6 Post – 463 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Why are you posting my pictures on lemmy.

Sorry France. Best of luck.

Did you see the other fucker up there? Did you hear him at all? Did we watch the same debate?

There's no battle to be had. You can be elected at 34 and you have to be 35 to serve. As long as you are 35 before inauguration, you are good. There is nothing to challenge. It's cut and dry.

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Okay - you know what. I yield. I shouldn't have to in the first place, but I legitimately cannot argue your point.

In this case - it is.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

There is NOTHING that prevents anyone from campaigning or running for president that is younger than 35. You have to be 35 to serve as president. There is no ambiguity.

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I think I might move to Mexico

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Your doom and gloom rhetoric helps nothing and makes conversation with you seem very unappealing.

Okay but like - let's talk about Hyperborean Hold Em

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EB is now GameStop - in the US. They are going. Not sure where, but they are going.

I miss Babbage's...

It fits the game tbh - however, pretty verbose... Balatro was the right call.

Checkmate atheists.

Who is afraid of the housing market collapsing? Rich people? Fuck you, get eaten. Please for the love of God let houses become affordable again.

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Stop being an old person. Just because things are different doesnt mean it's worse. It's the same in a different way. I had pogs and power rangers. Kids now have memes and tiktok. Whatever.

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The fuck is this Gillead neo-conservative insanity?

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I don't really have anything witty to say, but I do just to want to comment and say I really love this.

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It's a valid reason. If you surrender the dog because you don't have the resources to take care of the dog, then that's it - youve made a one time deal. Your ownership for the animals life.

She signed the animal away. She saved its life by surrendering it, but now she needs to move on with the knowledge that the dog will be safe and loved - the end result is no different for her. She no longer has the dog.

It's not meant to be harsh. It's the reality of rescue. The rescue has to protect itself and the animal. When she's in a better place, she can adopt again - there are so many animals that need help.

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they're right tho

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I got you.

Count #1: Guilty

Count #2: Guilty

Count #3: Guilty

Count #4: Guilty

Count #5: Guilty

Count #6: Guilty

Count #7: Guilty

Count #8: Guilty

Count #9: Guilty

Count #10: Guilty

Count #11: Guilty

Count #12: Guilty

Count #13: Guilty

Count #14: Guilty

Count #15: Guilty

Count #16: Guilty

Count #17: Guilty

Count #18: Guilty

Count #19: Guilty

Count #20: Guilty

Count #21: Guilty

Count #22: Guilty

Count #23: Guilty

Count #24: Guilty

Count #25: Guilty

Count #26: Guilty

Count #27: Guilty

Count #28: Guilty

Count #29: Guilty

Count #30: Guilty

Count #31: Guilty

Count #32: Guilty

Count #33: Guilty

Count #34: Guilty

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Honestly, I'm surprised that they are still there.

I'm surprised anyone who isn't a right-wing nut job is still there.

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At least he was chill about it and was like " yeah - I get it. "

Then can we please be out and get out and vote?

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Then you understand how many vaginas this person has interacted with.

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I have read it now, thank you. I am at work and just made a quick assumption.

In most cases I would still stand by what I said above. There has been a few times a cat has come to us to be euthanized and we managed to pull them back from the brink of death and we've adopted them back out to other people after considering the animals welfare.

This sounds like a PR nightmare - and there are always exceptions to policies.

In this case - it would sound like she might have legal ground as she was coached by the rescue to put the dog down. I amend my opinion as stated above and side with her. I would fight my rescue if this happened where I volunteer.

I will leave my other comment as is for posterity.

Edit - formatting, clarification, and grammar

Fr fr fr uit cup

This is a bad take my dude. I can assure you this an agonizing choice she needed to make and I'm sure her heart is broken. I've worked in rescue for a hot minute - I've seen this - it's not easy at all., for anyone involved.

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Wonder if he can make this disappear too.

What is this Facebook malarkey

Who fucking drinks milk when they go to a restaurant - are you 5?

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Seems to me like you should have just gone out and bought a 7.

Impressed. Good on family fare for being decent and not pressing charges and helping someone out.

Well, I like it for showing me what song is playing and to have my navigation up - but other than that - I don't want to be touching or interacting with it at all.

edit: grammar

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You just want a Brother laser jet black and white printer

It's no bullshit and will work forever

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Yo that is pog.

Good who tf cares about killing bad guys in games. Make a killing bad guys video game then, or go kill someone in real life.

I just want to save the world, romance some people, and have tons of fun along the way.

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I don't want live action trailers. No one wants live action trailers. This does nothing for me. This was a waste of money that could have been given to devs. The only trailers that will sell me are actual game play trailers.

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...I just didn't want windows advertising to me.

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