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Joined 12 months ago

It's called hackthebox not hackoutofthebox

It should be a basic requirement of literally any public office. That fact that we have got this far baffles me utterly.

It's not exactly uncommon for a listing to advertise the person they want, but to accept applicants with significantly less on the basis that they can get there. Nearly every job I've ever got I was not at the level advertised in something or other.

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I'd say if you have 80% of the requirements you might as well apply. I would frankly ignore years of experience more or less entirely.

Pattern recognition is one thing that our brains do, it is a very long way away from the only thing our brains do.

The idea that population numbers are all it takes is so stupid. Mozart is not just one guy who was really good at writing music. I mean, obviously, he literally was, but he only existed and wrote what he did in the way he did because of not only his own "genius" but also the circumstances he was raised in, his education, the musical traditions that he drew from, the fact that he was wealthy and had time... Etc etc.

Adding more people living in poverty, with poor education, no connection to musical or artistic tradition, and no time... Will not add more Mozarts.

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Mutual aid, in other words.

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The thumbnail image is hilarious. Quintessentially AI - some of the details are so impressive! But then... Backwards thumb stick mouse! The cable is in three pieces lol (or maybe the thumb stick mouse needs several adapters in a row)... Nonsensical single speaker? Squared heart shape mouse mat opposite the "mouse"?? Hang on why are there two pc towers? It just keeps getting worse and worse the longer you look at it lmao

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I was fully ready to accept that was an image of a bearded lesbian who I hadn't yet heard of.

The only reason this has blown up is because she threatened that tracker with legal action. It's the Streisand effect 100%. The same shit happend when Elon Musk shut down the account that was tracking him.

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Is there a pun here I'm not getting or is this just absurd?

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The annoying "letter" paper size is for some unknown reason what windows always sets as the paper size unless I change it to A4 manually. Naturally if I forget the printer won't print. US paper sizing - annoying me on the other side of the Atlantic.

Well I'm not surprised to see that Neom is going wrong in both stupid and horrifying ways. This particular part will make it hard to be too smug about it with the Saudi fanboys though... This is just sad.

No one who has even a vague understanding of present day ML models should not even entertain the idea that they are sentient, or thinking, or anything like it.

I think you are expecting a lot more subtlety in people's interpretation than the people doing the interpretation deserve. Yes, super earth is clearly a military dictatorship to anyone who recognises that it is a political satire. But for those who don't, and who don't see beyond the surface veneer of "we're defending Earth from invaders"... It looks a lot like AmericaWorld, where everyone is happy and free and kept safe from the nasty aliens.

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smh these days we all sudo rm fr fr

Lmao "coax"... They just asked it

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I don't need just a bit of free time one time. I need more free time always! The individual blocks of free time one tends to get end up being useless because you're busy recovering from the rest of the time.

I must admit I'm on the edge of jumping ship, even the software which has been keeping me locked to windows is getting less and less appealing.

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There's a pretty far cry between leaving a sex offender alone with your child and just having them in an office where there are other people.

What is the alternative to giving rapists jobs? Either they literally are in prison for life, they get the death penalty, or they live on the streets. None of these options seems ideal. Prison is hugely expensive and doesn't give any opportunity for rehabilitation. The death penalty is rightly abolished where I live, I don't believe any crime is worth it. And just casting rapists into society with no hope of rehabilitation is a sure way to make them reoffend in one way or another.


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I am not surprised that it's just ChataGPT in a box lol, not at all.

It's an interesting idea. A simulated version of me dates simulated versions of everyone else, and then tells me which ones were any good... It would save the hassle, for sure. Could reintroduce some honesty into hookups, too, less dancing around trying to figure out if that's what you're both after.

I'm not at all convinced that any company can convincingly simulate my personality though.. and there are too many layers of abstraction here, do I really trust that the AI simulated opinions of the AI simulated version of the person thst only had a simulated conversation with simulated me is really going to reflect the real situation? I doubt it.

