Draconic NEO

@Draconic NEO@lemmy.dbzer0.com
0 Post – 205 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

"Let Chaos storm, let cloud shapes swarm; I wait for form"

If adblocking becomes illegal people will still do it (and you should too), some really stupid article tried to claim circumventing Anti-Adblock was illegal under DMCA a while back (interestingly they took it down when people continued to block their ads) and the filter providers did it anyway. Piracy still happens in countries where it's criminalized, ad blocking will continue, though the Quorans (used them as an example because they're the biggest snobs about the law and ethics) and people like them will likely use it less, though it's not like they don't already think it's wrong (some also think it's already illegal).

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You technically don't need a license to fish, but without one you'll have to do it in a way they won't know you're doing it. You may also have to do certain unpleasant things to avoid punishment.

The legal team would like you to know that this comment in no way endorses or encourages illegal activity

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Hate to say it but Satan has got a point, both for the book because it's poorly written and horribly outdated, and also for the app that almost certainly collects huge amounts of data from anyone who uses it.

Well they won't make any money off you watching them on NewPipe because the way it parses videos doesn't register views or watched timestamps, the things that sponsors take into account when paying creators.

It's why their argument is garbage, because they designed NewPipe the way they did for the purpose of privacy, which also defeats any method of making money through analytics yet they think Sponsorblock in this case stops them from making money, as if they could make money off NewPipe users at all in the first place.

I was thinking the exact same thing, Americans are funny with their goofy temperature scale.

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Just FYI for all the people who keep repeating this ad-nauseam it doesn't apply to third party apps like Newpipe and grayjay which DO NOT send analytics data. If anyone wants to make arguments against sponsorblock they also can't support apps and front-ends which strip the Analytics from the video because without them you add no watch time or metrics, so it's a hypocritical argument.

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The server I play on has Mobgriefing disabled and has had it disabled for many years since people would use creepers to blow holes in people's walls and floors on purpose. Also ghasts were blowing up parts of the nether hub and gold farm (made of glass).

They also disabled fire spreading because people were destroying stuff with it both intentionally and unintentionally.

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Not to mention a majority of those channels are content/ad farms that probably deserve to die anyway. AKA you should block their ads or better yet avoid watching them entirely because they are leeching off the platform and hurting legitimate creators because those channels are run by companies who pump out highly produced videos faster than any legitimate creator could to rake in money from ads and sponsorships, their videos are also often filled with disinformation.

I'm talking about channels like TroomTroom, 5 minute crafts, etc. but there are also others out there centered around subjects outside of DIY.

What does the 0.1% of the file contain anyway, if it's a video and most of the data is there it might be either playable or if not it probably might be able to be repairable so it can play, albeit with minor corruption in the damaged part.

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They aren't you're thinking of Github, though Gitlab is far from immune to corporate corruption.

This is such a load of shit, companies always know about hacked products long before they become popular.

If devs really wanted this to not happen they'd be doing it how every successful cracker does, by operating in a C.I.S. state and keeping themselves safe, not by clutching their pearls about people pirating games and being assholes to their only real users.

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The guy who runs the growyourownservices network despite seeming very professional is extremely emotionally biased and hates Lemmy as a software (and seemingly any instances that will choose to run that software, regardless of their affiliation towards the developers).

So he basically refuses to acknowledge the existence of Lemmy and by extension a large portion of the threaded fediverse, and when he does acknowledge it he's talking shit about it.

I already made an account here, I honestly can't count on lemmy.world to not defederate or block random communities. Even if they take back that decision I still don't have as much trust in them as I once did.

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Most of the Laptops I see with Linux are Ubuntu, some Ubuntu based distro like Tuxedo, Pop_OS, or Linux mint, and very Rarely Fedora (I'm not sure, but I think I saw one ship with Fedora).

Also if you do, you should really consider submitting Spotpass dumps to the Spotpass archival project as it seems that the Spotpass servers weren't shut down yet. Every little bit helps.

This also does help @pretendo with the revival of the online services as network dumps help them more accurately rebuild the services for individual games.

This may sound weird but I would like to get a house outside of the city so I can have a garden, and also for some peace and quiet. Maybe it's not that weird but many people have told me it's weird. That'll probably also help with my sleep issues which is another goal of mine.

Another goal of mine is to improve my programming skills since most of my code is spaghetti-code.

Also I'd want to improve my micro-soldering skills so I can better do console modding.

Feel like these are some pretty good goals, some are a bit ambitious but hopefully I can achieve at least a few of them.

In this day and age everyone should be using a MAC address spoofer, especially on Public Wifi, many of them track mac addresses and impose limits based on time and data usage.

If you've ever been using public Wifi and noticed it got slow or stops working after a time, that's why. Some will even be up-front about it by asking you to pay for it after a time.

Probably not, I doubt they even understand what the fuss was even about and are now wondering why quality has gone down so much and why subs are becoming full of spam and reposes.

*Results my vary in accuracy due to the nature of dynamic, Shared, or incorrectly assigned IP Addresses.


*Results only included from Public trackers, private trackers do not show up.

