Joe Biden got the job done. to politics – 225 points –

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That's because the anti-Biden propaganda coming from Russian bots & alt-right astro-turfing is effective.

The astro-turfers are everywhere (including the fediverse) , and a ton of them present themselves as "concern trolls" since it's a little harder to identify them that way.

I recently asked a "I'll never vote for Biden" person here on Lemmy why, what goal does that accomplish? And boy oh boy, their answers were flacid, goal-post-shifting non-sequiturs. I never replied but someone else took up the torch, and I've never seen a conversation more like 2015 gamergate anti-feminists. Just garbage after distraction after red herring.

I'll never vote for Biden because I'd have to move to the United States to vote in the elections he's running in, and fuck that.

There were a lot of people on lemmy complaining about his age and senility just a coupe weeks ago...