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Joined 9 months ago

If they can't afford to lose money, they should stop being poor.

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Nothing proven. Much documentary about it though.

There's a vine/TikTok dude that made a short about it somewhat recently in a shallow and humorous fashion.
Basically, the Jackson dad was an asshole who beat his kids. Michael being the most successful one got the worst of it, as per the documentary. Not sure if his brothers covered him and how often.
He didn't have a childhood, he had beatings, training and concerts.
His soft-spoken voice was beaten into him, only allowed to use his full voice for singing.
His Neverland was built for that which he never had and he tried to give that to other children he felt were like him.
Whether something happened is only known by the the people involved, but odds are that unless Michael himself was molested as a child, it's far more likely that he was deeply traumatized, cried himself to sleep and had recurring night terrors.

I'll repeat, only the people involved know what happened and they're not talking.

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The solution is obvious. Stop having heterosexual sex.

Gay sex for everyone - the ultimate conservative goal!

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I use it and the browser kindly explained to me that the feature is mostly useless because sites don't give a shit about it.

If it's premeditated, you get resurrected and fined.

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Extra files are messy.

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Legal organ trafficking, because why the fuck not?

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People named Gaylord:

Obviously, the calculator app needs camera permission for scanning complex formulas that would otherwise require lengthy manual input and calculating them automatically.

Unregulated capitalism some would say, I say cheap production costs with little to no consequence whatsoever for them doing this kind of thing.

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First of all, as a time honored tradition it is customary to say this: Never, ever trust an autosave. Manual saves and backup, always.

With that out of the way, yeah, libre office is kinda bad at the regular user stuff. If you aren't a fiddler who goes through options first and sets their own personal preferences, a bad time will be had.

Also, apparently crashes might reset the auto save tick depending on the version used, so check twice if it happens again just to make sure.

Ps: Never had an issue with it personally, but it's hit or miss with its users.

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You're joking right? Read about Ellen Page and the Beyond:Two Souls controversy.

Shit's already here. It's not just a little silly anymore. And with those AI deep fakes floating around, anyone can become a pornstar without even knowing about it.

People already killing themselves for fake rape allegations and social media pariah-ism, what now that fake porn with you in it can be made at any time?

This shit's a disaster in the making, not just a little silly.

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We tend to adapt to our environment and treat that which becomes foreign with distrust. This also applies to the evil we know and the one that we don't.

I blame the lactose intolerant for this.

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War is funny.
WWI started because everyone had to respect their treaties and join their allies into war.
Then WWII started because countries didn't join together from the start.

So, even if we learn from our past mistakes and avoid making them, with war, we can only do worse the next time.

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The US creating and arming its own imagined enemies? What a shock.

Yeah, I never understood people going to Israel for vacation and tourism. I grew up pretty much knowing it as an active war zone.

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OOP is when you forget the S by mistake.

I wouldn't be surprised to have some articles in the next few weeks uncovering a massive smearing campaign against Swift funded by republicans.

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It's them FBI agents who slashed those tires! Darn federal gubrnment!!!

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Remember kids! When you feel surrounded by idiots, it usually means you are the idiot.

Oba means auntie/old lady. I learned that from hentai.

That's stupid as fuck. You don't need to snottily educate people on why the dumb shit you're doing has complex implications beyond the visible annoyance to the regular person. You need to find a way of protesting that has that regular person go "Fuck yeah! Let's do this shit!".

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Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines

PC stuff, multiple choices, conspiracies, all there.

Nah, it's just cutting costs by reusing the same poorly optimized high quality bullshittery in all of their games.

Because as lawyers, the longer the battles, the more money they make.

Would you do household chores to procrastinate from doing work?

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People know less than they think they do, which is why everyone calling everyone else morons is probably correct.


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This randomly reminds me there's a place in Los Angeles called eggslut.

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Not that long. Once the blood started pooling in his head, things probably got weird.

Kowalski! Analysis.

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Online sovereign citizen?

There are some very interesting and thoughtful replies in this thread. And yet i'm gonna go ahead and say tiddies.

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When a mouse and a joystick love each other very much, this is the end result.

If that is your perspective, then maybe the racist was within you all along?

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Don't hide inside one and be aware of trash days.

We found the naked window neighbor.

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Chinese boats are known to not give a floating fuck about anything in international waters.

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