Actual anarchy isn't simply No rules (that's just chaos and isn't even remotely sustainable), it's when there is no centralized legal system and enforcement, there still very much are rules that are expected to be followed, which are enforced by the group as a whole. Obviously is a very simplified analogy to how it works.

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Just make sure to Pirate it, Paid emulator Devs on Android are greedy pieces of shit, many violate GPL Licenses just to make a quick buck, don't give in, don't give them money.

In general emulators that aren't open source are also shady and should be avoided wherever possible because they:

  1. Can be Malicous
  2. Might use SDK material (not something we care about but it can be used against them).
  3. May violate GPL or contain stolen code from others' work, which is extremely scummy.
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I have no plans to stop, this will be difficult if not impossible to enforce.

At least 20 dollars is 20 dollars, worst thing that can happen is it's fake money and not really 20 dollars.

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Silicon isn't a conductor, it's a semiconductor. Also conductivity is dependent on temperature, hot stuff usually conducts easier, though some things conduct easier when they are colder. Even at the low voltage it's more complicated than "Conductors" and "Insulators" we learn in those ultra basic electronics guides online (or in school if you're lucky).

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Then it's your choice to comply, call their bluff, or do whatever you want. I've seen people who doxxed the DMCA sender and made threats towards the sending agent (the hoster was Russian).

Though best course of action would be to comply or ignore it, don't do what that guy did, best to keep quiet than to stir up trouble.

Outright refusal or ignoring it does come with the risk of litigation (threats can accelerate it or lead to prosecution) assuming you're within their jurisdiction.

I agree, much better than cigarettes.

I hope this means we'll finally get activation methods that patch windows itself rather than playing along with their key system. Obviously it can be done since Windows AME has activation Functions completely removed yet it will never try to deactivate itself.

This is off topic but I'd highy recommend migrating off of comfysnug in the near future, as there is a very real possibility it'll get defederated and possibly even shut down as a result of some of the content hosted there.

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Also is good to point out that bigger AVs do have an incentive to fight back against cracks because they are funded by these larger companies that such cracks target, so many will try to discourage DRM cracking on purpose, if you've ever seen an AV program report back as Crack or Keygen this is the reason why. They want to discourage this behavior though fear or annoyance.

You know, nuclear waste can be recycled and not only does it reduce the radioactivity of it but it also allows extraction more energy from the fuel. Just using it once is incredibly wasteful.

I think they blocked that one too unfortunately. I subscribed to it from here though. I guess multiple accounts is just going to become a necessary part of being in the Fediverse, even if lemmy devs add account Migration to the software.

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Ubuntu, because snaps break shit and don't work right a lot of the time, also they left people hanging with 32 bit support which isn't great (for being a Legacy OS for weak computers it's not a great look for them, or all the Linux distros that followed them).

There were a lot of problems with Fedora and CentOS, none of them as bad as Ubuntu though. Most were either instability or software availability due to lacking RPM versions of the software I needed.

Arch itself hasn't given me many problems but it is ideologically problematic for a lot of reasons (mainly the elitism) and it is also a rolling release which isn't great if you don't like being a guinea pig and getting software before all the bugs have been ironed out.

We need better modlog searching so we can better know when comments are removed.

If you want someone to “fight” against Nintendo, be the change! Do it yourself.

And also probably live in Russia (or another CIS state) you know, like most of the famous crackers who still do this and continue to get away with it. Otherwise they (Nintendo or some other western Corpo) will just do the same thing all over again.

Or you could just have a team there, but it didn't work so well for Gary Bowser, so if you go that route consider the first option.

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It's not nearly the same as following communities or groups, it's just a collection of posts grouped by tags, as opposed to a space where people discuss or post about a more broad topic. Also Communities and groups typically invite more interaction than simply tagging posts by virtue of being a place people post as opposed to simply being a post tag category.

I should note that there are groups on Mastodon (Not really in Mastodon itself but federated Group actors from other services show up there) though they are less intuitive and thus are usually overlooked by most Mastodon users.

You can defeat both crimson and corruption before they even begin by using a custom world generator that generates the world without it at all.

If you're a masochist you can also create a world with both, or even one that is entirely crimson or corrupted.

You may want to remember that blocking servers in lemmy only really targets the communities and doesn't target users from the instance. So in these situations it kinda doesn't do anything. It's a common misconception that instance blocking in Lemmy is stronger than it actually is and many people think it does things that it doesn't actually do.

Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

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and if a species gets erased out of an ecosystem, the overlying ecosystem gets thrown out of place depending on how key of a species the fish was.

Also if they were a particularly delicious species no one would be able to enjoy them anymore.

I guess this is how they'll learn about the effects of ruining the experience for moderators and content creators, a majority of Reddit's scabs are consumers so naturally when creators and mods leave quality goes in the toilet.

which reddit was obviously super happy about the pirate sub closing down.

Oddly it wouldn't seem entirely like that since when it shut down they basically forced it to reopen. Which is funny since they dislike it so much, guess the traffic and ad revenue is more important to them.

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Seems like it's Anime and Visual Novels but they also do include loli which is considered CSAM in many countries and has already been listed in a pull request to remove it from join-lemmy.org for that very reason. I imagine many instances will likely defederate from it as well for the same reason.

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