
1 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The username makes this even better

Ohhh yeah sorry, I might have misinterpreted the point of your post! Obviously no one dies from watching a horror movie so my comment doesn't apply 🤪

First off, love this question!

Active listening and validating someone's emotions. Relationship skills in general honestly! Like how to adress the core attachment need in a disagreement instead of just the surface issue.

Use Signal instead and donate what you can per month! I'd much rather support them than Meta

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What subs did you mod? I wanna watch the trainwreck 😂

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I would say this about the stock market

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Joan Is Awful coming soon to a reality near you

I kept reading it as Daniel Radcliffe and I was like why the HECK is he working there?

Kitboga all the way

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I generally can't afford monthly streaming services but I can occasionally afford to donate 2-5 dollars to someone who made a show available to me 🤷

This is the greatest thing I could have seen on the top of my page 😂 Keep spreading the word Lemmings!!

Thank goodness, every time my baby gets a hold of my phone this ends up happening 🤪

That's a great insight for you to have! It's easier to address a struggle if you can identify the root of it ❤️ Also many of us can empathize with being treated that way as children.

I intentionally joined an instance that doesn't allow it. I do it kind of compulsively on other sites but really don't feel good about it. Plus I always found it hurtful when people did it to me just because I didn't know something or had a polite disagreement. Downvoting reminds me of the 6 Million Merits episode of Black Mirror (if that's what it's called). Now when I try to downvote Lemmy says nope can't do that and I feel happy and relieved!

I love Bookwyrm!!

Wonderful news 🥰 It is sad that some countries are going the other direction right now with their laws (such as Poland and Italy), but I really do believe we are on a slow but steady track to global marriage equality.

Eye Buy Direct was half the cost of even the cheapest store bought glasses in our case, and I really like their order status tracking! Don't sign up for their emails though, you'll get like five a day 😳

Depending on how picky you are about how glasses frames might look or feel, you may want to consider finding frames separately and mailing them in to get lenses added. It will still save you money! But if you're less picky they do have both virtual try one and measure your pupil distance so your chances of liking them seem good!

An important one, thank you ❤️

I think the part these points miss is that a lot of kids don't have good or involved parents, and they shouldn't have to suffer disproportionately because of it

I thought I was the only person who felt that way! It makes me so angry when people with spouses and kids or even parents who love them do hyper dangerous sports. Like surely there has to be something more worth doing that doesn't orphan your children??

(Obviously any sport has some risk as do things like driving, I'm referring to things like free diving or free climbing where there's no way to have a real safety net)

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There's a book about talking to people on different sides of the isle by Justin Lee, I recommend it! But otherwise I prefer to just show love in whatever ways they can receive. I'm fine with respectful discussions but will happily excuse myself from arguments I didn't sign up for.

No matter what your problems are I assure you they aren't insignificant or stupid ❤️

Personally I still use other websites to get news about niche topics sinse Lemmy is small, but I genuinely much prefer Lemmy for general memes news and whatever else pops up! I genuinely think the funny post are much better than on Reddit.

I wanna get this so bad but I don't and I want to be socially accepted by peers so I won't ask for an explanation

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Really not worth it in my opinion. I'm hoping some day it will be, kind of like how robot vacuums used to ha e a lot more problems and be a lot more expensive.

We couldn't afford any of the robot litter boxes for starters, even if we could manage the huge upfront cost (compared to the cost of even a high quality regular litter box), they all have some type of additional ongoing cost. Bags, or filters, or replacement parts, or more expensive litter.

Second, every one I looked at had reviews about cleanliness not being completely covered by the machine, so you sometimes have to clean a lot more parts than just quickly rinsing a typical litter box. Some people's cats also get dirtier, or struggle to aim in some robot ones.

Third, I find the smell worse with any that you don't dump or replace the tray every day. Using a diaper Genie honestly works much better for that for us. And I would rather know that I only need to take the 30 seconds to scoop every day as opposed to suddenly waking up to a broken litter box or having to spend an hour plus cleaning every part of it.

Lots of different opinions on here which is great, this is just my take!

I can tell I'm in the minority here but I love almost all memes (including this one), and puns! - Except memes that are overly divisive and serious at the same time

I know several people who feel this way!!

Oooh thank you I love the spiritual quotes!!

Have several panic attacks probably

I mean the grey background and bland expression may be skewing our perception. I wanna see these people in a meadow with a mouth open smile wearing colorful pastel clothing!

On another note I'd love to see photoshop battles start up on Lemmy 😎

Oat milk and nutritional yeast. And he barely shows interest in any other food we eat; not meat, not even wet cat food.

We're flabbergasted!

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Mostly okay! I've been through a decade of infertility in the past and both of my (historically) happily childfree siblings announced they want kids now. I've experienced every emotion I can name about that but I've also had some good chats with other loved ones about it!

Seems a bit trivial compared to what some other people are going through but it took me by surprise.

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I feel like I'm in a different world looking at this, thank you for sharing

I didn't know a lot of this, thank you for explaining! I wasn't aware of the background at all beyond seeing the cute pictures haha

Yes!!! I genuinely think he's the best improv artist I've ever seen, and he can multitask so well. I've also learned a ton about scams from him and use the information to reach out to companies and try to enact change.

Something else I appreciate is that he treats anyone and everyone with respect (no matter how vile they are towards him); not something you see on the internet often.

Most of them! I'm struggling to understand peertube but maybe I'll get it eventually. In the meantime I'm still on YouTube but I've fediversed all the others 🎉

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