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Joined 1 years ago

Yes and no. I don't feel as alone in liking my little hobbies. On the other hand paranoid schizophrenics can collaborate on flat earth or what ever they are doing these days.

thank mr skeltal

Does it run well on the steam deck yet?

Americans are told by the media that they are living "the good life" and that they shouldn't bother looking at conditions elsewhere. USA!USA!USA!

"Clean it up janny!" Good on you for getting out

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Itz yo butthole

Do it now if dude is down!

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Because then people would know how often this happens and where. Can't have that disrupting things

What tips do you have for putting a baby to sleep?

On a lark I hooked up an antenna to see what was on broadcast TV. There were like 5 pbs channels and a dedicated weather channel. For being free it was pretty good.

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Hotels >>>>> Airb&Bs

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Grimes is 35 trying to look 22. Madonna is 65 but as the "Queen of pop" tries very hard to look however young she can. There are similarities.

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The future is bleak. The least I can do is not create another person to inflict it on.

I love my deck. I wish palworld didn't crash on it but thats not a deck problem.

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Hots was the only game of the genre that I enjoyed. Still not touching it til kotik is gone

Maybe change your stance on policy? No, its the voters who are wrong!

Oracle databases are not allowed to run in the Google cloud because of ceo drama

He looks terrible.

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If I'm going to have a sexy maid robot she needs to fold laundry and clean litterboxes too.


Ding ding. "3d printers must be regulated for safety and copyright protection "

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Most of the games I don't finish are because I don't want the story to end. Currently its cyberpunk


The first and last font I downloaded was the Quake font.

"Damn, this shit is heavy"

Hey guys, is this the phased array radar thread? Sweeeeet

I always assumed it was easier to awaken online furries

I totally want Raytheon pride merch as well as the highway patrol, navy, and nuclear power industry. If they are in a terrible industry I want their pride merch

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Capitalism forbids fewer reasons to buy things.

Patient gamers win again!

Right? The story itself is better than the name calling.

Boomer sundowners won't notice with their own decline.

Bye Felicia

So, Whats a chapo? Are chappies tankies?

I feel so old. My bones ache.

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Oh oh, Kissinger next?

Same here but I was using RIF.

I inherited 3 guns from my father in law. They stay locked in the safe. Where am I irresponsible?

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I've not tried that but I will! Thank you.

Thats another ai driven search engine. Why won't it be enshittified soon as well?

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Not the OP but for me it takes like 4 times longer to use the tuch screen. Find the button for what i want. Do you want to super-sized? Do you want fries with that? How are you paying today? Blah blah blah whereas with the counter its me saying one sentence and them pushing 2 buttons.

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