work, and the layoff cycles are striking once again.

This is more likely a coverage issue than Walmart illegally blocking wireless signals (per to FCC regulations).

Report the coverage issue to Verizon and your local Walmart. Both of which will want to increase coverage of where people are gathering. This is because if bad coverage areas are in places where people gather this will cause affected people to switch services or stop going to those gathering areas if there's alternatives.

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What meds, instant/extended release, and what dosage?

I'm on Adderall XR 15mg and after an initial "holy fuck" phase for a couple weeks it's tapered off into a nice rhythm. Shit isn't perfect, but I'm able to get up and get shit done. However, I also have the "I'm not hungry because of Adderall thing. And the thought of eating right now disgusts me.". Which helps with the ADHD snack binges I've struggled with. So I'll take that over the upset/queasy stomach feeling I had with a non-stimulant med I took for a few months a couple years back

If I wind up skipping a day I'm usually fine and don't feel any negative impacts. However, I also drink a shit ton of coffee (typically black) so that could be helping curb any withdraw sysmtpoms.

Some of that "weak stuff" includes things like:

  • Basic Hygine.

  • Maintain relationships you care about but struggle with.

  • Focusing on a conversation that is interesting or has valuable information you need but drift off after 30 seconds because you notice something in the background, a misplaced hair on their face, or your brain over corrects and you get stuck in the "must focus" internal mantra.

  • Remembering to eat instead of hyper focusing on a project and time blindness kicks in and it 14 hours later.

  • So-man-other-things.

ADHD is a fucking struggle mate. And your advice is oblivious to the realities of the struggles and life.

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I just wish it was an either/or situation.

I don't always need my lawn mower/blower/weed trimmer on batteries. I wish I could easily plug them in when doing light dut work close to the house. But then they couldn't tie me into their battery ecosystem as easily.

A spouse, housing, and 2.5 kids is quite a lot of motivation for people to work in the coal mines knowing they'll be at high risk of lung cancer.

Now switch the damage to groups unseen instead of yourself. Yep... People just trying to survive.

It fucking sucks.

I remeber Facebook before algorithms took over.

You friended and followed things, and then you'd see content from those things only in either chronological order or by recent activity. People loved it and as "the algorithm" took over people complained that they were no longer being served the content they wanted and expected and were also seeing content they did not want to see from stuff they had never followed or shared interest in.

Fuck the magical algorithm that's tailored to serve me divisive content because that is what drives the most engagement. Or serves me content to sway my political and moral opinions to the benefit of some wannabe oligarch or government entity (looking at you TikTok/CCP).

MS PowerToys has a Search feature that works like Mac Finder called PowerToys Run.. And it works as you'd expect it. I've largely started using that over the standard windows search, and the difference is hitting win + space (default: alt + space) instead of win before typing my search.

I installed the app, did initial setup, then forced it to never update, shut off internet access, and disabled notifications. Still seeing the discount nearly 3 years later.

Ooof. I remeber using light pens in the 80s at a dumb terminal at my local library to find books. It was painful...

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If you've been working hard at work to get a promo, it's probably time to get that promo, but externally. You'll probabaly get better pay that way too.

When putting together your resume, remeber to use the xyz format for your job successes "achieved x, doing y, with z results". This helps provide hiring managers and recruiters an idea of your performance and what type of results you can likely deliver for their team.

The only people there that get sympathy from me are the people trapped there on work visas if they want to legally remain in the USA.

The rest are either shit workers that can't make the cut elsewhere, or bought into the Elon hype and are a lost cause.

Except that's not what they were implying. They were implying that there's already "race wars" going on in the world and if he really really wanted to fight in one, he doesn't have to look too far.

If I were you, I think I would have taken the loss on not knowing the meaning of NIMBY over showing that my reading compression was lacking.

Even then, who the fuck wants a war in their neighborhood?

Both are correct. But the idiom "beg the question" is more correct here.

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wsl --install

sudo apt update

sudo apt install firefox -y

I remeber you.

I knew you were right. I downvoted you because I didn't want you to be right. It was a Farnsworth "I don't want to live on this planet anymore!" downvote. I do not apologize.

Yes, the sundowning, unstable behavior, throwing childish storm offs in court, and rampant narcissistic behavior of Trump sure aren't mental health issues. Yep, not showing mental health issues at all!