Alaskaball [comrade/them]

@Alaskaball [comrade/them]
0 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Why are you profile stalking like a creep?

ask if they remember these

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Use language, that is what it is there for.


P.S. I can't post to this community from Lemmy.World.

Thats because they're reddit-brained over there too

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You're more conservative than us.

Because it's hipster reddit, making it twice as insufferable as normal reddit

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I'll be honest, I'm irony poisoned enough to can't tell if you're joking or just an American.

But just in case you're serious, I'll give a real short crash course on the difference between the left and right - and I mean this is really low brow basic that would get me shit for vulgarizing it so much.

If you wish to abolish the capitalist economic mode of production and establish a socialist economic mode of production, you're on the left.

If you do not wish to do that, you're on the right. This is why we - communists - call everyone from social democrats to fascists "Right-ists". They do not seek to abolish the current form of economic production, but preserve it. Ergo, why we call everyone liberals, for wanting to preserve the liberal market economy.

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Liberals minimizing fascism while saying we're the real fascists for telling them they're wrong, picture #69420


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Lmao they'd be treated with more kindness by state security agents than they would be some dipshit County sheriff in the U.S countryside.

considering they are basically required to filter out the bad faith content without engaging with it.

Well there's where the hexbear magic happens. If we see bad faith content it's basically open seasons to very vocally inform the poster how bad faith their post is.

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I'm more a fan of the T-34 followed by the Sherman if we're talking about ww2 tanks. Whats your favorite tank, you Trotskyite limey?

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People hate hexbear because they're always ahead of the curb and are right on the issues plaguing the day.

The problem is, is they only get proven right down the road after everyone forgets about the former issues and get mad at them for the new contemporary issues.

That and hexbear hands down has the best emojies and community on the whole fediverse and all the reddit-brainwashed turbo-nerds short-circuit every time they encounter an genuinely organic community that wasn't shaped by federal propaganda.

You had your comments deleted for being a bigot, jackass.

All our ankle-biters are smarmy little shits that have been banned for a plethora of reasons usually revolving around either being bigots or reactionary little monsters that revel in genocide while crying crocodile tears about communist "genocides"

For this one it's the latter as they're another case of "left in form, right in essence"

Here's some feedback:

Ban all your users, delete your website then delete your accounts.

You're all rot on the vine and the best thing you can do is prune yourselves and everyone around you.

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Buzzword buzzword buzzword, you're indistinguishable from your Vlaams Belang party for trying to say "actually the Communists are the real fascists"

Well that's a fun hobby. I used to make model planes when I was a child. I recall making a P-38 and an A-10 before entering junior high but then never really getting into it again.

Because America is built by non-catholic faiths composed of heretics that love to burn women alive, abusers that craft abusive personality cults in hills-have-eyes country, false prophet grifters who tell you god's gonna cure your terminal ilness if you help them get a private jet for their dogs, the hate-worshiping demons that blight the south 'evangelicals' that drive modern american politics, and misogynistic polytheistic pagans wearing the Christian mask while dressed in their weird underwear and tell you you're not allowed to drink coffee but monster energy drinks are a-okay, who all want to be acknowledged as the real Christian faith instead of being labeled as schismatic protestants and chose to go with the common moniker "catholics & christians" instead of "catholics and protestants"

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Milk and honeyed to death, if you know it, you know that shits barbaric.

If we talking in the realm of realistic and probable, probably Alzheimer's, or maybe being trapped in a vegetative state but concious and lucid.

Alabama is the Alabama of my country

which many of the major players involved including the USA and China still don't seem to care much about even now.

thinking-about-it that so?

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I'm particular to the T-34-85 variant.

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If "dropped Reddit for Hexbear" means getting perma-banned from Reddit, then sure.

Edit: No, it's not because I did anything cool. I actually don't know and nobody from the corp responded to why my inactive account got zapped

I would hardly call creating measured plans then executing the key steps towards making a stable jump to green energy propaganda, unless you're of the mind that risking severe damage an entire country's energy grid and in turn threatening possibly the lives of millions in premature actions is much more preferable. But I'm sure you're smarter than advocating for that

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Not voting and enjoying a beer

Written by a British imperial cop who doesn't have the slightest clue about the place he's writing about and relies on his own life experience of oppressing Indians for King and Country to fill in the gaps

Here's your engagement: you're a dipshit dsemy. Change my mind bridget-pride-stay-mad

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If you were pointing at literally any of the western nations I would agree, especially with regards to their naked hypocrisy in the fact that they've been further expanding their emmitive energy sources these past few years. But pointing out that China, while having large emissions due to both its large population and due to international Capital moving massive amounts of manufacturing to China over the past few decades, has not only been making its internationally promised goals towards decoupling from emmitive energy sources and switching to a green energy network but has been rapidly surpassing them to the point its leaving the entirety of the G7 nations in the dust.

The fact is that currently it is very difficult for China to lower its emissions as doing so effects not only its own country's economic productivity but the productivity of nations around the world. We saw an economic slump during covid due to China's anti-covid measures disrupting the production of commodities across all industries. Performing premature theatrical gestures would objectively harm more people than it would help, therefor holding such a criteria is ultimately idealistic and ethereally utopian in its logical process

Imagine the number of stonk devils, business ghouls, and tech demons that have a copy as a library or coffee table decoration piece.

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Ironic curtain



At least he isn't using the Adorno standard

Join us! Enjoy being among posters that never stop posting hexbear-retro

James Brian Jacques Redwall series

Vinge's Deepness in the Sky is a masterfully done book that's tough to chew through but I'll be dammed if it isn't one of the best books written with an alternative species perspective to that of the human

Somewhere between 15 to 20 during summer and Somewhere north of 25 during winter for me.

The art of war. I would say anything by George Orwell but I know for a fact kids are forced to read his shitty fairy tales in high school as a part of their ideological brainwashing

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The indoor cat outdoor car flame wars

What is this tankie slop doing on my feed soviet-huff