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AI models don't resynthesize their training data. They use their training data to determine parameters which enable them to predict a response to an input.

Consider a simple model (too simple to be called AI but really the underlying concepts are very similar) - a linear regression. In linear regression we produce a model which follows a straight line through the "middle" of our training data. We can then use this to predict values outside the range of the original data - albeit will less certainty about the likely error.

In the same way, an LLM can give answers to questions that were never asked in its training data - it's not taking that data and shuffling it around, it's synthesising an answer by predicting tokens. Also similarly, it does this less well the further outside the training data you go. Feed them the right gibberish and it doesn't know how to respond. ChatGPT is very good at dealing with nonsense, but if you've ever worked with simpler LLMs you'll know that typos can throw them off notably... They still respond OK, but things get weirder as they go.

Now it's certainly true that (at least some) models were trained on CSAM, but it's also definitely possible that a model that wasn't could still produce sexual content featuring children. It's training set need only contain enough disparate elements for it to correctly predict what the prompt is asking for. For example, if the training set contained images of children it will "know" what children look like, and if it contains pornography it will "know" what pornography looks like - conceivably it could mix these two together to produce generated CSAM. It will probably look odd, if I had to guess? Like LLMs struggling with typos, and regression models being unreliable outside their training range, image generation of something totally outside the training set is going to be a bit weird, but it will still work.

None of this is to defend generating AI CSAM, to be clear, just to say that it is possible to generate things that a model hasn't "seen".

When speech passes over a line break it's common to have it like this. It's odd because it's separated into separate boxes, but in paragraphs this is acceptable.

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That is not the only form of slavery, and modern slavery very rarely resembles the specifics of the Atlantic slave trade.

Regardless, neither has very much to do with wage slavery, but it nonetheless remains a term in use and not a totally random use of the word.

I seed way beyond the requirements, I'm totally happy for other people not to. I have a swanky setup that suits it - might as well. If you don't, don't.

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And let's be honest, not because they were fascists.

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Yknow what always makes me laugh about certain anti trans folks is that they think "biological sex is immutable" is something that trans people disagree with. Like, yes I'm well aware that I remain biologically male despite transitioning I'm not an idiot. Your sex is immutable - the concept of sex isnt as clear cut as is often implied by this statement, but nothing is going to change your chromosomes or whatever.

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3 hours? In this economy? Best I can offer is 20 minutes, and even that's gonna cost you

Honestly I blame American TV for this. Especially anything involving the FBI! In Hannibal they zip between states non stop like it's nothing. I assume it's all supposed to be happening over many days, but it just seems like they're going to and from work in Minnesota and home in Virginia lol

Don't do this. Misgendering cis people merely makes it seem acceptable to use misgendering as a weapon in general. I understand the inclination to try and make people understand what it is like... But if they have never doubted your gender, they will not understand.

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Did you read any of that?

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I still can't believe that Israel's actual currency is called the "shekel", it really sounds like something a sci fi author would make up.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the whole meme was. What on earth does the picture have to do with the text lol

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At work usually I can login without any input thanks to SSO, but occasionally it will ask for a security check. The default is to press a notification in outlook on my work phone, which I only ever use when travelling, so it's invariably off... 🙄

Six weeks seems very short, all the services I've seen are three payments over three months.

But that misuse of the word is harming the overall cause. It's not like the need for feminism has evaporated, although it has surely evolved, and if young men think it's harmful... Even if what they think is harmful is not an accurate representation of what feminism is, they aren't going to be supporters of what it actually is if it has the name attached.

Maybe it is time for a new movement with a new name.

It is looking increasingly likely that at some point it will just collapse.

One death from left wing extremism in 25 years, versus 329 from the right, 32900% more. To say that this is the "same shit" is clearly absurd. We aren't discussing the merits of the middle ground. You seem to be suggesting that just because something is labelled as "extremist" it is automatically bad, regardless of what it actually is or what harm it causes.

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